Wednesday, October 9, 2019


This will probably be my last visit to the Fairy Garden in 2019, as the fairies will be going deep underground to hibernate over the colder months.  I will look forward to seeing them again next Spring. Today I was happy to be in their company, as they were all reciting Fairy Poetry and I do love poetry.

"When the winds of March are 
Wakening the crocuses and crickets, 
Did you ever find a fairy 
Near some budding little thickets?
And when she sees you creeping up 
To get a closer peek
She tumbles through the daffodils, 
A playing hide and seek."
~Marjorie Barrows~

"Oh, where do fairies hide their heads,
When snow lies on the hills,
When frost has spoiled their mossy beds, And crystallized their rills?" 
~Thomas Haynes Bayly~

"The fairy poet takes a sheet 
Of moonbeam, silver white.
His ink is dew from daisies sweet,
His pen a point of light."
~Joyce Kilmer~
"The wall is silence, the grass is sleep,
Tall trees of silence their vigil keep,
And the fairy of dreams with moth-furled wings
Plays soft on her flute to the drowsy world."
~Ida Renoul Outhwaite~

"And as the seasons come and go, 
Here's something you might like to know.
There are fairies everywhere, under bushes, in the air,
Playing games just like you play, singing through their busy day.
So listen, touch and look around, in the air and on the ground.  
And if you watch all nature's things, you
Might just see a fairy's wing."

~Author Unknown~
"A rustle in the wind reminds us a fairy is near."
~Author Unknown~"O give me the ears of a fairy  to hear the trees growing.  The greeting of ants and of earwigs, to hearken the lowing of tiny green cattle in grass woods, where wee winds are blowing.
~Author Unknown~So let us be sweet, let us be kind
say nicely goodbye and leave behind
the magical place of Fairyland
but, don’t be sad for it will be
right here waiting for you and for me
~Author Unknown~

See you next Spring!
Have a very happy day and thanks for coming with me to the Fairy Garden.


  1. I am so glad you could get to the fairy garden one more time this season. I know it is heart balm for you. Always.

    1. Couldn't have said it better EC, the whole garden is heart balm. Thank you!

  2. These are so adorable! My favorite poem is the Joyce Kilmer one. The little houses are so sweet.

    1. Thank you Ginny. Joyce Kilmer has quite a history.

  3. The fairy garden is delightful and so well looked after. Fairies must come at dusk and tidy up! So glad that you could visit again. I particularly like the hedgehog photo.

    1. Lots of little fairies looking after that garden :) Thank you so much!

  4. Gostei destas decorações no jardim e aproveito para desejar a continuação de uma boa semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
    O prazer dos livros

    1. Muito obrigado e desejo os mesmos cumprimentos :)

  5. Woohoo much fun! My favorite is the mini hedgehogs!!

    1. Thank you Anni, so glad you enjoyed :)

    2. Ps...thanks for visiting my bird photo blog also Denise!

    3. I am a long time answering Anni but this post just popped up in my side bar and Took a look at it again. I enjoy visiting your bird photo blog a lot and need to get there more often. I am glad I found this for the reminder :). Sorry I took so long.

  6. How cool that someone created a Fairy Garden, and it's pretty phenomenal and lovely! Hugs, RO

    1. Hi RO, yes very cool! I love it! Hugs back to you too :)

  7. What a sweet fairy garden. Hedge hogs are darlings. A happy fairy garden.

    1. Hi Betsy, thank you! The little hedgehogs are a favorite of mine too.

  8. The accompanying poems went so well with the images of the fairy garden, Denise. Good to know they will also hibernate when colder weather comes around, which will be soon enough.

    1. Thanks Dorothy, glad you enjoyed them. I will be hibernating too somewhat :)

  9. Awesome sayings and poems that go along with your photos. By the way great photos.

  10. Thank you Agnes, and welcome :) So nice to meet you.

  11. Absolutely beautiful place, so full of charm! Love your photos ☺

    1. Thank you Natalia, so happy you liked the look of it :)

  12. such a sweet fairy garden, fun and whimsical!! the poems were a perfect fit!!

  13. aw Denise, this is such a lovely post. Its so nice to enjoy a bit of this delightful garden :D) xx

  14. I do love the whimsy of the fairy garden.

    1. Thank you Kay, I always enjoy a touch of whimsy :)

  15. Your fairies are amazingly literate! I love that they recite poetry for you ... and now they do deserve a nice Winters rest. ... are you sure you didn’t write that last anonymous verse yourself? It sounds like you.

    1. I thought they were too Sallie ;) I thought that last poem was a fitting end to my post, but alas I did not write it :)))

  16. Thank you Linda, appreciate that :)

  17. I so enjoyed my visit to the Fairy Garden...
    Lovely selection of photographs Denise, thank you.

    All the best Jan

    1. So happy you did Jan, thank you and all the best :)


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