Friday, August 11, 2017


When we were at Huntley Meadows I was happy to see over a dozen Great Blue Herons, more than I had ever seen before.  

We have visited many times with not a sign of them, other times maybe one or two.  

This time they were all over the place.

I found all of them absolutely delightful, but there was one that really amused me.

Walking along the path on the way back to our car,  we spotted this beauty.  The path was our second choice as on the first, there was a heron standing smack dab in the middle, bringing us to a halt.  That heron was not moving.   For several minutes it stared at us and frankly, I wasn't sure if it would get upset with us getting too close.  Those walkways are not that wide.  

Shades of being chased off by the Canada Goose last year came to mind.  I wasn't going down that road again, and so we chose this 'road', the only other walkway to our car that didn't entail retracing our steps, and it was a much longer path.  It was incredibly hot that day and though I had brought water (we had already drunk through a very large flask), the heat was getting to me.  So Mr. Heron, I said, please be nice.

He was and nonchalantly started walking  in the direction we were heading, not that far in front of us.  We followed him for several minutes, and I wondered if he was ever going to stop and let us go by.

With a sideways glance he decided to walk over to the other side of the walkway.

Why did the heron cross the road?

To get to the other side, away from the humans trailing him ever so slowly.  "These humans seem harmless enough, but they are spoiling my peace and quiet."  Yes I am empathizing. 

He hopped up onto the ledge and watched warily. We were trying to be respectful of not crowding it, but I kept snapping photos.

Finally he took flight, gracefully glided to the other side, and I just kept snapping the shutter button, so that I would have the memory of it.

We left him in peace and headed back to our car.  A great visit to the park today, we had first-row tickets to the heron ballet.  


  1. Awesome photos of this magnificent bird, Denise! And I giggled about the annoyed Canada goose and went to look at your photos there, too. Yes, when they stick their tongue out, "wrinkle" their necks and hiss, they are giving a warning to "back off". Thank you so much for sharing, and I hope you have a fantastic weekend!

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    1. Sorry Lux, I accidentally deleted your message. I do that sometimes :( Thanks for visiting though and I appreciate the thought.

  3. Hello, pretty series on the Great Blue Heron. They are always fun to watch. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

    1. Thank you Eileen, so glad you enjoyed them. Happy Friday to you too, and happy weekend :)

  4. he sure put on a show for you and your lens. I love the ones in flight and the close up of he head and eye watching you... these are really beautiful pics of him...

  5. Oh I love, love, love these photographs. It is so long since I saw a heron. Occasionally they fly over the garden heading for a different lake. Did I ever tell you about the heron who came into my garden and started weeding the pond. He was after the newts. He dragged the weeds out and started shredding them on the grass, so determined to get every last newt. I didn't mind that he forgot to put the weeds back in the water!

    1. Thank you Valerie and how interesting about your heron. I really enjoyed learning of him weeding. Wish I could one to do that around here :)

  6. What a pleasant interlude to a gorgeous day in the park. There are no herons here in Hawaii.

    1. It was Gigi, no herons in Hawaii, but so many other beautiful things, wildlife, flowers, etc :) I feel blessed that I saw some of this.

  7. They are magical creatures! Now the geese can be downright scary!

  8. What a treat! Fun fantastic photos of the "ballet"! He really did oblige!

  9. What an awesome post!!! We have quite a few Blue Herons around here, and it always excites me to see one. They are so huge and majestic. They can be quite tame if they are used to people. Your photos are beautiful, especially your flight ones. Look at those spread wings!! So huge and gorgeous, and perfectly formed. I have never been able to snap this heron in flight. It is hard, and they are fast. Well, faster than me trying to get my camera settings. And the heron standing with his wings spread, just glorious!!! You have fast reflexes, and a great eye for beauty.

    1. Thank you kindly Ginny, so glad you enjoyed them. I always feel the same way when I see one, fabulous birds. I could have stayed there for hours if not for the heat.

  10. We see the odd Grey Heron here but the most I have seen together are two!! I laughed at the one on the path but I cannot imagine it would have ever done anything other than get out of the way :-) Have a great weekend Diane

    1. I agree Diane, they seem more gentle birds, and so graceful. Wishing you a great weekend too :)

  11. Hi Denise, what a wonderful place to visit, some excellent flight shots of the Heron. Glad he eventually let you pass without you getting a jab from that beak. All the best, John

    1. Thank you John, very happy you enjoyed them. No jab with the beak, he didn't seem that annoyed thankfully:). All the best to you too :) Denise

  12. Love the wing spread photos! Fabulous.

  13. What a privilege to see. I really, really like your flight series.

  14. I love to see Great Blue Herons! You got really wonderful photos!
    Have a great week-end!

    1. Thank you Lea, me too and I enjoyed your photos tremendously. Happy weekend to you :)

  15. Wonderful shots! I can never get enough of them.

    1. Thank you William, I always feel the same way. Such noble birds.

  16. Denise, this is a wonderful series...I would have loved to be there.

    1. Thank you Rose, sure would have been nice to have you come along :)

  17. I didn't realize for herons that there was a vivid wing pattern on the top of the wings.

  18. A timely post, Denise. We used to see herons and egrets all the time when we visited Chincoteague Island while living in VA. And, then tonight, I watched from outpr apt window as one flewacross the Nashua River

  19. We weren't as close as it seems as I was using my zoom lens. But he was very aware of us and eventually flew off because the only way to go for us was straight by him.

  20. Wow - amazing shots of the herons!

  21. Stunning shots!!!
    loved the most where heron is taking flight ,absolutely beautiful!!!
    glad this time you were able to capture them so well my friend!

    1. Thank you Baili, I appreciate your kind words :)

  22. How wonderful to see so many all together! I see one or two in the paddocks around the house and the occasional one at the oceanside but I'd so love to see such a congregation of them!

    1. Thank you Betty :) I felt very fortunate to see so many.

  23. Beautiful series for your memories. Beautiful Blue Heron! Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you Nancy and wishing you a great weekend also :)

  24. I love watching herons. They are so cool looking.

  25. i get so excited when i see them, and like you, take a lot of pictures!! the "eye" is pot standing in a lot of these!!! happy saturday denise, i hope you are doing something fun!!!!

    1. Me too Debbie, and thank you. We are having a quiet weekend but it's still fun. Even went for an ice-cream just now :)

  26. What a wonderful experience and your photos are fantastic! The company I work at has a small lake/pon in front and we often get egrets or herons visiting. I love watching them, but unfortunately never have a camera at hand.

    1. Thank you Jaynee, and how wonderful you can see these amazing birds where you work.

  27. Fantastic post Denise, so lovely to see your series of photographs.
    A beautiful blue heron.

    All the best Jan

  28. Super captures of the Blue Heron Dennis. He put on a good display for you to photograph, and you did it proud.:)

    1. Hi Breathtaking, so glad you enjoyed them. He was very cooperative and a good study. Thank you for the kind comments :)


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