Thursday, November 1, 2018


There is a history of Clifton at this website.

I didn't share the horses we found in my last post.  We saw them when we took a ride off one of the roads from the main street.
Thinking the road was going to loop back around, it came to a dead-end, and was a private road.  We turned back and soon found a parking spot on the side of the road in town.  
This is the Quigg House, where we found our happy dog in my last post.

Here's a fuzzy picture I managed to get of our happy dog.  She was doing the wriggly, happy dance.  I barely got her in frame and was happy she didn't totally blur out in this one.  I had several blurs.  Such a sweety!
This house is one of my favorites.  
It also has a lovely courtyard.  (Most of these historical houses are private homes.)
This is a very quaint little town with a history. If you live here you are used to people reading those markers and taking photos of your home.  There are a lot more tourists here in the warmer months.  Today it was still very busy with people walking up and down, looking at the shops, going into the restaurants and enjoying these lovely historical homes.  There are also home tours a couple of times in the year.  I went on one years ago.
There are picket fences in front of every home.  

I missed the marker on this one.
This is the Clifton Baptist Church, replacing the one room church that was on this site, in 1910.  

I found one bit of history online as I missed the marker.  It read: "In 1876 George W. Tillet, along with other area men who served with Mosby's Rangers during the Civil War, formed a Baptist Church with services held in his home.  Subsequently they built a one-room church on this site in 1877, which was replaced by the present church in 1910.
That's it for Clifton for a while.  We will probably go back in the springtime.

If you would like to see other visits we have made, you can click on the "Clifton_VA_Oldtown" label below this post.


  1. It looks a truly delightful place to visit - whatever the time of year.

    1. I can agree with that as we have seen it in all seasons :)

  2. that house is so pretty Denise and the windows in that church. Also love the horses in the filed.

  3. What a gorgeous historical town. The houses are beautiful. The church window is lovely too.

    1. That window is a favorite of mine Diane, I have shared it before.

  4. It would be a must-go-see place if I lived in the States. I remember on one of our excursions falling in love with one of the houses. It and others have so much more character than ours.

    1. I see places and I fall in love with them too :)

  5. Hello, it is a pretty place. I love the horses and the cute dog. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

    1. Glad you enjoyed Eileen and the same to you :)

  6. The Baptist church looks quite distinctive.

  7. Looks a delightful place but I love that tiny piebald pony. Take care Diane

    1. It is Diane, I always enjoy going there but it is the first time I have seen those particular horses.

  8. Clifton is a beautiful town, I love old houses and all of these are beautiful, can't pick a favorite, love them all and that courtyard I would love to have

    1. It is a lovely place. That house with the courtyard used to be a bed and breakfast, but it was sold a few years ago and the new owners preferred not to keep it going.

  9. I love the brick courtyard. And the church is so sweet. I wonder what their membership is? Is that a pony I see, or a miniature horse?

    1. I don't really know Ginny, just that they still have services there. I believe it's a miniature horse, they are so cute aren't they?

  10. Hi Denise,
    You most certainly find some wonderful places to visit.
    Some magnificent old properties and love the old windows in the church, good to see the happy dog again.
    All the best, John

    1. We are very fortunate John, and Virginia has a lot of interesting history. Yes, I love my happy dog :)

  11. Great photos! Wiggly dogs and toddlers are both hard to catch in a photo! :)

    1. They are a great combination Ellen, I agree :)

  12. It does look a nice place to visit.

    All the best Jan

  13. Hi Linda, I think they have a very active committee that takes care of things.


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