Monday, September 11, 2017


Friday, September 1st, 2017

(You can click on any of the lettering in red, to read more information if interested.  The first few photos are places we saw not too long into our journey.)

The morning started out with me leaving the house just before nine to get my hair cut.  Nothing like leaving things to the last minute, but I have been busy getting ready for the trip this past week, and forgot all about it.  I did not want to go on vacation without noggin being tidied up.  I was disappointed to find that my old hair-stylist had left, but the new lady was warm and friendly and gave me a great cut. I will be going back. 

Now on to our trip.

Vacation in Corolla, North Carolina - First Day

Started out: 10.48 a.m.  

Mileage: 59698

We received an invite to a special celebration from a dear friend,  taking place in Corolla, North Carolina. This friend is also a very close friend of Gregg's sister, since their 1st Grade school days.  (I met this sweet lady when she was 15. Gregg and I hadn't been married for very long. I had only just come to the US.)  Gregg's sister and her husband rented a house in Corolla, and very kindly invited us to spend the whole week with them.  We had a wonderful time.

Not too long after we had started our journey, at around 12.45 p.m. we took a wrong turn getting off the freeway.  We will often take to the countryside when the traffic is horrendous. To double back we turned left into the entrance of the Marine Corps Museum in Quantico. We had to drive towards the museum to find a u-turn, but I noticed the statue of a dog not too far off the road.  I asked Gregg if we could stop for a quick look-see. It was at the Timothy T. Day Overlook. The dog statue I saw was called Caesar, a military dog, and a memorial to all the service dogs in the Marine Corps.

The plaque reads:

"This statue honors all military dogs who have provided loyal service and selfless devotion, often making the ultimate sacrifice while protecting Marines in the line of duty.  They remain ever faithful to the Corps and proudly bear the title of United States Marine.

One of the primary missions of the Timothy T. Day Foundation is to support organizations in the animal rescue community that provide care for dogs in need, so it is fitting that a German Shepherd stands watch over these grounds."

1:45 p.m. we stopped at Hornes Restaurant.  Anytime we are passing through this area when we journey south, we more often than not stop here.

Our reading material while we waited for our food.

Gregg had a cheeseburger and  fries, and I had a BLT with fries. 

It was excellent and the lady who took our order was very nice. She kept calling me Sweetie.  Gregg reminded me yet again of a time when another nice lady called me Honey many, many years ago.  This time I didn't bat an eye at being called "Sweetie" and Gregg took note and couldn't resist a tease.  

This is one of our family jokes/smiles, how 41 years ago, when I first came to America, I looked startled the first time someone called me "Honey".  "As you often tell me, it's a culture thing"  I told him at Hornes, and "I've come a long way baby!", that is until I ask for a glass of water.  

"Pardon me?"  "A glass of 'wawter' please."  Blank stare.  One young lady who looked like she was 16, this not so long ago, had a panicky look on her face when she repeated her question two or three times.  She backed away nervously and asked me to wait a minute.  Next thing her boss appeared as she disappeared out of sight.  "What do you want?" said the boss.  "I would like a glass of 'water' please?"  "Warter?"  Nodding in the affirmative I watched as the light bulb went on and she started laughing. "She didn't understand you" she said, and a few minutes later she brought me my glass of water.  

I try to remember to use my John Wayne American inflection on that one word but often forget - John was my Dad's hero by the way (he loved his John Wayne movies), and thank you Mr. Wayne from both of us.  

This affected John Wayne accent also works with Siri, and still cracks Gregg up when we are driving along and I am talking to my phone, which probably gets me going even more.  She sure as hay does not understand me on a regular basis but Siri may be getting better as I don't have to do it quite as often.  Or maybe Siri is training me?  If you are English born you will understand.  If you are American born, I apoligize for murdering the American accent.  It's a culture thing, even after 41 years.  Well, enough of that subject.

We saw the historical marker where John Wilkes Booth met his end. He was hiding in a barn that was set on fire by Union troops.  He had another man with him and when given the chance to give up, the other man left the barn but Booth refused.  The sergeant in charge became a celebrity afterwards, and Booth thought he was going to be hailed as a hero after he assassinated President Lincoln.  Maybe he was in the South at that time. I need to ask my history buff (Gregg).  

We have great conversations on the road, and a lot of it is all about the history of the places we pass by.  Gregg will tell me what he knows, and I will often learn more on line, about various towns we are passing through.  I read out loud so that we can both enjoy this new information.  It makes for an interesting ride. 

The Booth markers are just a little ways from Horne's restaurant.  We overshot the pull-in and there was too much traffic to stop for a photo.  Next time!  We said we should go on a historical marker road trip. 

We were driving through the Monitor-Merrimac Tunnel in Hampton a couple of hours later.  It "is the 4.6 mile-long (7.4 km) Hampton Roads crossing for Interstate 664 in the southeastern portion of Virginia (USA).  It is a four-lane bridge-tunnel composed of bridges, trestles, man-made islands and tunnels under a portion of the Hampton Roads harbor, where the James, Nansemond and Elizabeth Rivers come together." according to a paragraph at this link where you can read more interesting info.

A while later we were east of the Great Dismal Swamp and saw long stretches of greenish covered water, and one witch had flown into a pine tree!  

Image result for witch who has flown into a tree
(picture found on line)

A little early for Halloween.  Maybe it was either left over from last year, or a reminder to drive safely. There were lots of police patrolling the roads, and they had stopped several cars, but we kept cruise controls on, as well as "Waze".  

The Waze phone app is great.  Travelers put in where the police are (slows people down which is a good thing, keeps the road safer and helps the police out in my humble opinion), also hazards pop up in the area, shows where vehicles are stopped on the side of the road, construction, that kind of thing.  It also tells you your speed and also the speed limit on the part of the road you are traveling on.  

We've come a long way from "I Spy", though the old games are fun too, but new technology has moved us along and history is our main focus. 

7.25 p.m  A good day traveling. It rained very lightly off and on. Heavy traffic in parts but managed to travel several miles on Rt 17, which was lovely.  

We are staying the night in Elizabeth City in North Carolina.  Blackbeard used to sail these waters and Orville and Wilbur Wright stopped here for provisions on the way to the Outer Banks before their famous flight.  I thought that was very interesting. 

I took a photo of the sign as we entered North Carolina.  It came up fast and is a bit blurry but I like to get a record of each state we enter.

Gregg told me that 19 trillion gallons of rain fell during Hurricane Harvey and if you were to put that much water into the Great Lakes, the lakes would rise 11 inches.  (Now we have Hurricane Irma - those of you who are and have been in its path, you are very much in our thoughts.) 

When I was getting out of the car I noticed these pretty flowers.  They were part of the hotel's landscaping.  I am forgetting the names of my flowers laterly.  I found similar but not exact ID's on line.

9.57 p.m. There was a thunderclap so loud I nearly fell out of  bed, when I was just dropping off to sleep.  I have never heard one that loud before.  My heart felt as though it jumped out of my chest.  It has been raining hard for some time now.   Hopefully it will have stopped by the time we get on the road tomorrow.


  1. These plants, we saw the exact same ones this evening that were decorating a little garden in MacDonald's. Your second picture, is that the beauty shop, or maybe your house? I love the beautiful wrought iron work on it. I love your beautiful and refined English voice! The dog statue is wonderful! I especially like his ears. Why is there milk in a Coke bottle? Do they use them as glasses? I have never seen this tunnel, it is very impressive! We love WAZE and use it almost every day!

    1. That’s interesting Ginny. I am still looking for an ID. The second shot is just someone’s house we were passing on our trip. I love to take photos of houses, and enjoy the different architecture. Thanks for the compliment on my voice Ginny, I sometimes think it sounds a bit strange to my ear when I hear a video like this one. The dog was a beauty wasn’t he? I grew up with German Shepherds, my dad’s friends were k-9 officers and they would often bring their dogs to the house. Always loved them. It looks like milk in the coke bottle but it is actually a bottle they turned into a salt shaker. There was a pepper shaker coke bottle just out of sight. Thought that was very clever. I have only been through this tunnel one other time and yes it is impressive. Makes me happy you like WAZE too :)

  2. Thanks for sharing the road trip, will stay posted!

    1. Thanks Christine, there will be another coming up tomorrow :)

  3. I love the service dog monument, Denise! And it looks like you and Gregg had a great meal! How cute that the waitress called you "Sweetie." :)

    1. Thanks Linda, it was a lovely monument. Yes, she was a dear lady.

  4. You do take such interesting trips.
    One of my brothers lived in the USA for a long time. His wife had similar problems to your glass of water - but it was butter that was the sticking point for her. She said she could never remember that she had to call it Buddr.

    1. Thanks EC. Interesting about your brother. I met two chaps from Australia on our trip and will do a post about them when that day comes around. Had a fun chat with them. Interesting you should mention butter. I found myself translating for my Dad years ago when he was asking for his buhta. I said to the lady in my John Wayne accent, he means buddr :) One of those Australians also mentioned, "now you've got a funny accent." I laughed and told him I had a foot in two camps, one over here and still one over there. We all had a good chuckle.

  5. Safe travels for sure, we have been watching the CNN news for regular updates in Irma.
    I had a smile about the 1980 cost of living, it really didn't seem that long ago!
    I am always getting in a muddle with language myself, it is always good for a laugh though - I seem to remember having the same issue with water in French, obviously my French accent is not that crash hot!
    Wren x

    1. Travels over for a bit Wren, we are now back home but I will be going through each day for about a week. Not only will they be having to rebuild a lot thanks to Irma, but there will be no tourists down there for a while. I heard someone say that will be quite a loss in revenue. Devastating in more ways than one. Good to know you have had your own language stories, says I smiling :)

  6. what exciting trip with life partner my friend!!!
    what else can be as BEAUTIFUL

    last minute things increase the thrill even more sometime :)
    glad you liked your new hair cutter .
    waitress found you so sweet to called sweetie dear!

    Loved the photos and wish could see more as area looks inviting.
    loved the outer and inner view of tunnel .
    Here in Asia we too are hearing lot about storms and my heart is full of concern and prayers for the people in the path

    1. Thank you Baili :) I will be sharing more photos in other posts, a new one at midnight. Yes, terrible storms. I am still waiting to hear about the son of a friend who lives in the Caribbean. Keeping all in my prayers.

  7. Hi Denise, wonderful to see the GSD memorial, you are having a busy year with your trips. Hope all goes well and look forward to some interesting posts, all the best to you both, John

    1. It really was John and yes a busy year, but will be staying home for a while now :) All the best to you too :)

  8. An enjoyable read, Denise. Drinking water has become popular here and it's what I go for when eating out.

    1. Glad you enjoyed it, thank you Valerie :) I love a glass of cool water when it's hot weather, but I also have a glass at my side right now. I just keep sipping, sipping, sipping, lol!

  9. That's a beautiful statue of Caesar the military dog. I like the "don't drink and fly" witch picture too! Lol! Thank you for sharing all the wonderful photos from your travel. Have a happy day!

    1. Thank you Nancy, I thought so too and you are very welcome. I wish you a happy day also :)

  10. Hello, Cute post and stories. I love the dog statue, it is beautiful. I love road trips. I hope the rain did not continue. Enjoy your day!

    1. Thank you Eileen, we were lucky with the weather for most of our holiday.

  11. Oh oh...loving every minute of this, Denise! That area was home for so many years for us. I am in fact heading back to visit my Mom the end of this week, and have to get my haircut today! :-) I know the last 41 years has been a real adventure for you, adjusting to the US, and I am so glad you love our country and our history so much as a transplant. Got tickled about the "honey" thing and your request for water...we do have some trouble understanding each other don't we! :-) Loved seeing your photos...even the inner shots of the tunnel. Can't help but miss that place. It's home for my husband, and for me as well. I bet your trip was amazing! Plus, Corrolla...oh I love that place so much. Can't wait to see those photos. The statue of the military service dog was such a wonderful find, too!

    1. Thank you Marie, I am so glad you enjoyed this post. You know, I find myself calling people honey all the time these days, including my honey, lol! And yes I love this country and its amazing history, and all the wonderful people I have met here. I will have more photos tomorrow, and for the next several days as I recount each day of our vacation. You can catch up when you get back. Happy traveling my friend and give your Mom a big hug from me.

  12. Wow so glad you took a wrong road and saw that statue it is a great reminder of how much the dogs actually do. I had to laugh at the water request, I have the same problem here with Je voudrais un verre d'eau s'il vous plaît and I get blank looks!!!
    You commented a while back about my print being small, but it looks like you have gone to the other extreme, on my computer your print has just taken over with the letters being almost, but not quite, 1/2 inch high! The photos look small by comparison. Weird how it seems to change from computer to computer.
    Take care Diane

    1. Things have a way of working out don’t they? No wrong turn and who knows how long it would have been before we saw this lovely memorial, if ever. Well goodness, I don’t think I would ever get my water if I had to say it in another language, I have enough trouble with my own :) Sorry Diane, I don’t remember that comment I made and I am so sorry my print is so large on yours now. That’s incredible! I have two friends who complained that each other’s print was sometimes small, sometimes large in one paragraph. I agree it is very weird. Those cyber gremlins again I am thinking :) All the best, Denise

  13. Caesar particularly stands out!

    Quite a journey to make. I know Booth's final trip is marked, including where he met his end. It's a fascinating story, well detailed in a book called Manhunt by a fellow named James Swanson. A couple of ironies- that sergeant was, shall we say, very eccentric and later went crazy, and Booth was stage managing his final act while the three guys in charge of the troops were arguing over their best course of action.

    1. Thanks William, and thank you for the name of the book. I would like to read it. You’ve given me some fascinating facts here.

    2. He also did a follow up some years later detailing the chase after Jefferson Davis. Both are very good books.

    3. Really must get those books. Thanks so much!

  14. Murdering the American accent is a great pastime for a lot of us, there are so many different accents across America that an accent like mine is not noticed in the South but is considered horrendous elsewhere, I say be proud and continue smiling like you do when you order that next glass of water.

    1. Good advice Jimmy, I'm going to be doing just that. I've met several people from North Carolina, and I think they have lovely accents. I bet yours is too :) Please say hi to your sweet wife for me. I sure enjoy your stories of life with Cindy.

  15. Wonderful first day of your trip road, Denise! I enjoyed the whole narration and the aspects captured along the trip. Also, the funny memories shared :)
    A very nice, inspired day and week, too!

    1. Thank you Alexa, I'm glad you enjoyed my post. There will be another tomorrow on our trip. I wish you a wonderful week :)

  16. My mother was in England and asked for a glass of wahter. Waiter could not understand what wahter was. Then, he said, "Oh, you mean woeter."

  17. Replies
    1. You don't know how happy that makes me Rose, thank you :)

  18. Wish we had been down there at the same time Linda. It would be lovely to have met up. Loved our time in Corolla. It was about 20 years ago the last time we were there. I will look forward to your photos after your trip.

  19. Goodness ... I couldn't believe you were off again!
    You do have some amazing trips - enjoy this one.
    Lovely photographs.

    All the best Jan

  20. Hope the hurricane doesn't spoil your trip.

    1. No, Irma didn't make it up our way and it only rained one time at night.

  21. i enjoyed reading about your trip! i love caesar, what a noble statue! ha, i have to admit that i love when people call me honey and sweetie and then really loved when someone recently called me baby, it's been a long time since i've been called that haha..seeing the cost of living from 1980 ws interesting!

    1. Hi Tanya, I love it too now :) Happy you are enjoying the trip.


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