Sunday, March 17, 2024


Always a happy day when one of Ann's greeting cards pop into the mailbox. There are cut-out features on the card that don't really show on these photos. They make the card even more special. Also, my photos came out a bit darker than the actual card. I need that light-box!

Thank you Ann! The kindness you share knowing that you make each and every card, makes them even that more special. Happy Saint Patrick's Day my friend!

A Happy Saint Patrick's Day to each and every one of you who are celebrating, here in the U.S., in Ireland and to those who are living in other countries.

I remember when I first came here and was working in Washington D.C., I turned up on Saint Patrick's Day at work, and someone asked me where was my green? I answered very innocently, but I'm not Irish. My younger state of mind didn't think I was allowed. The reply from several of my co-workers was that everyone was Irish on Saint Patrick's Day. From that day on I remembered to wear my bit of green. It was my first St. Patrick's Day in America, and I didn't realize what a very big celebration it was here.

To all of you, whether you are celebrating or no, have a wonderful day.



  1. That is a beautiful card and thanks for sharing your early memories of being an America!

  2. I didn't know about St. Patrick's Day. Thanks for the info Denise . Have a beautiful week!

    1. I didn’t know too much about this day either Katerina, until I came to America. I knew of St. Patrick but not too much of the celebrations and the whys back then. Thank you, you have a beautiful week also.

  3. I realized when I did my post with this card that I didn't show both versions. I used two different papers on the front because I didn't have enough of the one I started with to do all the cards. So glad you liked it.
    I never wear green for St. Patricks day because I don't think I even own anything green.

    1. I loved it, thanks again Ann. I forgot to wear anything green today. A have a couple of sweaters but it was too warm to wear them today.

  4. It has been a constant source of amazement to me that St. Patrick’s Day is fĂȘted so much in other corners of the world. I would guarantee you that many people, if not most, have no idea how St. Patrick gained renown.

    1. It would be interesting to find those statistics :)

  5. The sentiment on the card says it all. Good friends are hard to find.

  6. Happy St. Patrick's Day! Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week ahead.

  7. My eyes are green so I'm always Irish...lolol

    1. That you are Donna and how lovely to have green eyes :)

  8. I am part Irish and never celebrated it or wore green which is my least favorite color. I only do the blogs because everyone else does.. I am also half Scot, I wonder if they have a holiday. I think it became a big deal here because of the immigrants of Ireland that filled the country back during the potato famine. I was raised in Savannah GA which was at the time of my birth about half Irish and up in the NE there were even more.

    1. That’s a good question so I looked it up. The first Scottish holiday that came to my mind was Hogmanay. The others you can find at the website below

      Our immigrants brought many of their wonderful traditions with them. Thanks for the info about your heritage and where you were raised.

  9. Barb and I recently found out that we have quite a bit of Irish in our bloodlines. We have a lot of St. Patty's Days to make up for!

    1. How wonderful! I hope you made a good start today :)

  10. Interesting that you were told everybody's Irish on St. Pat's day. I was told the same thing but it took me a while to catch on. Have a great day.

    1. We have a lot of relatives via marriage on my side of the family :)

  11. Happy St Patrick's Day to you Denise! I hope you have a great week.

  12. I have to dig out a little green, too. I don't think I have any Irish in me, except on St. Patrick's Day!

    1. There you go Jeanie, I am not sure if I have any Irish either. My ancestry expert thought so at one point but I do have a little Welsh going on :)

  13. I love your dogs in hats! My card from Ann is the same inside, but has a different front. I am so glad she is using her talent to make others happy! So will you be having corned beef or some other Irish food today? We are just having a pizza from Aldis. And egg in a hole for breakfast.

    1. Ann is certainly bringing a lot of joy. I wasn’t very organized with my Irish cuisine, we were out for a good part of the day and had fast food. Egg in the hole sounds good, as does the pizza :)

  14. Happy St. Patrick's day to you, Denise!

  15. Your St. Patrick's day greeting card is lovely, Denise. How thoughtful of your friend to make you such lovely cards. I didn't wear green today, unfortunately. Our grandson said I should be careful as I might be pinched, but so far I've been lucky. Have a lovely evening.

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen and your grandson is very wise :) You have a lovely evening also.

  16. Lovely card. I forgot about St. Patrick's Day till evening time yesterday that day of St. Patrick's Day. When I went to school many moons ago we always wore a green ribbon on that day. We had nuns back then and some were Irish as were some of the Priests.

    1. Ann is getting a lot of well-deserved compliments :) I enjoyed reading about your school days and St. Patrick’s Day, thanks Margaret! :)

  17. A cute story about your co-workers and questioning you about wearing GREEN. I have one green sweater, and I managed to wear that on St. Patrick's Day. Yes, it's a big celebration in the states. I don't celebrate much, but all my kids are part Irish. ; )


    1. Happy you enjoyed it Sheri, thank you. Good for you on wearing your green :) That's lovely about your kids. Coming here for the first time I was excited learning where everyone's ancestry originated, so very interesting.


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