Monday, July 8, 2024


For those who are celebrating a birthday,
Happy Birthday!

It is mine too, I am 74 today.

I didn’t share my usual recipe post. We prepared one yesterday and there were leftovers which we will have either today or tomorrow, depending if we go out or not. It is a favorite of ours as our daughter-in-law shared it with us originally, and we have been making it ever since. You can see where I posted it at this link. 

Now for the Odds and Bods!


A few people have told me this in my life. There was a time I would listen, but no more. If we have our dreams, let's never give up on them.

You are you?

For all the Introverts out there.

Very true!

Also very true!

We don’t have a beloved fur baby anymore, but for all the animals we enjoy, there is a lot of truth here.

We should all learn this advice from the beginning.

It's a great thing getting out in nature.

I was and still am a big fan of Maya Angelou’s poetry. She had a very profound way of saying.

With age comes wisdom and the realization that...

What a great thing it would be to plant a sapling somewhere safe on the day your child is born. And then revisit it every year and show your child as they grow, as their tree grows, how they are helping to save us all. Surround yourself with trees as often as you can, tell your child, maybe now all grown up, how happy you are they came into your life.

Amazing! I can’t find if this is actually fact, experts please jump in. There is a lot of interesting info at this link however.  We all know how important trees are to the planet, and the article tells us all they do for us. Let’s plant more trees!

Yes, we are all real, not perfect, but real!

Kindness, the perfect gift for everyone you meet.

Today is...

And when you get there, just breathe…

Life is a journey, a rollercoaster of ups and downs and at times a merry-go-round of same-o, same-o but...

With Love...

and a hug.


  1. First of all, Happy Birthday Denise, stay strong and smile in your life!
    What a great post! I enjoyed her so much and I can relate.
    I loved the quote about smiling and I really believe it! Also it is very important not to give up on our dreams, when we conquer them we feel such fulfillment!! What a beautiful reference to nature!! Finally, politeness is key for me. Thanks for this post!
    Have a great week, sending you a big smile🧡🎁💐🎉✨🎈!

    1. Thank you so much Katerina, I am doing my best as these are good reminders :) Glad you enjoyed my post. Politeness was ingrained in me as a child, not beaten like a drum, but by osmosis, and I revere politeness to this day thanks to the teachings of my parents. You have a great week also and I send you the same big smile :)

  2. Happy happy BIRTHDAY, Denise! Love the quote of true!

    1. Thank you so much Angie :) I do also and as you say, so true :)

  3. Happy, happy birthday!!!! I hope you have a wonderful day, filled with all the things you love! I am one year older than you! What beautiful and sweet wisdom you have imparted to us today!!

    1. Ahhh, thank you my friend, we are very close in age :) It is two days later and I had a wonderful time. Our son and daughter-in-law spent the evening with us. They bought our meal and fixings for my favorite birthday drink, a Margarita :) I had the best birthday, and their Margarita recipe was superb. I enjoy collecting these words and try to read them regularly. They are such excellent pearls of wisdom :)

  4. Happy Birthday! The memes are teaching us life wisdoms

    1. Thank you Roentare, much appreciate the birthday greetings and hope you enjoyed these wisdoms :)

  5. Happy Birthday Denise, enjoy your day.
    Love the memes.

    1. Thank you Margaret, I am so glad you loved the memes. I am answering two days later. We enjoyed the company of our son and daughter-in-law, such great company and they are so much fun.

  6. Happy Birthday and all the best of everything. Some great sayings here xx Diane

    1. Thank you Diane, very much appreciate your greetings, and that you thought the sayings were great :) xx

  7. There is so much wisdom and truth here I cannot comment on all of them because the old memory doesn’t remember each and everyone but it is true about the dogs and it is true about the trees and I have always and will always try to smile and be kind to others.

    1. Thanks Sandra, I kept finding them and adding more so there was a bit of overload here :) I knew you would enjoy the dog one, we are in agreement about them and about the trees, and we both try to bring smiles to others :) Thank you my friend!

  8. Happy Birthday - and thank you for the gift this post gives us of beauty and wisdom.

    1. Thank you so much Sue and you are very, very welcome :)

  9. Happy birthday, Denise. Whatever you do , or don't, have a lovely day.

    1. Thank you Janice, I had a wonderful time, a lovely day :)

  10. Happy 74th Birthday. Have a wonderful day.

    1. Thank you David, I appreciate very much your birthday greeting :)

  11. Happy Birthday Denise, have a wonderful day!
    I love the post, quotes and all the images.
    Take care, have a great day and a wonderful week!

    1. Thank you Eileen, it was wonderful! Glad you enjoyed my post. You take care, have a great day and a wonderful rest of the week :)

  12. Happy Birthday. I hope you have a fantasticly wonderful day.
    Loving all the quotes and pictures. I especially like the very last one with the heart in the trees.

    1. Thank you Ann, all behind me now for another year :) It was a fabulous day. Glad you enjoyed everything in my post. The heart in the trees was special wasn't it? :)

  13. Hope you have a jolly birthday! Love today's quotes, and that heart in the trees is stunning! Linda in Kansas

    1. Thank you Linda, I certainly did :) Glad you enjoyed the quotes and the heart trees, I agree with you. I loved it!

  14. Happy Happy 74th...I know it will be filled with family, fun, food and lots of laughter
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. Thank you so much Cecilia, and yes, it was all those things :) Sending hugs to you too!

  15. Happy Birthday Denise!! Thanks for all the thoughtful wisdom on this special day.

    1. Thank you Christine, and you are very welcome. Always happy to share :)

  16. Happy Birthday dear Denise! You bring so much joy to all that read your words of wisdom. Always positive and uplifting, my friend. I hope your day is full of all the joy you spread here. Every beautiful quote certainly brought me joy-thank you!

    1. Thank you so much Martha Ellen :) I am always trying my best, we could all do with smiles and laughter. I am very happy these do just that for you. Wishing you much joy my friend :)

  17. Happy birthday Denise. Have a great day. You have lots of very basic quotes which are good to live by.

    1. I had a wonderful birthday, thank you Red and thank you so much for your birthday greetings :) Words to live by indeed :)

  18. Happy 74th! You are 4 years younger than I am.

    1. Thank you Gigi, not so far away from each other :)

  19. Well, big cheers and bright candles! Happy Birthday, Denise. I hope you celebrate well and happy and that you keep on celebrating for a whole year (at least the month -- or as long as anyone will!)

    1. That's sweet of you Jeanie, I try to count those blessings every day, and will keep it going for our family's traditional birthday week at least :)

  20. Happy Birthday Denise! And thanks for the link to the spaghetti recipe, which I just printed out.
    Love this post and all your odds and bods. I just saved it to my favorites folder.

    1. Thank you my friend, and you are very welcome. It is one of our favorite meals. Glad you loved the odds and bods. They are great to keep around :)

  21. Happy and Blessed Birthday, my dear friend!!!! Hugs and love! And thank you for the lovely images and thoughts. Beautiful!

    1. Why thank you my dear friend :))) So very kind of you and you are most welcome, glad you enjoyed my post.

  22. Happy Birthday! I hope you had a lovely day. Love from Linda, your blog friend in the UK.

    1. Hello Dear Linda, I appreciate your birthday greetings, thank you so very much :) I hope you and Mr. P. are having a lovely week.

  23. Happy, happy birthday! Lovely photos!

    1. Thank you very much Nas, so very kind of you and much appreciated :)

  24. HAPPY BIRTHDAY denise, i hope it was awesome!! i loved the meme's, all of them were wonderful!!

    1. Happy you enjoyed Debbie, and thank you for the Happy Birthday greeting. Very much appreciated :)

  25. Loved so many of these thoughts and images (especially a get there when we there kind of day....yes, please). I hope your birthday has been just that kind of day and that it has included several of your favorite things and some of your favorite people!! Maybe some cake as well!! Happy birthday:)

    1. Hello Jennifer, your birthday greeting was so nice, thank you very much. I am very happy you enjoyed my post. My birthday was great and did include my favorite people :))) Have a wonderful week!

  26. Celebrate every day of your birthday year, Denise, and enjoy yourself. Sending a Happy Birthday toast 🥂to you from us.

    1. Thank you my friend, I do appreciate your lovely greetings :)

  27. Happy birthday! Lovely post.

    1. I am very happy you think so Linda, thank you so much for the birthday greetings :)

  28. Happiest of birthdays to you, dear Denise. Today is my brother-in-law's birthday, too. I hope your day was filled with love and surprises!

    1. Thank you Ellen, so very mind of you, and how lovely I share the same birthday as your brother-in-law :) My birthday was just as you say, absolutely wonderful!

  29. Happy Birthday.I hope you had a wonderful day yesterday, Denise. Wishing you good health and happiness in the year ahead. You are amazing.
    Thank you for sharing all these wonderful pictures and words of wisdom.

    1. Hello Beverley, how sweet of you to give me such a lovely compliment and I very much appreciate your birthday greetings. I am glad you enjoyed my post, makes me happy to share if they bring a smile.

  30. These are all wonderful, and so true...not sure about the one about trees. The one about the smile really got me. In my local bank, someone has made a sign...wish I could remember exactly what how it says it...but it is smile and be kind to each person because you don't know what they are dealing with/what kind of day they are having. And it is just a homemade sign...not fancy or anything. It makes me like the bank all the more.

    1. Thank you for sharing about your bank Rose, that is very heartwarming :) The bank deserves a big pat on the back.

  31. Appreciate your happy birthday wishes very much Linda, thank you :)

  32. I join others in wishing you a happy belated birthday and a sweet year ahead. Thanks for a lovely post.

    1. Thank you so much, that is very sweet of you and much appreciated. I am happy you liked my post :)

  33. Such a lovely post.
    Belated Happy Birthday Wishes Denise.

    All the best Jan

    1. Happy you enjoyed it, and thank you so much for my birthday wishes Jan They are very much appreciated :)


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