Saturday, April 7, 2018

You are a marvel....

"You are a marvel.  You are unique.  In all the years that have passed, there has never been another child like you.  Your legs, your arms, your clever fingers, the way you move.  You may become a Shakespeare, a Michelangelo, a Beethoven.  You have the capacity for anything."

~Henry David Thoreau~


  1. What an absolute charmer. Love her fashion style.

    1. Me too, she was a darling and I loved listening to her chatting away to her mum.

  2. Great quote and a charming photo!

  3. So true. So cute. Welcome back.

  4. Totally adorable! And he is right.

  5. I looked, and blinked, and looked again... and yes, it was YOU. Good to see you, Denise, I missed you. I await more news and, dare I say, an explanation for the long wait.

    1. Thanks Valerie, I missed you too. No real explanation, just that time got away from me. I was really shocked to find out how much time had gone by. I did have a respiratory infection that knocked me for six for a while. Afterwards it took me a while to get back into the swing of things, and the time kept ticking by. Great to be back :)

  6. Hello Denise, how are you? I hope all is well. Love the cute photo and great quote. Enjoy your day!

    1. Hi Eileen, all’ is good :) Glad you enjoyed my post. Happy Sunday to you.

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you Christine, she was a dear little girl, and though I tried not to eavesdrop, at times it is hard not to. She and her mother were having a sweet conversation about what they had seen at the park. This mum was starting early introducing nature to her little girl, which I think is marvelous.

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you kindly Francisco, and a good weekend to you too :)

  9. Good to hear from you. Take care and have a good Sunday Cheers Diane

  10. Hi Denise,
    Wonderful quote and image, and oh so true.
    I have just spent the afternoon with our youngest grand daughter, she's eight going on twenty eight. Glad to be home, exhausted but so happy.
    All the best, John

    1. Thank you John and how wonderful that you had a visit with your grand daughter. Happy you had a fun time with her :)

  11. A beautiful photograph and the words from Henry David Thoreau are just perfect!

    All the best Jan

  12. Thanks for sharing this beautifully worded message by an amazing writer who I have also quoted from time to time. I agree we are all unique but I’ve also always thought it’s okay not to be a Beethoven as any simple human being who loves life and is kind is quite special too.

    1. Hello Penelope, and I agree with you, it's okay just to be happy and enjoying life.

  13. Denise, welcome back. Trust all is well. Love the rainbow skirt. Thanks you for sharing.

    1. Thank you Doug :) and all is well. I loved that rainbow skirt too.

  14. The quote perfectly fits the image you captured, Denise. That little girl definitely captures the spirit of Thoreau's words in my mind.
    Thanks for all the kind messages you left on my blog posts over the recent weeks. I know how time can get away and while I too find it difficult to post and read blogs daily, I try to visit at least weekly. I may not always comment on every post, but rest assured I do enjoy reading them.
    Also, I know how those respiratory infections can sideline you as Pat is dealing with one again, after battling one a week ago, it's b-a-c-k. And though I did not have a cold all winter, I have succumbed to coughing and sniffling now :-( Glad you are feeling better and it does take some time it seems.

    1. Hi Dorothy, believe me I know how that goes :) Always glad to see you here when you have the time. Hope you and Pat are feeling much better by now. Let’s hope the warmer weather takes care of that. I have felt particularly chilled to the bone this winter, like many others no doubt. Happy weekend to you both and good health!!!

  15. So happy to see you back! I love the Thoreau quote -- and want to send it to my great-grandboys (probably with a different picture, but they are every bit as unique as your adorable subject). I don't know if you know that little girl personally, but if I were her mother (or great-grandmother) I'd love to have a copy of that picture!

    1. Thank you Sallie, sweet of you to say so and it is lovely to be back. I wish I had known them and the same thought crossed my mind, but they were away before that thought came to me.

  16. so love this quote. I had not heard before!

    1. Hey Fayette, great to see you here :) it is a neat quote isn’t it. Always love these wise little jewels.


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