Wednesday, August 17, 2016


Here are a couple of fences.  I found them on the Eastern Shore of Maryland.  

Thank you for hosting Theresa!
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  1. Almost hidden! I used to live in Maryland...

  2. Excellent fences. And fine growth around them.

  3. Beautiful and almost buried in the long grasses!
    enjoy your day!

  4. Hello, pretty shots. The grasses almost look like they are moving. Enjoy your day and the weekend ahead!

  5. Lovely images with the fences and green stuff! :)

  6. I see they're nearly smothered by the grasses.

  7. I like the aged wood-and it looks like the grasses are trying to reclaim their space!

  8. Love the way the grass has grown around it ...

    Have a good Thursday

    All the best Jan

  9. Neat fence and marvelous and creative photography ~

    Happy Week to you ~

  10. these are so pretty denise, very artsy!!!!

  11. The Eastern Shore is so beautiful or was. We made a trip or two over there, once for a wedding. David's youngest son Tim married a gal, Emily, from there.

    A group that hived off the Jamestown colony settled over there to "make salt." Emily is descended from this group. When their oldest child Spencer was born, he looked Chinese. Only then did the truth reveal itself. One of her ancestors was a Chinese sailor (illegal immigrant) who jumped ship and was taken in by her grandmother. Voila, more genes aded to the family tree.

  12. They look like good sturdy fences with all those strong weeds.

  13. Love the soft weathered colour of the fence against the pale, reedy looking grass.

  14. I like the grass surrounding the fence, too.

  15. The fence is very nice and oh my those grasses are just beautiful surrounding it.


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