Saturday, April 16, 2016


After we had finished the tour of George Washington's home (Mount Vernon), we started our walk and this mockingbird was sitting quite comfortably waiting for his photo to be taken.  I obliged.  There were many passersby.  He ignored all of them, including me.  

He seemed as happy with the sun shining as we were, though he remained silent.  You might hear these birds outside your house singing merrily away, and not only in the day, at night too. I read here at All About Birds, that they "flagrantly harass birds that intrude on their territories, flying slowly around them or prancing toward them, legs extended, flaunting their bright white wing patches."

There was no flaunting of their bright white wing patches today. 

I am sharing with the following memes as they become available, with my thanks to all our hosts for bringing them to us.  You can click on their names if you would like to visit other participants.

Eileen at Saturday's Critters
Misty at Camera Critters
Anni at Bird D'Pot
Michelle at Nature Notes
Stewart at Wild Bird Wednesday
Jesh at Seasons 
N.C. Sue at 


  1. How lovely that he/she was confident enough to ignore you.

  2. Mount Vernon is a place that I'd look to return to, perhaps one day.

  3. Thanks Denise.....the first shot is beautiful!

    Enjoy your day,

  4. odd that he was silent. sometimes i speak with them and say things like, you have been through that set of songs many times, could you change it up? i have heard them at night to... and have seen them attacking other birds. this one is to cute

  5. Hello, it was so nice of the Mocker to pose for you. Great shots, Denise!
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  6. We don't have mockingbirds here soyour photos and description are intereseting.

  7. It looks like he was posing for you, Denise! What a beautiful and sweet little bird! :)

  8. I adore birding I see you do too

  9. Hi Y'all!

    Beautiful photo. Love the wing droop photo.

    Y'all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  10. I love these guys! They are beautiful and entertaining!

  11. Hi Denise, super images of the Mockinbird, great that it kept still for you. Regards John

  12. Lovely images Denise, thank you.

    All the best Jan

  13. I always listen for the mockingbirds when I go south. We don't have them here in Utah.

  14. I don't think I've seen a picture of the mockingbird before. Birds habits interest me so thank you for this, Denise.

  15. A sweet bird!!! Love to hear them. And I have visited Mt. Vernon a few times and so enjoyed the beautiful area. What perfect day you shared with us....

    Hope you have a terrific week ahead, and thanks so much for participating and sharing your birds for us at I'd Rather B Birdin'.

  16. Mockingbirds are my favorite of all birds :)

  17. Very pretty! How come they won't pose for me? They see my camera and flap away!

  18. I love that mocking bird. We don't see them here in Hawaii.

  19. You got such a nice clear view of him! Wonderful photos! Hugs, Diane

  20. I really like that 2nd photo -- it has captured all the details and you can see the beautiful eyes of the bird.

  21. Nice - if only more birds were so cooperative.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  22. Excelente trabalho e belas fotografias.
    Um abraço e boa semana.

  23. We have mockingbirds and I've seen that behavior. I like their varied's great to wake up to their music.

  24. Gorgeous macro shot of the mocking bird ~

    Happy Week to you ~ ^_^

    ps. Behind in my comment due to surgery

  25. I have always loved Mockingbirds, and I just love your photos! They are so versatile in their talents, and such a pretty bird as well.

  26. Thank you much for including SEASONS in your week Denise with on of your beautiful and interesting experiences:):) It's much appreciated and have a happy week!

    So this is the bird that Hitchcock (spelling?) made so famous! Thought it would stand out more but it's call intrigued and inspired one of the great writers of msytery:)

  27. I love to hear mockingbirds run through their repertoire! Such lovely songsters!
    Thanks for sharing at

  28. I love Mocking birds! They are brave birds that take care of their own. :)

  29. I wonder why it is called mockingbird.

  30. I have never seen one in person although this is an area where they are seen....Lovely photos Denise,,,Michelle

  31. Neat shot of the mockingbird. I have photographed the mockingbird lately in my front yard and in the back. I felt he was posing for me and let me snaps lots of pics.

  32. Hi Denise I have been home all day watching the garden birds. We had to stay home to wait for a lift engineer to sort out a problem. I have just woken up after dozing in the wheelchair sitting here in the wonderful sunshine. Its still cold outside but I have been watching the leaves open out on next doors apple tree. There were just four at nine oclock this morning and at last count it was up to ten, by the weekend it will be in full leaf.XXX Don

  33. Beautiful captures. I think I've only ever seen one in real life.

  34. Great images!
    I got too close to a Mockingbird nest last week and he flaunted his white wing bars at me - and his sharp beak and claws, too!

  35. Great shots of the mockingbird! We have plenty of them here and they are also our state bird. I had one attack my head one time when I got too close to one of its babies that had fallen out of the nest. It was not pleasant!

  36. A Mockingbird showed up on my back fence this week. He's back form his winter vacation and ready for my serviceberries and chokecherries to ripen. He and his mate will build a nest along the street and terrorize the dog walkers.


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