Thursday, April 8, 2021


On Monday, April 5th, we woke up to warmer temperatures and bright blue skies.  It was too good to waste and we decided it was time to get back to Green Spring Gardens, one of our favorite places about 35 to 40 minutes away by car.  A lot of people had the same idea as it was more crowded than our last visit back in the summer, with people who obviously had the same idea as us, to get out and enjoy the gorgeous weather.  It was not uncomfortably crowded, with 90 percent wearing masks, but those few who didn't were well away from others, unless they were with their family members.  We were very comfortable walking around.  It has been over two weeks now since we received our second Covid-19 vaccination.  We wore our masks and are still following safety guidelines.

I will be sharing more of our walk next time, but today I wanted to concentrate on the Cardinal.  We had just walked up a steep incline from where we started out, by the ponds.  At the top of the hill is a bench and it is our habit to sit there for a few moments.  Gregg happened to look up and saw a flash of red among the branches, which is a sign to pick up the camera and take a look as quickly as I can.  I only had seconds to take his photo before he flew off into the trees.  

I was happy to see him out and about.  We had arrived when the sun was high in the sky.  Not the best time to see or photograph birds.  He was a gift and one we thoroughly enjoyed as we sat on our bench.
The Cardinal's scientic name is Cardinalis cardinalis.  You will see it on the edge of forests, parks and yards across most of North America and parts of Central America.  We see them in our garden all year round and they look especially pretty in fresh fallen snow.

You can read more about them at this link.  If you scroll down the page you will see other links to several recordings of its song.

Thank you for looking at today's post, and enjoy your day.


  1. He looks so pretty with the new blooms of the trees in the background. I wish we lived this close to a garden like this one!!

    1. Thanks Ginny, I am thankful we have them in our general area, at least a car ride, nothing too close.

  2. Glad you got a lovely say to go to this place and see all the beautiful spring flowers and that Red Cardinal Denise.

  3. Best regards to you, dear Denise. Thanks for your post, I'm very happy about it. You had a wonderful walk in the Green Spring Garden. Thanks for the beautiful photos of the Cardinal, what a beautiful bird. It got cold again here and there has even been snow for 3 days and so I feed the birds at my bird house again. Some migratory birds have already returned. B. the starling (Sturnus vulgaris) with his glittering plumage. I wish you a good time ... we are waiting for spring.
    Kind regards Viola
    p.s. Today (and yesterday and the day before yesterday!!!) I sew a bag for myself, a market bag for shopping - really nice for spring :-)

    1. And my best to you Viola :) so glad you enjoyed my photos. It is always a welcome sight to see the birds returning. I don’t think we will have any more snow this year. Your new bag sounds lovely :)

  4. so happy you could go back to your beautiful gardens. the cardinal was simply icing on the cake. the mid day sun makes him look so beautiful in the trees, it highlights the tree limbs along with him... spring time is a happy time for sure

  5. Green Spring Gardens looks like a nice place to spend the afternoon. Love the cardinal shots, such beautiful birds.

    1. Thank you Martha, one of our favorite gardens :)

  6. Hello, Denise,

    Beautiful captures of the Cardinal. The flowers are lovely, it does feel good to get outside with the weather so nice. Take care, have a great day!

    1. Hello Eileen, thank you and the warmth of the sun is good medicine :)


  7. A beautiful bird, I envy meeting him. I am glad that you are well and are now vaccinated. :)

    1. Thank you so much Lucyna :). I hope you get your vaccination soon :)

  8. Hello Denise,
    Super series of images of the Northern Cardinal, a bird I see on a regular basis on David Gascoignes Blog, a beautiful day to be out and about , we are still unable to travel far but hopefully this will change next week.
    You stay safe,

    1. Hello John, and I will have to pop over to David’s blog. I do hope you can get out soon. You stay safe too :)

  9. Beautiful set of photos, Keep well Diane

  10. Great photos! Those darn cardinals are quick and don't stay long. I love them and appreciate them but you have to be ready and you were!!

    1. Thank you Yogi :) I felt very lucky to get these photos.

  11. Nice that you and Gregg were able to get out and visit and how obliging that the cardinal stayed around for his photo session.

    1. Thank you Dorothy, yes he stayed for a few seconds put posed beautifully. I didn't know my reflexes were as fast as they were that day :)

  12. Cardinals are just so bright and cheerful....I love seeing them, too.

  13. I'd definitely enjoy a visit to Green Spring Gardens, your photographs are lovely.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you Jan, I think you would love it there. All the best to you also :)

  14. Beautiful cardinal! Glad you are safely post-vax.

    1. Thank you Linda, it certainly felt good to get it done, for us and for those around us :)


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