Saturday, July 27, 2024



There are days when you have to part with your broomstick for the greater cause, and say it like it is!

 All joking aside I enjoy visits from the crows. I saw them every day, always at the same time, this before I stopped filling the bird feeders. The raccoons and foxes were frequent visitors, and I will start up again in the Fall when nature's bounty is scarce, and the larger animals are safe in their burrows. 

As I have mentioned before, and I might sound a bit boring, but this is also to remind myself why I have done this. My natural inclination is to do the opposite. I must remember that there are too many family pets let out at night all up and down our road, and beyond. I sometimes hear these dogs barking, letting their humans know when they want to come back inside. No bear sightings like there were last year but I don't want to look outside and see this fellow waving at me, even though he looks very friendly. Look at that, he even wants to help with the tidying up, bless his heart! 
Not to mention I heard a very loud yipping and yowling between said fox and raccoon one night when they found themselves on the deck at the same time. No argie-bargies thank you very much and that was that! I often thought how nice it would be to live out in the countryside, but I love it here and that's not going to happen now. In the meantime, I make sure the water is out and still available if needed. Not only for the birds but for others who make quick trips to the water dishes, and hopefully paths do not cross for larger animals.

So, two cheeky crows visited the 
bird feeder a few weeks ago (plus my imaginary bear), and that's how it goes on a Saturday morning at the bird feeder.

Thanks for looking everyone, and I hope 
you are all having a great weekend.


  1. Well, it always looks like you live in the country, what with the raccoons and foxes. Do you live on a residential street with other houses all along it? I LOVE crows! Phil had a pet one as a boy. They are so smart, and can use tools!

    1. We live on a road in what they call a bedroom community Ginny. Not too far is a freeway and there are so many people here, they are widening the roads and adding extra lanes for the ever growing traffic. We avoid rush hour whenever possible. How wonderful that Phil had a pet crow as a boy :) They are very smart birds.

  2. Hi Denise.
    How nice to read news from the bird house!!
    I loved the raven dialogue!
    Luckily you haven't seen any bears this year,
    they are a bit scary!!
    It is very bad that people give up their pets,
    in Greece unfortunately it happens often!!
    Have a nice weekend!!

    1. Hi Katerina :) I am happy you enjoy. Yes, very lucky! Although I love bears, it isn’t good for them or for us to get too close together. Fortunately people love their pets around here, but I read about abandoned animals and sadly the shelters are full of them. You have a nice weekend also.

  3. Thanks for sharing your world!

    1. You are very welcome Cloudia, so nice to have you visit :)

  4. Always makes me smile. You have a great weekend! Raining like nuts here

    1. Wonderful! So glad! You have a great one too. Enjoy that liquid sunshine :)

  5. The birds and animals all want to be fed by you.
    Take care.

  6. While it is nice to spot the critters, when you live in a more populated area it's not necessarily a good place for them to be.
    Where I live I mostly see rabbits. I've smelled evidence of a skunk every now and then but have never seen one. I've never spotted any raccoons but they could be out there. Before my shed caved in, I did have a ground hog living underneath it for a while.

    1. Very true Ann :) I would love to see rabbits but haven’t in a very long time. We used to smell skunks all the time but haven’t done so in a couple of years. A friend had an opossum living under her house for a while. We still have a lot of trees around here and it is very wooded in parts with a creek not so far away. So, even though we have homes all around us, humans and animals all live together.

  7. Hello,
    Cute captions, the crows can be messy. We had two bears show one morning, they walked around the yard and our deck looking for food. They did eat some blueberries off our bushes. Take care, have a happy weekend.

    1. Hello Eileen :) oh my goodness, two bears? You take care and have a great weekend also.

  8. I always go out with my pets at night...We're in a suburb but coyotes still roam as do the hawks.
    Happy weekend!

    1. That’s wonderful that you take such care knowing there are coyotes and hawks about Donna :) Happy weekend to you also and sending hugs.

  9. The crows in the woods follow us for treats. They know who carries them and who doesn't.

  10. Crows would be fun to watch...they are so smart, too. I sure understand your decisions anoutvfeeding now that summer is here.

    1. Thank you Rose, I appreciate that :) You're right, they are very smart birds.

  11. I believe they are noisy too those crows.

    1. They can be very true. Fortunately, the most we have had at any one time are three of them. One lands first and starts calling to the others telling them there is food there I'm sure :)

  12. I too thought you lived in the country. You sure have a plethora of creatures around you!

    1. We do and I can understand why you had that impression. We only have to drive half an hour and we are in the countryside. In the other direction is Washington DC but we mostly go towards the Shenandoah's.

  13. we like the crows also, but only see them other yards. we don't put out food except once in a while I throw out apple peeling or fruit that is going to ripe.. we try not to attract animals because the raccoons and possums are not good around dogs. our neighbor and us tried once to get the coons trapped and moved, he came but he said he would not trap more than two and there were five.. who knows how many there are now, no predators for them..

    1. Thank you for the input Sandra, found it very interesting :) That sounds like good, healthy food for the birds and critters. Same here as far as raccoons are concerned but I have never seen a possum around here.

  14. Such helpful crows and that imaginary bear Denise. I understand the dilemma. So nice of you to provide water still. Happy weekend!

    1. Weren't they though? :) Thank you Martha Ellen and a happy weekend to you also.

  15. It is nice when those who make the mess clean up after themselves! We had two Robins pushed out of their nest to learn to fly visit on our deck this morning. Cute to see their efforts!

    1. It certainly is and that can be said for all across the species :) I would have enjoyed seeing your baby robins. Thanks Ellen!

  16. LOL Denise you live a with all your wildlife
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. Well that’s a lovely compliment and a great turn of phrase, thank you Cecelia ;) sending hugs!

  17. These Saturday posts always make me smile, thank you.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

    All the best Jan


    1. Then my job is done and you are very welcome. Thank you Jan :) I wish you the same.

  18. Replies
    1. Very sweet of you to say Recomenzar, thank you. Welcome to my blog :)

  19. A very nice post. You are a good guardian to the nature around you. Thanks for your sweet words about Mercy. The human-animal bond is pretty miraculous.

    1. Thank you E, I try my best :) With regards to Mercy you are very welcome and I couldn’t agree with you more.

  20. Your Saturday mornings sound so lively!
    I love how you balance feeding the birds while being mindful of the larger animals and neighborhood pets.
    Your encounters with crows, raccoons, and foxes are fascinating.
    Nature certainly has its unique ways of entertaining us!

    1. Hello Veronica Lee, I am very happy you think so :) I try very hard. Glad you enjoyed and totally agree about nature.

  21. Cute pictures. The water in my birdbath disappears too quickly to just evaporate, but I’ve only caught the squirrel drinking it a couple times. Perhaps a raccoon comes in at night.

    1. I'm sure the raccoon would have a good drink too. Thank you Linda :)


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