Wednesday, July 24, 2019


Every now and again my dear other half comes across very old photos of relatives, either through Ancestry or from relatives who often identify them.  We are always grateful, as we love these old photos and consider them treasures. In the photo above is a great-great grandfather and his new bride we think, perhaps on their wedding day in 1907.  We do know their names but out of respect for the rest of the family members, we keep that to ourselves.  The two young ladies below we are not sure of except they are sisters. I love their coats, that big hat and the big bow.
In the next photo we thought they were sisters, but it could be a mother and daughter. I noticed in many family photos the similarities are striking between all members of the family, especially noticeable in the larger families.   

"Families are like branches of a tree.  We go in different directions, yet our roots remain as one."
~Author Unknown~


  1. What wonderful finds!! They would haunt me, to know who they were. It does look like a mom and daughter in the last one.

    1. Thank you Ginny, I thought so too. We were very happy to receive them.

  2. I have very few family photos, and none from the generations who preceded my parents.
    You have precious treasures in these mementos.

  3. I love this era! And I love old photos like these! Actually yesterday my mom showed me very old photos of my great,great grandmothet, what a treasure☺ I am following, greetings from Poland ☺

    1. Hello Natalia, how wonderful, they are treasures aren't they? Thank you for following and greetings from Virginia :)

  4. Love old photos we have a few. Have a good day, Diane

    1. Thank you Diane, and happy that you have your own wonderful old photos. You have a good day also :)

  5. What a great find. You are lucky, Denise. An aunt kept all the old photos but I have no idea what happened to them when she died.

    1. Thank you Valerie. How sad about your old photos. I remember a few things of my grandmother's ending up on a fire. I was a child back then but I think of it now and am quite sad about it. My nan had these wonderful old cook books I remember reading, ancient they were but fascinating to me even as a ten year old.

  6. Interessante estas fotografias antigas e aproveito para desejar a continuação de uma boa semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
    O prazer dos livros

    1. Obrigado e gostaria de lhe desejar o mesmo :)

  7. I always enjoy seeing old photos from the distant past. even when I don't know them, I like to see what they wore and what they looked like. so different from what we look like now... I wonder if those ladies here today could view the photos of sisters or mother daughter photos today, if they would have a fit of the vapors.

    1. You and I are very alike in that area Sandra. I always enjoyed going to the old book store. In one section they had folders of old photos that you could buy. I looked through them all. Funny, I sometimes have a fit of the vapors when I look at my old photos so I am sure they would ;)

  8. I find looking for ancestors a fascinating experience.

  9. Como me gustan las fotos antiguas.

    1. Eu faço muito. Há muita história familiar neles. Obrigado por visitar e deixar um comentário. Eu aprecio muito :)

  10. Old family photos are great and I love looking at them whether they are my family or not. I have found that identifying the people in photos gets pretty iffy fairly quickly. I had a great uncle who was in the navy before WWII, during, and after and rose to the rank of Admiral. My father had a lot of his photos and when we were going through them, he would say stuff like, here his uncle is at the Officer’s club in Manila. Well Dad passed away and going through the photos I found penciled notes on the back with completely different locations, like Singapore instead of Manila. But really at this point does it make any difference.

    1. I know what you mean Yogi, what does it matter at this point? But we ourselves need to start identifying our old family photos from before digital. So many have been but there are so many not. A project I have put on my list. A lot of history in your family too. Nice to know something of your great uncle.

  11. Old photos keep memories alive and are good for future generation for history.

    1. Very true Nas, and so important for our children and children's children :)

  12. Hi Denise,
    What a treasure for Gregg find, some wonderful images but love the sisters with the rather large hat.
    All the best,

    1. Hi John and thank you, he was delighted. Yes the sisters with the large hat and the big bow, that was my favorite.

  13. Beautiful heart and thought provoking post. Thank you for sharing D

    1. Thank you Cloudia, you are very, very welcome :) Glad you enjoyed.

  14. I love old photos of family members that came before us. How wonderful that you both have these treasures.

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen, we feel very grateful for these blessings :)

  15. I love old photographs and often wonder what the subjects were thinking as they posed.

    1. Hi Liberty Belle, wouldn't it be lovely to know that? Thanks you for the thought and enjoy your weekend :)


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