Sunday, July 28, 2024


Some of these are from Pinterest, but others are sent to me by family and friends, or I just find them and file them and forget about them, until now.

An added note that gave me an “Aaha” moment that I thought was important enough to share. Did you know if a service dog came up to you wearing its service vest without its human, something may have happened and the dog is asking for your help and wants you to follow him/her to give aid to their human, or call for help?  I never thought about this before and am glad to know. 
Gregg gave the following to me, an inside joke and he got his reward, a good laugh! I told him well, you know I can relate, to which he replied, oh I know that!  He is always saying he can’t believe what I can remember, not only the things he said sometimes a very long time ago, which comes in useful when he is trying to remember something, and yes when he has said something to me when we were newlyweds, which I can tease him about years later. Don’t worry, he teases me too. We never go over the line where we might make one another uncomfortable. But there are people, situations, etc., that pop into our conversation again years later and I can usually fill in the blanks. I guess it’s a girl thing? What do you say ladies?  My brain is my filing cabinet, right now!
This is a room that I would love. So cozy and warm even without a fire. When I was growing up, my parents, my sister and I would visit family and friends in old homes such as this one, and I always loved those wooden beams on the ceiling, the old stone fireplaces with their roaring fires in the winter months, and bookshelves full of lovely old books. I was often allowed to take one down to look at while the adults were talking, and remember playing with their dogs, inside or out in the garden depending on the weather. Little did they know they were helping me to form my taste in things as an adult. I have always loved anything old.
If I am remembering correctly, I think John Lennon may have said this, or at least something like it.
Here’s a cute bunny rabbit because as you may know, I am going through my bunny phase.
This made me laugh. Maybe my quirky humor is showing, or something!
A lovely poem for newlyweds.
Pretty artwork.
And look at that, animals of the forest getting along, sharing a good night’s sleep. Dare I hope?  Maybe one day!
One of my favorite themes, The Lion and the Lamb, a good one to end my post.

Thank you for continually visiting my blog. 
It is a very happy part of my day to read your comments, and to visit you in return. I appreciate it more than I can put into mere words. 

Wishing you all a very happy Sunday, and
may your week be a great one!  


  1. I think my favorite here is the pretty landscape with the moon and flowers in the tree. It does seem that among married couples, the woman has the better memory!!

    1. That’s a pretty one for sure Ginny and yes, I think so :)

  2. Love the art. That is really funny all those things in the draw, still smiling.
    Nice memories as well Denise.
    Take care.

    1. Happy you enjoyed Margaret :) you take care too.

  3. A lovely post. Thank you - and a very happy Sunday to you.

    1. You are very welcome Sue, thank you and the same to you :)

  4. Hello, happy Sunday!
    I love all the cute animals, images and quotes. That is good to know about the service dog, hopefully it will never happen. Take care, have a great week.

    1. Thank you Eileen and yes, hopefully. You take care and have a great weekend also :)

  5. I love that living room too...looks so cozy and safe. Happy Sunday, Denise.

    1. Wonderful, thank you Angie and a Happy Sunday to you too :)

  6. Thanks Linda, I agree about the room :)

  7. Love them all. I used to have a folder full of things like this to use for a blog posts. I don't know how good my memory is but I know it was way better than Wade's was. My daughter seems to remember a lot of things from when she was growing up that don't sound the least bit familiar to me. Maybe she had a second family or

    1. That's great, so glad you enjoyed them all. It's fun to have these in folders and then find them again, like a gift found tucked away in a corner of the basement. You have a delightful humor Ann, thanks for making me smile :)

  8. A post to make your readers feel comfortable and relaxed. Thank you, Denise.

    1. You are very welcome Jan and thank you for the very nice compliment. So kind of you :)

  9. I love that filing cabinet drawer - what Bob said!

    1. Me too, I have a chuckle every time I look at it :)

  10. This is a lovely Sunday post, my friend. I didn't know about the service dog. This is very valuable information to remember. Yesterday as we were traveling home on College Avenue there was a gentleman that had his service dog helping him cross the street. I was so impressed that the dog was aware of when the light changed it was safe for him to cross with his sight impaired human. These animals are so smart! The sweet terrier at the window reminds me of our son's dear Henry. He is gone but never forgotten by his humans. Thank you also for all the lovely encouraging words. I love the poem for newlyweds. Also the file cabinet is one I will be sharing with Grayden. Happy Sunday!

    1. And hello to you too Martha Ellen :) and you are very welcome, positive words and certain poems are always very comforting to me. A clever thing to train the dog to do this isn’t it? Thank you for telling me about the one you saw at the traffic light. No doubt I will be paying particular attention to them from now on. I see them occasionally, but not for a while. You are right, they are very smart. Henry must have been a real sweety. We have never forgotten our fur baby and she has been gone for years, never be forgotten. I hope Grayden enjoys Bob’s filing cabinet drawer as much as we did. It has been giving me a chuckle today. Happy Sunday to you too my dear friend :)

  11. The same to you and meow from Mercy.

  12. Loved these entries. Yes, I think youngsters get the meaning of what's important in life instead of busy, rushing people. The Time Travelers would make a good minister's statement at a wedding. That old "compass of the heart" is an important, quiet guide and much more reliable than "gut feelings." Hope you find all the bunnies you'd like. (Late reponse uz I work nights. Sunday morning is my "Friday." Brain is really confused right now.) Cheers for your day! Linda in Kansas


    1. Hello Linda :) I am very happy you enjoyed these. I agree with you about the children and the Time Travelers. Compass of the heart is a very sweet turn of phrase. Fortunately there is no shortage of bunnies online :) I am always delighted to see you my friend, no matter what the time of day is, and depending on how much time you have. I tip my hat to you for working nights. Cheers for your day also :)

  13. This is such a warm post on Sunday even I just read your post on Monday morning.

    1. Happy Monday Roentare :) Thank you very much. I am happy you found it so.

  14. Replies
    1. So glad, thank you Jenn :) I am hoping that you and JB are feeling much better today.

  15. La imagen del perro y los ositos son mis favoritas. Te mando un beso.


    1. ¡maravilloso! ¡Muchas gracias! Te mando un beso.

  16. It is still Sunday here on the west coast but I missed your Sunday. A fun post. That room is so dreamy to me. I could just plop down and enjoy putting my feet up and staying awhile. We have a gentleman who comes to our church with his sweet service dog. That is good information to know. Hope this new week is a good one for you!

    1. I would love that most definitely! How interesting about the gentleman you know with the service dog. He could verify this interesting information. Thank you and I hope the same for you :)

  17. Dear Denise, it is Monday here but I only saw your post today, and it has made my day. Such a happy feel good post that I have enjoyed immensely. The animal pics are all so cute and the quotes that made me smile are the. "What do want to be when you grow up" ha ha, such a good answer!! Another I enjoyed is All you need is love, chocolate, wine, and a nap, because I love them all,.... possibly need them all! :=) Many thanks for smiles.
    All the best

    1. Greetings Sonjia and you have made my day. I am always happy to bring smiles. You are very welcome and thank you! All the best to you too :)


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