Wednesday, August 24, 2016


These two photos show sculptures outside the American Indian Museum.  They were done by Nora Naranjo-Morse, the first American Indian lady to do an outdoor statue in Washington DC.  You can read more about her here.  
They had short fences around them but I thought I could include them in my Good Fences post this week.  We didn't go into the museum this time, as we were on our way to the National Art Gallery.

Thank you for hosting Theresa!
If you click on the link below you can visit other participants.


  1. Wow. If I saw those sculptures here I would think 'termite mounds'. The colour and the shape is right. Thanks for the link. Off to explore further.

  2. I really like the sculptures, Denise!

  3. These are so interesting! They look ancient, too.

  4. Very beautiful and shows our presence everywhere.

  5. They are amazing and at first I thought they must be in New Mexico so it was a surprise they are in the middle of Washington DC!

  6. Hello Denise!:) It is interesting to learn about such an esteemed artist, and I really like her work.

  7. Hello Denise, I love the sculptures. Great fence finds. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  8. I like the photo with the bus in it, shows the teepee with fire and the art work and the fence. love it

  9. well, those are quite interesting and utterly charming. So nice that you shared them with the rest of us.

  10. The sculptures are quite impressive.. thanks for sharing.

  11. These shots bring back memories of a trip to D.C. and taking the trolley tours. Thanks for the memories...

  12. I love art of all kinds and the photos you have been posting of American Indian sculptures as well as paintings at the National Gallery are truly impressive.

  13. Very unusual. I would have thought termite mounds as well.

  14. My hubby is proud to say he has a brick in the main hall. We have belonged to this one museum for years. He is a lover of the history of Native Americans. Nice sculptures. genie

  15. Oh my, how very interesting! My first thought was ant hill but then you see the hole and the other designs and know it is something unusual.

  16. One of these days I need to go back to DC and see the Museum of the American Indian.

  17. Those were very neat art pieces behind the fence. I wonder what they represent.

  18. Never seen anything like this Denise.
    Great photo's, thanks for sharing

    All the best Jan

  19. Love the sculptures- very interesting. Wonder why it the grass looks all grown up around them?

  20. They are fascinating! It looks completely different when you see them in context of the urban setting versus the closer shot.


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