Friday, October 14, 2022


Remember when you go into the world to
keep your eyes and ears wide open.
And be kind.
Love one another.
Take care of each other.
Tell the truth.
Always do your best.
Listen to the big people and the
little people.
Explore new paths and have fun.
Know that you are loved like crazy.
Give thanks for all your 
Above all else,
Love and you will do
wonderful things in this world.

~Rebecca Puig~

I like the good and the positive and these words definitely spoke to me.  I found them on one of several poetry sites a few days ago.  I am always curious about the person behind the prose, but I could not find much about her life, other than the fact she is an artist and has an online catalog called Sugarboo & Company, which you can find at this link if interested.  Even when I don’t buy, I enjoy browsing.  

In her own words from the website:

"My name is Rebecca Puig and I'm the artist behind Sugarboo & Co. In case you were wondering, "Sugarboo" came from a couple of nicknames I have for my children, Jake and Sophie. They are the main inspiration for Sugarboo because I always want to create products that remind us of the ones we love."

My photo of the mother and child hedgehog was taken at the Fairy Garden on one of our many trips to Meadowlark Gardens.  It is another I have shared and you may remember it.  As I have been asked before, the illustration I used with my signature logo was found on - this is a great source of free photos and illustrations. I make all my signature logos in Paint Shop Pro, and the frame around my photo was put together using the same program.  


  1. You are a computer expert for sure. Don't think I could ever do your cute signatures! I always enjoy them, and they relate to your posts.

    1. Thank you Ginny, I have always been interested in learning about the artsy side of computers but that's as far as it goes :) Glad you enjoy them.

  2. Love that cute couple. Hedgehogs are yet another animal that fascinates me. And a big yes for loving kindness. In every species.

    1. Hi Sue, so glad you enjoy the hedgehogs. When I was young we used to have a family of them visiting our garden. A lovely memory! Agree with your last sentence wholeheartedly :)

  3. Aww, that photo is adorable. Wise words to go along with it

  4. Love the poem, it is an inspiring message. The photo is cute. Have a great day and a happy weekend.

    1. So glad Eileen. Thank you and you have a great day and happy weekend also :)

  5. These are great words and wonderful pic. Warmth

    1. Very much so, I enjoy the warmth of words. Thank you :)

  6. Beautifully written by Rebecca, especially the "tell the truth" part ... always critical but now more than ever!

  7. Ahh...the hedgehogs are so cute as is her company name. Have a lovely weekend!

    1. Thanks Ellen, I loved those little hedgehogs when I first saw them at the garden, and still do for that matter :) You have a lovely weekend also.

  8. I love this. We need more such words circulationg around the world.

    1. That's great Yogi, and I agree, we certainly do :)

  9. I am a lover of hedgehogs! And that is a beautiful poem

  10. Piękne i mądre słowa, śliczna fotografia. Udanego nowego tygodnia😊

    1. Dziękuję Ci bardzo. Cieszę się, że Ci się podobało :)

  11. This quote really spoke to me. It's such a good one, and it is a gentle reminder to always be kind, and most of all, love. Thank you for sharing, Denise. Love that little mother and child hedgehog too. It's darling.


    1. Thank you Sheri, I am happy these words spoke to you, as they did me, and that you loved the hedgehogs, as I did. You are very welcome :)


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