Sunday, April 7, 2024


 This is one of our trees in the back yard.  It is an American Elm and it is telling us Spring is here. We have been getting a lot of rain and chilly weather.  It was much warmer last year at this time, but I believe the Elm is right and the warmer weather will be here soon.

“…and then, I have nature and art and poetry, and if that is not enough, what is enough?”

~Vincent Willem Van Gogh~

Thanks for visiting friends, and have

A great day and week ahead.

Vincent Willem Van Gogh (30 March, 1853 - 29 July, 1890) was a Dutch Post-Impressionist painter who is among the most famous and influential figures in the history of Western art. In just over a decade he created approximately 2100 artworks, including around 860 oil paintings, most of them in the last two years of his life. His oeuvre includes landscapes, still lifes, portraits and self-portraits, most of which are characterized by bold colors and dramatic brushstrokes that contributed to the rise of expressionism in modern art.

Born into an upper-middle-class family, as a young man Van Gogh worked as an art dealer, often traveling, but became depressed after he was transferred to London. He turned to religion and spent time as a missionary in southern Belgium. Later he drifted into ill-health and solitude. He was keenly aware of modernist trends in art and, while back with his parents, took up painting in 1881. His younger brother, Theo, supported him financially, and the two of them maintained a long correspondence.

You can learn more at this link.


  1. I don't know if I've ever seen a tree that looks like this!

    1. They are interesting aren’t they? If you go to this website it has a photo the 4th one down that gives a closer look of these pods.

      Thanks for the comment Ginny, they always encourage me to look a little further.

  2. Poetry, literature, painting, nature offer food for thought and compressed information that everyone receives differently. Here Denise we have unusual heat and early flowering, let's see where it will come out.. What you mention Denise shows a more positive world and I like them a lot🧡🌷🌸🌼!

    1. Very true Katerina :) and thank you. Sometimes the flowers are confused at nature and bloom earlier than usual.

  3. Love those pictures of the tree branches. We see lots of signs of spring around here but the temperatures are still clinging to winter.

    1. Thanks Ann :) Our weather is similar. Roll on the warmer weather :)

  4. the elm looks like it has been decorated with beautiful dangly earrings

    1. Wonderful! I was thinking they looked like jewelry :)

  5. Very pretty. Thank you for the link - it was good to learn something new. I see American elms are susceptible to Dutch Elm Disease . that's sad.

    1. Thank you Janice, you are very welcome :) very sad, I have been reading about that. I hope ours has many, many more years

  6. The trees in early spring are beautiful. I love the photos and the quote!
    Take care and happy Sunday, have a great new week!

    1. I agree Eileen :) So happy you enjoyed. Thank you, I wish you the same.

  7. The light on the leaves are really special

  8. It’s great that you have an elm, so stately and beautiful, but there are so few of them left.

    1. Thank you David, after reading about the Dutch Elm disease, I feel very fortunate that we have one :)

  9. Yes, those little blossoms are falling here as well.
    Happy Sunday!

    1. They are a delight to see :) Thanks Donna, same to you and sending hugs.

  10. i am so happy that foot steppes of spring reaching to your senses dear Denise :)
    your lovely tree is true about it as spring is around the corner for sure
    thank you for the beautiful quote ,art belong to spiritual side of humans and without art we are soulless creatures madding around in physical realm and trying to achieve true happiness with material that can never do job that it does not meant for
    hugs and blessings

    1. Thank you Baili and you are very welcome. Art more often than not brings out the best in us. You describe things beautifully. Hugs and blessings to you also :)

  11. They are beautiful. And today feels almost like early summer as the temperature has reached 22C at noon.

  12. Replies
    1. Yes, he was a complex man, one I have a great deal of sympathy for. Such an amazing artist :)

  13. Happy Sunday to you. It is always so satisfying to see all the different signs of Spring!

    1. Thank you Ellen and to you also :) Yes indeed, very satisfying!

  14. Hi Linda :) I love Bob’s expression, one I have never heard before. Oh boy, I hope it gets warmer for you real soon and happy that it is at least heading that way.

  15. Every spring is different. It would be interesting to have a book or blog that described every spring in one place and what it was like. Each spring has it's own character.

    1. Yes indeed, that would be very nice and a lot of truth in your last sentence. Thanks Red :)

  16. I love the backyard snaps. I was outside this morning snapping frost on greens. So fun. Have a wonderful week. Cheers and boogie boogie, Ivy.

  17. Great photo of the elm forming its new leaves. What a nice quote from Van Gogh. He was such a talented soul that was so troubled. I feel you can see it in his art. There seems to be a fine edge one walks when genius. Thank goodness for Theo.

    1. Very true Martha Ellen :) and yes, thank goodness he had Theo. Thank you, I always love the elm showing off its new finery.

  18. There are so many signs of spring! I am so happy.

    1. I am happy for you Jenn, it is a marvelous time of the year :)

  19. Pretty photos of the leaves from the Elm tree, Denise. We had snow once again, but the sun is shining today. : ) Spring has surely arrived in your area.


    1. Thank you Sheri and oh dear, the snow hasn't done with you yet? Do hope it goes away and you will be seeing your first spring flowers very soon :)

  20. The elm look like it has lemon icicles on the bare branches. Beautiful image.

    1. That’s a lovely way to describe them Beverley, I can see that. Thank you :)

  21. Your spring tree is so pretty and it very much reminds me of the VanGogh painting that i have printed on my checkbook cover!

    1. That’s very nice Jeanie, I would like that on my checkbook cover :)


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