Saturday, February 4, 2017


we went down to Virginia Beach for three days, staying at a hotel on the beach which was nice.  At this time of year you don't get the warm weather but you do get the great deals on hotel rooms and not too many people walking around.  We practically had the hotel to ourselves.  The weather was mild too and we enjoyed a couple of our favorite walks, one along the Boardwalk and the other in a local nature reserve.  We also got together for lunch with a dear friend one of the days.  It was a great road trip.  We enjoy the destination but the time in the car is always precious, and definitely part of the fun. 

Here is Gregg standing next to the King Neptune statue.  He likes to use his phone app to make it a little more artsy these days.  It is called Prisma.

A flying visit and a great time, but it is always good to get back home, be it a long road trip or a short one.


  1. It certainly does have an artsy look to it!

  2. we can agree, Denise and Gregg, that short road trips are always fun and we also returned from my birthday celebration getaway. At this point in our lives, these road trips are more memorable than "things."

    1. Totally agree Beatrice, and A Very Happy Birthday again.

    2. I could do with a road trip like that! Love Greg's photo and what he did with it. Amazing what we can do these days.

    3. Thanks Valerie. It really is amazing what we can do, I agree.

  3. Yes, traveling in winter definitely has its advantages. We used to travel a lot over winter break and explored the American Southwest when it was that crowded as it is the rest of the year. We always got good deals and didn't have to share the beautiful and almost always stunning scenery with tons of other people.

    1. Lovely to get away in quieter times :) I also love the Southwest and hope to see it again one day.

  4. Wow, this is sure an amazing and artsy picture. He did GOOD! I can only do short road trips now, but they are still fun!

    1. Thanks Ginny, I will pass that on to Gregg. Short trips are indeed a whole lot of fun.

  5. You know we love roadtrips too -- short or long. Nice to catch up with a good friend ... and a beach during non-tourist season has to be great, no matter if it is a little cool (in Oregon beaches are always cool and I prefer them to Florida's hot ones).

    1. Oh how I love those Oregon Beaches. One day :)

  6. Oh, glad you got to have a couple days away....I agree there is no place like home!

  7. Very nice photo, Denise! And even though I don't get to travel, what you said about the time of year makes perfect sense. Less people, better prices.

  8. A blend of van Gogh, Edvard Munch and modern art ;-)
    Have a nice Sunday

  9. nice visit But you are right home sweet home

  10. Glad you had a getaway. Its always good to change the scenery and recharge your batteries. Yes its always nice to come home.

    1. Thanks Diane and good luck in your new venture :)

  11. What an awesome effect! Gregg looks like part of a rather unique painting. Looks like he’s a great companion to have on a road trip and in life.

  12. How lovely to have mild weather on a short trip somewhere. Sounds like a real treat too. Love the photo.

    1. It was a lovely treat and it started snowing a bit on our way home.

  13. we like to visit places in off seasons because there are not many people. glad you had a great getaway and love the artsy shot of Gregg

    1. Thanks Sandra :) always nice to get away in the off season.

  14. Denise, Virginia Beach is one of our favorite destinations. Thanks for sharing.

    1. I am happy to hear that Doug. I have been enjoying Virginia Beach for years. Even lived there for a couple of years in our navy days.

  15. So lovely that you could get away on a little holiday!

    And I'm sure, it was more enjoyable now, than when overrun with a million other holiday people.

    That King Neptune must be amazing, with or without fancy-ing-up with an Ap.

    Luna Crone

    1. Thanks LC! I'll have regular photos of the statue in my next post.

  16. It is a great place to visit and this statue is amazing isn't it?

  17. Hi Denise, glad to read you have both been away, with what you have on lately it will have done you both good, as you say less people and better prices. What a wonderful statue and effect from the phone. All the best. John

    1. Thank you John, it did. I will have another post about the statue coming up. All the best to you too. Denise:)

  18. Love what you did with the photo! It's so cool and pretty! that was with your cell phone? We were looking up hotel prices for Carolina beach area. A friend recommended Shell Island Resort. I do enjoy short road trips. :)
    hope your trip was enjoyable!

    1. Glad you liked it Marie, yes it was taken with a cell phone. I find myself using my cell more and more, unless I want something close-up when I switch to a camera with a zoom lens. Shell Island Resort sounds like a great place. Our trip was very enjoyable thank you :)

  19. It is always nice to have a few days away, especially if you can get a good deal!

    Yes, that photo is quite 'artsy'

    All the best Jan

  20. Hello Denise, yes we're also fans of low tourist times. Gregg's had fun with his photo and it looks great!
    True, always nice to kick off the shoes and settle into the comfy chair back home ;D)

    1. Thank you Sue. Those comfy chairs and a cup of hot tea are always welcome aren't they?

  21. Fun app, apparently. Glad you had a great visit. Wish it could have been a bit warmer for you.

    1. Thank you Patti, cooler weather didn't bother us one bit and we did have a day where we could get by without a coat. Big plus in our books :)

  22. Good Afternoon Denise, It is such a good idea to make travel plans out of season, because there are no crushing crowds and you can see clearly all that there is to see.
    I did a double take when it came to looking at Gregg's photo, I thought, my, that is a colourful statue and then I smiled when I read that it had been turned into an arty statue.
    I absolutely love travelling to new places, but at the end of the holiday it is always lovely to put the key in the door and be at home.
    Best Wishes

    1. Good day to you Daphne, glad the statue pic brought a smile.

  23. Cool weather on the beach with no crowds sounds just about perfect to me, Denise.

  24. That's a very nice photo. Very colorful.

  25. Florida is part of my husband's sales territory and I keep saying we need to go spend some time there! I wouldn't want to go in the warm season, though, because it's so crowded...and this time of year, it's cold even there. Not so fun to walk on the beach when you're freezing! Those winds can be fierce, too--I assume in Virginia, as well?

    1. I have been down to Florida in January and loved the cooler temperatures. I find a walk along the beach on a cold day invigorating, just as long as I am dressed appropriately, in Florida or Virginia. But I often wonder if that is because I grew up in England where there wasn't the high humidity and heat to deal with.

  26. I love road trips too! That is a good artsy photo! Have a beautiful day!

    1. Thank you Nancy. I wish you a beautiful day also :)


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