Tuesday, January 19, 2016

5th day of our vacation - 12-20-15

Sunday, December 20th, 2015

11.45 a.m.  Gregg was practicing with the selfie-stick with the door open to the balcony.  A pretty white dove flew into our room with such a flurry of wings, he startled me. 

He walked around like he was very familiar with the place, then walked out and we were able to close the door behind him.  

Good job too as three of his friends turned up.  No photos of him inside, I was too busy trying to coax  him out.

We left the hotel late today and ate an equally late breakfast in a pancake shop.  They were good but not as good as this memory of ones we had with our son, and it was more of a nostalgia thing really.  He was only five years old and loved those original pecan pancakes but the place, within walking distance of our hotel, was no longer there.   We still have those lovely memories though, of all the excitement he had over even the littlest things on that holiday, and through his eyes Gregg and I had an even more marvelous time.   We talked about those days on this trip.

We went to the Wahiawa Botanical Garden. Another lush and tropical mini Paradise.  We have been very lucky with the weather.  It has rained some but not until we have gotten back into the car.  The same with the wind.  And it always seems to stay at 81 degrees.

If you click on the link to the garden above, you will read that this is a 27 acre park once owned by sugar farmers who donated the land for public use.  In 1957 it was designated a garden and you can read what types of plants were planted here at the website.

We also went for a drive up to the Ualakaa Overlook, where you can get the greatest view of Diamond Head and the skyline of Honolulu, and surrounding area.  

It was a lovely ride up a steep and winding road, and there is no heavy hiking.  We saw great views with a lot of stormy looking clouds.  It was interesting to see the rain falling out at sea.  We have seen rainbows every day, but not here today.

Dinner that night was at our little eatery half way down to the beach from our hotel.   We shared a plate of fried chicken and I also ordered the half papaya Mary recommended.  It was delicious and as she had said, the sweetest I have ever eaten.  It was served with a section of lime, which was to be squeezed over the papaya.  I have never thought of that before but it gave it a delicious little zip to the overall taste, and something that I will try back home.  

Our walk through the hotel gardens is always enjoyable.  In the evening not only are the paths lit up well, but there are fairy lights everywhere.  So pretty with the added beauty of the lush vegetation and tropical flowers.  The intoxicating fragrances from the flowers are incredible. 

We are now back in our hotel room and Gregg decided to do some laundry.  Whenever we travel he always insists on doing the laundry, especially if it is late at night. One of the laundry rooms is on the same floor.

I am enjoying the rest and looking forward to another day of sightseeing tomorrow.  I massage my sore foot and realize the sneakers that I decided to travel in, and wear every day, were a great idea.  My heel isn't quite as sore wearing them.  Gregg also says I am not limping as much.   Climbing up Diamond Head tomorrow?  I wish!  Maybe on the next trip?  We always have to have a goal to aspire to.

Five more facts about Hawaii

1)  From east to west Hawaii is the largest state in the United States.

2)  More than 100 world-renowned beaches ring Honolulu.

3)  The world's largest wind generator is on the island of Oahu.  The windmill has two blades 400 feet long on the top of a tower 20 stories high.

4)  Hawaii is nicknamed the Aloha state, because the word 'Aloha' is the most commonly used word in the Hawaiian language.  Based on the context Aloha can mean hello, welcome, love, best wishes, or even goodbye.

5)  The Big Island (Hawaii Island) is getting bigger by about 42 acres each year, because of the continuous erruptions of the Kilauea volcano.  It has been errupting for 32 years.

If you missed the previous posts and would like to read them, you can click on the links below.

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

I am linking with the following memes, with my thanks to our hosts.  Please visit other participants by clicking on each name.  

Good Fences
Fun Friday Favorites
SkyWatch Friday Friday
Willy Nilly Friday
Saturday's Critters
Camera Critters
Anni's Bird D'Pot
Nature Notes
Wild Bird Wednesday


  1. Wahiawa is always the cold spot. You both look so nice. And I am enjoying this view of the familiar through your eyes!

  2. Yes. Papaya woth lime is delicious. We had it here too.

  3. The view from the overlook is wonderful. I was introduced to paw paw (papaya) and lemon juice in New Guinea.

  4. Hello Denise, the gardens look lovely. Gorgeous view of the oahu from the overlook. Lovely photos of you and your hubby! Happy Tuesday, enjoy your new week!

  5. The garden really is a lovely sight, and that dove is pretty.

  6. photo number 8 of that tall tree is awesome. great shot of you and i would love to visit these gardens. to funny on your room visitor. the best pecan pancakes i ever had was in Jacksonville FL

  7. Such a fun trip! Memories of past travels only enhance the present one. I never know whether I wish I could go back to certain special places or whether I wish I could visit a few new ones on my 'places to go' list!! You are shwoing us a wonderful special place here and I love how you combine new experiences with memories of the past.

  8. So you did make it to Tantalus, located near Punahou School, Obama's high school, and near Kapiolani Medical Center, where he was born?
    Your photos are awesome.

  9. Gorgeous captures, Denise, and you have such a lovely smile! :)

  10. Denise, I loved the little tidbit about your sun and the pecan pancakes. IF I can remember, I want to send you a link to a video I found on you tube....if I can find it again. I don't know what about your feet are hurting, but my heels were hurting so bad I could hardly stand to go shopping. to make a long story short, I found a video and tried what they said to do, and it really helped. I told Sarah about it and it helped her, too.

  11. Wow you are on vacation and took us with you! Love all of these photos ans stories, Denise! Miss you a lot! I am thinking of setting up a new blog too. . .

  12. That first one with the dove as amazing - well, all gorgeous really.

  13. wonderful shots denise! how much snow are you expecting in this storm? i've heard mention of 30 inches down here, crazy! i hope that is wrong!

  14. hi denise -such lovely shots!
    seeing all those beautiful photographs has given my wednesday a boost! thank you.:)

  15. I'm enjoying reading about your holiday and looking at all your photo's.
    Nice ones of you and Gregg too.

    Hope your week is going well

    All the best Jan

  16. This is such a wonderful trip Denise to see what you saw and experienced in a place I'm not likely ever to visit. The views are spectacular over the city and out to see.
    glad you foot got better to enjoy the rest of your trip and as you said, there's always next time!

  17. Beautiful lush vegetation and wonderful memories!

  18. cute shots of both of you. :) lovely doves and pigeons.

  19. Make the best of each day and enjoy whatever you can.

  20. Lovely to see you two guys in the photos-the holiday looks and sounds fantastic.

  21. Beautiful dove photos, well captured. And such a summer paradise - unthinkable for me in the moment...

  22. Perhaps this wasn't the dove's first time around the block and waits for the door to open ;)
    Wonderful photos. Glad you had such enjoyment.

  23. Beautiful nature shots ~ my favorite is the dove ~ magnificent shots!

    Happy Weekend to you ~ ^_^

  24. That would have been a bit nerve wracking having a bird fly inside like that. Glad he got out okay. - Wow lots of great stuff in that tropical looking garden, so pretty.

  25. A wonderful post! I love those beautiful views of Diamond Head!!

  26. What a cheeky bird!!I love visiting botanic gardens....always such interesting things to see and photograph.

    1. Thanks for sharing with fun friday favourites Denise, and for the link back. :)

  27. I love the pidgeon and your photos! Hawaii is so far away for me, thanks showing in photos!

  28. Hello Dennise!:)This is a holiday of a lifetime and you both look very happy on your photos.Spectacular views of the city, and beautiful flora in the gardens. I recognize the low growing plant ( the one with the pink flowers) as I have several in my garden. Nice captures of the dove also. Have a good weekend!:)

  29. your post has warmed me up . . what a gift! Thank you for the terrific stories - Great Share!

  30. Soon I will be waking to the cooing of the doves.

  31. Nice view of Honolulu.
    Beautiful photos.

  32. Love the gorgeous tropical gardens! And that sweet white dove was such a special visitor, especially since he showed himself back out! :-) Such beautiful photos! I am really enjoying your Hawaiian trip!

  33. Hello Denise, the white dove is beautiful. A neat visitor! Great post and photos. Thank you forlinking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  34. You are having such a good time. Love the white dove. I love to visit gardens ... amazing aren't they?!!! Happy Critter Day and thanks for your tour of Hawaii!

  35. What a beautiful set of photos!
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  36. Beautiful!! I love the islands. I'm so enjoying tagging along with you two on your trip.
    Beautiful white dove too.

    1. I've returned to add my thanks for sharing your link to this post to share with us at I'd Rather B Birdin' this weekend.

  37. Congrats on avoiding the blizzard, Denise!

    Wish I was in Hawaii!


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