Wednesday, March 24, 2021


and received our second Coronavirus vaccination.  We went to the same place as the first.  A lady coming out of the building asked us if we were going to get our 2nd vaccination and when we replied yes, she rather excitedly told us that we should not worry about any long delays, she said there are a thousand people in there and I was seen very quickly she said.  We thanked her for her kindness in letting us know, and we could also tell she was very happy and relieved to be going home.  We were happy for her.  

This wonderful lady looked after us.  I was surprised as neither of us felt the needle, not even a pin-prick of discomfort.  

She was warm, friendly and very communicative, listening to our questions and giving us all the information we needed.  She peppered her conversation with the most genuine and wonderful humor, which would go a long way to settling any nerves of the people she saw.  We made sure to thank her and tell her how very grateful we were to her, and many more like her who made this gigantean process go this smoothly.

I was happy to get this process behind us, and have great hopes for returning to somewhat of a normal life very soon.  I know we are all going to have to use our common sense.  It is going to be some time but perhaps we can see the light at the end of the tunnel now.

This lovely lady was joking how popular she had been, that she had been all over Facebook because you know, we asked her if she would mind us taking her photo as we like to record all important events and we considered this a very important event.  "Is this my good side?" she said, and laughed.  We told her both sides were her good side.  I asked her if I could use her photo on my next blog post.  She happily gave me her permission to do so.   

Just like last time we were in and out of the building within a short space of time.  This was the fastest, from the time we showed our ID, including the ten minutes we had to wait to make sure we had no adverse reaction.  We were in and out in 20 minutes.  

It has been two days now and neither of us have had any ill effects.  I am aware of my arm near the injection site, but there is no pain.  I slept all day yesterday and remember having very long naps with the first dose. "Good grief, this has been a very short day" I said to hubs, and we both laughed.  I had heard that being tired was one of those side effects, but no headaches or chills or fever.  Maybe I should touch wood.  Also a very dear friend gave us some good advice, from her own experience.  Stay hydrated and keep the Tylenol handy.  Thank you dear friend!  I think you know who you are.  We are both smiling in your direction.

We had Pfizer.  If you have had any experience with your vaccinations, maybe you can let us know in the comment section?  Just like each one of us is different, our experiences may be too.

A lot going on in our world.  I am watching the news now.  I am greatly saddened by such loss.  My heart is full for those who are left behind.  

Thanks for stopping by and please take good care of yourselves out there, be safe, be happy and be healthy.


  1. I'm so glad you had such a great experience and really happy to know you've both completed the vaccine. I've heard the Moderna vaccine has more side effects than the Pfizer. I hope to get that one too, but will take whatever I can get.

  2. I'm so glad you shared this with us. We've had our first Moderna shot and have the 2nd for 2 weeks from now. I'll remember to stay hydrated and take a nap! That sounds like good advice! I've been amazed at the efficiency of it all here in Florida. Sweet hugs, Diane

    1. You are very welcome Diane, I am happy to share our experience and hope it helps in some way. Good to know about Florida too. Sweet hugs back to you :)

  3. We got the Madonna and Bob gets his second one next Wednesday a week from today and I get mine two days later so by the end of next week we will have had both of ours and I've had people tell me they had no side effects from the moderna second one and I've had people tell me they had flu symptoms so I guess it's whatever person is different. Glad you're done with both of them and glad there were no side effects

    1. I'm glad you're getting your shot relatively quickly Sandra :) Thank you!

  4. Thank you for sharing your experience. We in Ukraine have only Covishield (vaccine manufactured in India under Astra-Zeneca license)and vaccinations are just started and not everyone have ability to receive it. Unfortunately a lot of people here are not trusting this vaccine so we are waiting for others to be registered and supplied here. Hope the situation will become better.

    P.S. I am your new GFC follower :) Lets be friends :)

    1. Hello Tanya and welcome to my blog. So nice to meet you :) I do hope you are able to receive your inoculation soon and that the situation will become better very quickly. Thank you for following. I shall be visiting you soon.

  5. Good photos of both of you! I shall have my 2nd Moderna shot on Saturday and David will have his 2nd Pfizer shot on Wednesday, different locations.

    1. That's interesting Gigi. I do hope yours and David's go as smoothly as ours :)

  6. I am so glad that you have had both shots with very few adverse effects. I am some weeks off having my first.

    1. Thank you EC :) I do hope you get your inoculation soon.

  7. It's so wonderful you and your husband have had both doses now, Denise! We have as well with no side affects, except sore arms. It's quite emotional to have it done, isn't it? I love how you accounted your vaccinations. The enormity of the situation gives my heart pause. I'm so thankful to all the doctors and nurses that are taking care of us.

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen, and very happy that you and your husband have also, with no side effects. I agree, it was emotional :) Yes, we have a lot to thank those dear people for. In fact, I think of everyone we are grateful to. All the unsung heroes like the lady who brought our groceries yesterday, and everyone who keep things running smoothly for us.

  8. Well done! You must be so happy. We're aways off, still.

    1. Thank you Jenn, yes we are. I hope it won't be long before you get inoculated :)

  9. How great that you already got the second vaccinations. Awesome that they haven’t gotten sore. It scares me to get vaccinated. Here we have only a few vaccinated people.

    1. Thank you Anne! I was a bit nervous at first but only natural to be so :) The second time I had no nerves at all as I knew what to expect. Hope you find out when you will go soon, it's always the waiting that keeps us unsettled.

  10. We felt so much less anxious after our second vaccine. We had no side effects at all. My doctor said that seniors usually have less side effects because their immune systems are not as good as younger people.

    1. Thank you Ginny and that's very interesting about our immune system. I didn't think about that :)

  11. Good for you! Canada is a bit behind but I did hear some poor countries have no vaccines yet.

    1. Thanks Christine and I truly hope that everyone around the world can get it done soon.

  12. Hello, Denise

    It is great you have rec'd your second. We are still waiting to get an appointment here. I am glad it was so easy for you. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. Thanks Eileen, soon for you I hope too. You take care and enjoy your day also :) I had another long nap so our day is once again almost over!!!

  13. I was the same I did not even feel the needle prick at all. I also had Pfizer and apart from a mildly sore arm the following day with both 1st and 2nd jabs I had no ill effects at all. Glad you are done but we were told 3 weeks before full immunity. Nigel had AstraZeneca and he has to wait 2 months before the second one. He did have a headache on the second day but the Dr had told him previously to take paracetamol, 2 tabs 3x per day for 2 days. Keep well Diane

    1. Thank you Diane and that is good news :) Interesting, we were told 7 days but I'll go with three weeks then before we go anywhere. Best to be safe! Paracetamol, I remember my mother and sister taking that. It may go by another name here perhaps.

  14. New technology has allowed needles to become smaller and smaller.

    1. Isn't that wonderful? :) I remember getting a penicillin jab in my thigh with the biggest needle ever when I was a child, after an infection from a dog bite. Scared me terribly and it wasn't only the dog bite that was so painful!

  15. It's still going to be some months before I'll be vaccinated.

  16. Sorry to hear you had the side effects Linda. Glad it cleared up after 24 hours :)

  17. I’m so happy you got your vaccinations, Denise. It’s such a relief, isn’t it? We three got the Pfizer and didn’t get any reaction with the 2nd shot other than an achy arm. I’m told the reason we didn’t feel the needle prick as much is because the needle is so small.

    1. Thank you Kay and I am so glad you three had yours also. Yes, a relief indeed :) I am happy you all did not have a negative reaction. The needle was surprisingly small. We have come a long way from the ones we used to have.

  18. Such a good post and I’m so glad for you. We had our first last week and I have an appt for my second, I had Moderna. Bill had Pfizer and they said they’d email him with appt time for his second and that worries me a little. Our county is so screwed up, we had to make separate appointments at two different pharmacies. Bill had to troll the internet to get them. We pre-registered with the county but never did get called by the Health Dept. So we jumped as soon as the drug stores announced they had it.

    1. Hi Sallie, we were told they would send us an email but in the end we went to the website after not hearing, and made an appointment for a week after that when we saw that we were in the next group of people to get them. I guess it's different with every state. My sister and brother-in-law were told by neighbors that they were giving out shots to people in a parking lot a mile or two away, just take your car she said and join the queue until they run out I guess. One nurse on the driver's side and one nurse on the passenger side. They pulled their car over for ten minutes to make sure they had no reaction and off home they drove. This was not in our state but south of us a few hundred miles. Hopefully there will be more available by now.

  19. We have only had the first...Moderna. Like you, did not feel the stick of the needle. Roger never felt anything from it. I did not know it was sore till later in the evening I had stopped moving around much and realized my arm was getting stiff. And when I touched it it was so sore. I sleep on my side, and could not sleep on that side for about 5 days. It was kind of hard to reach up, but nothing serious.

    I will be glad when we get the second shot behind us...glad it went well for you guys.

    1. That's great about getting your shots Rose, does sound like you and I had the same discomfort but not so bad the next time and I felt a bit tired but not sure if that was because of the shot or if I was just plain tired! I hope you get your second one real soon :)

  20. Congratulations on your second doses. I know more and more people who have done that I love it.
    I also had Pfizer. No problems at all on the first shot, the second shot I was fine for about 18 hours and then felt like I had the flu really bad and went and laid down and the next day I was fine.

    1. Thank you Yogi :) Glad to hear your symptoms only lasted for a day.

  21. So pleased that you have had both parts of the vaccination.

    Here in the UK the vaccination programme is going very well.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you Jan :) and that is good to hear about the UK. All the best to you too.


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