Sunday, July 1, 2018


Travel Day from Anchorage to Los Angeles, and Los Angeles to Dulles-Washington Airport
Tuesday, May 29th, 2018
Happy Canada Day to all my Canadian friends.  These first two photos was taken in Vancouver at the beginning of our trip, and I wanted to save it for this special day of celebration.  Hope you all have a wonderful day.
(Above photos were taken in Vancouver at the beginning of our vacation.)

Thank you everyone for taking time to read my daily journal of our trip to Alaska back in May, and for leaving all those great comments. It was a once-in-a-lifetime vacation for us, and one we will never forget.  

If you ever want to catch up on other posts, you can click on Alaska Trip-May 2018 in the labels below this one.  Way too many to read in one sitting but you can bookmark the one you end up at, and continue on from there if you are interested in reading more.  

And now for our last day traveling home.  

11.11 a.m. we are at Anchorage Airport  In fact these wonderful works of art were hanging on the walls where we ate our breakfast.  

We actually arrived at 9.30 a.m. 

It will be another 20 minutes before we are able to check our bags.  
We got out of the hotel early and reached the rental place at 9.30 a.m. to drop off the car  We got an UBER to take us to the airport, a nice young man from San Antonio, Texas.
(I have shared this beauty before, this and the mosaic ceiling above it.)

12.19 p.m. we have gone through security.  It wasn't so bad and we were treated very politely, they were really nice.  We are now sitting at our gate and it is very quiet as we still have about three hours before we board our plane.
2.22 p.m. and time is ticking along. The waiting room is filling up ever so slowly. A couple sat next to us and started talking to us.  They were returning from a cruise with another cruise line and had enjoyed it immensely.  It sounded like they were seasoned travelers.  

7.06 p.m. we have been in the air for a while now and have 1 hour and 45 miutes to go before we land in Los Angeles.  I have my iPad but you have to download an app to watch their movies.  They are also passing iPads which you have to rent.  We paid for the wi-fi and I have been watching Blue Planet II.  Marvelous show! 
(At Anchorage Airport there were several display cases of birds that could be found in Alaska.)

9.01 p.m. sitting at our gate in Los Angeles now, for the flight to Washington-Dulles Airport.  We have a couple of hours to wait here.  On our flight from Anchorage we were in a row of three seats and no one sat in the middle.  It was nice having the extra room between us.  

Gregg has gone to get us a sandwich.  I saw him waiting in line at Wolfgang Puck's place.  It was cafĂ© style and we ordered a chicken salad sandwich to share.  It was the best chicken salad I have had in a very long time, we both enjoyed it very much.  
Coming into Los Angeles it was lit up like a Christmas Tree, very pretty.  This flight crew were very nice and it was a great flight.  There was an older lady sitting behind me and she smiled when I got up to get off the plane.  There were two unaccompanied children sitting opposite.  The flight attendants looked after them beautifully and were very attentive.  One reminded them that it was very important for them to remain seated on the plane until everyone had gotten off, then they would be escorted to their next flight.  They were nice kids, very well behaved.  No one talked very much, we were all too tired.
(This is a mural painted on a water tank in Seward.  I have already shared part of it, the fishing boat. The rest of my photos were taken as we were driving back to our hotel from  Seward, Alaska.)
11.38 p.m. and we are on the flight to Dulles.  There are 4 hours and 14 minutes left to our destination.  

1.51 p.m. and I can't believe it, we are home!  Our son was waiting for us at the luggage carousel, which is where we always arrange to meet.  Nice to be able to text him to let him know we have landed; we are making our way to the carousel, we are here where are you?  Smiles!  He's standing right in front of me practically and lots of hugs and more smiles. We chatted all the way home telling him about our time away, about all the fun we have had, he tells us about his time and before we know it we are rolling into the garage.  I feel like kissing the floor when I walk through the door.  One thing Gregg and I agreed on, whenever we travel again we will avoid taking the red-eye.

But we're home and our son stays for a few hours.  This time together reinforces how much we missed him when we were gone.  I am dropping off to sleep on the couch - sitting up - and am content listening to dad and son talk while I doze in and out and listen, joining in here and there.  So good to be home!  


  1. Glad the trip home went smoothly, Denise, except for all the travel and waiting times. As much fun as it is to travel, coming home is always good too...until the next adventure that is.

    1. Thank you Dorothy, yes until the new adventure begins, but it won't be for a while :)

  2. No matter how great the trip it's always so good to make it home again.

  3. Thank you for taking us with you. I enjoyed your holiday immensely.
    But yes, coming home is very, very special too.

  4. Thanks for sharing, enjoyed your updates on the trip.

  5. What a great trip! You bet I read every post and enjoyed the photos. Today you saved the best til last...the art!
    Thanks for the Canada Day wishes.

    1. Why thank you Red, I am so happy you have enjoyed all my posts and once again, Happy Canada Day!

  6. yes it sounds you had a fabulous trip but it is always good to be hmme. Have a wonderful week ahead.

  7. Thats the worst thing about holidays it is the travelling to get there and back. Anywhere is hours and hours away from Australia except NZ.

    1. The journey there doesn’t seem so bad, the journey back however :) yes, I can imagine how far you have to travel.

  8. All's well that ends well but I feel like I've just been on holiday! Have you plans for the next holiday?

    1. Not yet really, but my niece and I talked about going over to Europe to meet up next time.

  9. There's no place like home. It's good to get back from vacation so tired that you need another holiday to recover. Happens to me every time.

    God bless.

    1. Indeed Victor, one needs a holiday to get over a holiday :)

  10. There is nothing like a beautiful airport! I had a hankering to visit each of our provinces. We shall see.
    Thank you for featuring Vancouver! We had a grand time visiting grandies there! cheers
    Happy 4th, too!

    1. It is a beautiful city Vancouver, I hope we get there again one day, and spend more time there. Thank you Jenn :)

  11. Hello, I love all the pretty art work and the moose. Traveling home can be very tiring, sad to end the trip too. You have many happy memories and photos. Enjoy your day and week ahead.

    1. Hi Eileen, I am still going through the photos. They do bring a smile. Thank you and enjoy your week also.

  12. I like those portraits a LOT... shocking that a fish can get that big

    1. Me too Sandra, I thought they were wonderful and I was just as shocked when I saw the size of that fish :)

  13. Hi Denise,
    The end of a wonderful journey that I have enjoyed following with you.
    Excellent portraits in the airport and the mosaic ceiling is unbelievable.
    The Halibut is a monster, I wonder how long it took him to land it.
    All the best and i have enjoyed your trip.

    1. Hi John, those portraits were very striking, I loved them, the mosaic ceiling also. I wondered about the Halibut, I didn't even know they grew that big. There is so much about fishing that I don't have a clue about so at least I learned something on this trip. All the best to you too and so glad you have enjoyed my daily posts.

  14. Glad to know that you are back home after a wonderful holiday! Beautiful portraits and I wonder how old is the halibut!

    1. Thank you Nancy. He was 31 years’ old when he was caught. I wonder how older he could have gotten.

  15. Love ypur post. I guess you spend a lot of time coming up with this post. so many lovely photos to choose from. Yea, i know the feeling . Nice to be home :)

    1. Thank you Small Kucing :) As my dear old mother would have said, it was a labor of love, and it certainly was very nice to be home.

  16. wow, the mosaic ceiling is amazing and what a beautiful airport!! i prefer arriving early, i get nervous if i am running late. well, i think i would be nervous, i don't think we have ever been late!!

    don't you just love uber, we have had wonderful experiences with it!!

    1. Thanks Debbie! Yes, would much rather be early than running for the plane. We have had other good experiences with UBER also.

  17. Really is a beautiful airport! And I so admire your ability to jouornal as you go ... and make it so interesting. I meant to start with the earliest of your trip posts that I've missed and work my way forward, but this one caught my eye as I began to scroll, so I guess I will finish visiting Alaska backwards )). Our Colorado son met us as we approached the luggage carousel when we flew in there last month, but we hadn't arranged that -- I saw Geoff come up behind us and he made a 'shh' sign and just started quietly walking almost beside his dad. After a few minutes, Geoff said 'Denver sure is a huge airport isn't it?' Bill said yes without even really looking and then all of a sudden realized he recognized the voice! We all laughed so much.

    1. Sallie, that is a real cute story about your son surprising his dad. I loved it! Little moments like these are treasures.


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