Wednesday, September 13, 2017


Saturday, September 2nd, 2017 
Second Day
Leaving Elizabeth City at 11.00 a.m.
Mileage: 59939

11.44 p.m. We just left Andy's Pancake and Steakhouse, not far from the hotel. 

Great food, friendly people.  It had 4-1/2 stars on Yelp, popular with the locals mainly and a few like us, passing through.  We asked at the front desk before leaving our hotel if they could recommend a place.

I always enjoy reading these kind of placemats advertising local businesses.

Gregg had sausage patties and eggs, with what he thought were some of the best hash browns he has had in a very long time.  His meal came with a biscuit. 

I had what turned out to be an enormous plate of French Toast with apples and butter (I shared with Gregg), an order of grits, and coffee with never-ending refills.  I only managed two cups.  There was a mountain of yummy cooked apples and whipped cream on top of those pancakes.  No wonder I am smiling.  Let the holiday begin!  We had better do plenty of walking.

2.27 p.m we stopped by the waterfront - still in Elizabeth city - and then after a short walk, we saw there was a museum across the street. 

We had an hour around the museum. It was great fun, very interesting.  I am going to have to do another post on the museum but here are a couple of favorites.

We left the car in the parking lot and walked behind the building, as we noticed a small cemetery when we drove by. It looked old and full of history.  We walked around for half an hour, then back to the car. 

Trying to exit at the other end of the parking lot, the street was flooded. It rained hard last night. We turned around and came back the way we came in. 

Culpeper Rebellion? (If I see historical markers that we don't have time to read, I make note of the title and look them up later.)  

We are in Currituck County

3.54 p.m. and we have just reached Duck. Crawling along in traffic for the last half an hour with no end in sight.  It is after all Labor Day Weekend, and everyone seems to be heading to the beach.

8.18 p.m. We have been at the house for several hours. We weren't sure we had rolled into the correct driveway at first, then our nephew appeared to welcome us.  Besides having the company of my sister-in-law, her husband and son, there are also my brother-in-law's brother and his wife who are here for the long weekend.  We spent a very pleasant evening chatting.

I  adopted a most comfortable easy chair by the window.  It swings around (I don't do much of that, but I love how it gently rocks back and forth.)  Everyone is in full relaxation mode. We are at the beach!

I went outside before going to bed.  There is a door that opens from our bedroom onto a balcony, and steps to the beach on our left.  I look forward to exploring tomorrow.  I can't see the water but I can hear the surf.  Migrating martins get a lot of help from people in North Carolina.  There are clusters of bird houses on tall poles everywhere I look.  Good to see!


  1. This last picture has to be my favorite. What a magical place!!! And a surprise ending to your trip. That is a gorgeous headstone in the cemetery. It looks new.

    1. It was lovely going out in the dark and seeing the bird houses and hearing the surf. I liked the headstone too.

  2. Hi Denise, that was some breakfast, could eat one myself. The museum looks interesting especially the old typewriter. That close to the sea be grateful you are not farther South!!!!. All the best. John

    1. Hi John, it certainly was.Grateful yes but sad for everyone who is dealing with the aftermath. Like many neighborhoods people in ours are donating anything they can to help. All the best to you too Denise

  3. I love going round museums and seeing the old fashioned clothes etc. That typewriter though... I actually used one of those. Damn thing kept breaking down!

    1. Funny about your old typewriter. We have one not quite as old but it still has the old keys. I still remember the bell when coming to the end of the line :)

  4. The food certainly look good and delicious! Interesting shots from the museum and looking forward to more of your holiday posts.

  5. Looks like breakfast was enough food for the whole day! Good home fries are hard to find. I make them rarely at home but when I do I chop onion, garlic and a little red pepper in them and I like it that way. Sometimes in a restaurant they are nothing other than yesterday's warmed over surplus potatoes.

  6. Wow, your meal of apple and french toast looks massive, no wonder you had to share some!!
    Love your new haircut.
    Today's print is much better not sure why it is different to yesterdays but it is much more readable and not taking over the whole post :-))
    Looking forward to the rest of the trip Diane

    1. It certainly was, no way can I eat such a big meal. Thank you, I am enjoying my new haircut. Glad the print is better now :)

  7. Hello, Denise! looks like you day started with a fantastic breakfast. I would love just the apples, yum. The waterfront and cemetery, museum are pretty photos. The traffic on a holiday is usually a nightmare. The house on the beach sounds great though, fun times. Have a happy day!

    1. Thank you Eileen, it was all great fun. Happy day to you too :)

  8. Peaceful cemetery- and what a breakfast!

    1. A good description for the cemetery and yes, what a breakfast! :)

  9. Very nice to see your smiling faces as well as the fun stuff

  10. Looks and sounds a good day ... hope you slept well.

    All the best Jan

  11. I really enjoy old cemeteries. Looks like you had a good trip.

  12. it all looks wonderful! NC has been on my USA bucket list. :)

    1. NC is a great place to visit:) I hope we get there again real soon.

  13. Another wonderful day, the breakfast looks amazing!

  14. The start to a fabulous trip by the sounds. Those pancakes made my mouth water.

    1. They were very yummy and was only too happy to share.

  15. I remember driving through Duck when we did our trip up that way -- we really noticed it because of the Duck being the U of Oregon mascot and we see lots of Duck motif stuff around here in Eugene. I also loved seeing inside the home your family rented -- we were camping in the Roadtrek on our trip but wished we had known somebody in one of those beach houses because they were so interesting to see as we drove past.

    1. Thank you Sallie, we didn't explore Duck as much as we would have liked, and we felt very blessed to have the invite from Gregg's sister to spend the week with them. Those houses are amazing.

  16. We found the traffic was fine after the holiday weekend so it should be fine. I am happy you are going down there and am already looking forward to your photos :)


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