Thursday, April 4, 2019


The temperature reached the high 60s yesterday and it was very sunny.  We went back to Huntley Meadows and though we would have liked to have seen more birds - we saw a few - we did find this Great Blue Heron after a long walk.  We met a gentleman taking photographs who said he thought there would be a lot more birds in about a month's time.  I was very happy to see a few Red-winged Blackbirds, hearing their trill first, one male Wood Duck, and a few more Coots.  It was also a lovely walk.  I will write a longer post next time and share the photos we took.  In the meantime here is a video (just over three minutes long) where we shared a few things about our walk.  

Have a great day, 
and thanks for visiting.


  1. Loved seeing both of you chatting about all the critters you saw in that area

    1. Thank you Margaret :) It was fun and we are both enthusiastic about leaving a record of ourselves for our son, and for us. This was why I started blogging in the first place, so that we could record everything we enjoy.

  2. Lovely, lovely. I enjoyed listening to you and hubby, but I bet you didn't hear me joining in!

    1. So glad Valerie, I do know now. That's great!

  3. Hello, love the video of you and Gregg chatting. Great capture of the heron. Wishing you a happy day!

    1. Thank you Eileen, glad you enjoyed. Happy day to you too :)

  4. The English sounds northern. Do you mind saying where you're from in England. My wife's from Yorkshire.

    1. Hi Red, I grew up in the middle of the country - the Midlands. I was born there and we didn't move down to Devon until I was 15. I have a good friend from Yorkshire.

  5. Replies
    1. They always seem to don't they? Always moving in slow motion until they dive for that fish :)

  6. Hi Denise,
    Appears you had a wonderful visit to {Where was it} Huntley Meadows in some beautiful weather.
    Wonderful Great Blue Heron image and really taken with the video, a really super way to finish the trip. You still sound very English.
    All the best, John

    1. Hi John, Huntley Meadows is about a 45 minute drive from our home. It is unusual because it is smack dab in a very built up area but the powers that be left it for people to enjoy and whoever that was, I will always be very grateful to them. I have been told I still sound very English :) All the best to you too :)

  7. Thanks Linda, and I'm glad Bob was okay riding his bicycle.

  8. I loved watching the two of you chatting with us!! You have the loveliest English accent. Just a bit of one, but it is so calming and beautiful. Wish I could have seen those coots being chased by the snappers!

    1. Thanks Ginny, it feels very strange to hear my own voice. Yes I still sound very English, but my family and friends in England think I sound very American :) I suppose I just don't sound like I used to when I first moved here. I missed the snappers chasing the coots but Gregg described it very well.

  9. Lovely shot. Must be a very nice place.


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