Saturday, September 3, 2022


 Last Saturday we decided to go for a quick lunch at McDonalds.  We usually go through the drive-thru and find a parking spot under a shady tree.  We eat our cheeseburger and share a container of French fries, keeping our trash to throw away at home.  I generally take water with me in my reusable drinking cup, with a lid on it, as I don't really like sodas and prefer my own filtered drinking water.  Picky I know!

On the way home I spotted an odd shape flattened between the side of the car and the rearview mirror.  I am in the front passenger seat. Gregg was chatting and I was listening, but at the same time was very focused on that object, which I didn't mention for a while.  I first thought it was a bit of trash picked up off the road.  We were traveling 40 to 45 miles an hour and all of a sudden the shape moved closer, and much to my surprise I saw that it was a small frog. 


"Good grief!" I said to Gregg.  "It's a frog!"  It was hanging on tightly, but we didn't know how much longer it would be able to do so.  Gregg looked for a safe place to stop but there was none right there, and we drove on until we found a side road that had a wooded area, and no traffic.  In the meantime, I took a few photos, no surprise there.  He was such a cute little frog and he and I had an interesting conversation, as always happens with nature's friends on a Saturday.

We stopped and Gregg got the empty bag, plus the French Fries container to try and coax him into the bag.  He wasn't a happy frog!

He wasn't having any of this malarkey, and as limber as frogs tend to be, he jumped onto the car's aerial.  It was a long way in frog leaps but he was okay, and he had more than one guardian angel looking after him.

Still a bit stubborn about getting into that old bag...

He was one scared little dude!
After a few more minutes and finally tucked safely inside the bag, Gregg transported our little friend across the road, placing him gently into the undergrowth.   

My hero!  And Freddy's hero too.

There were plenty of trees to climb.  Other frogs and non-frogs welcomed their new neighbor and didn't mind at all that he smelled of French Fries.  Freddy the Frog - now named by me - moved into his little house on the tree branch where he lived happily ever after.


I hope you have enjoyed my tale of whimsy, where truth and fiction married and found its way onto my blog.

Thanks for visiting and have a wonderful weekend!

Found this online and unfortunately, as I occasionally do, forgot to make a note of its address.  However, there is more information at this link.  Please let me know if you think I am incorrect. I am always looking for the proper ID.)


  1. How utterly wonderful and charming! And your storyline and captions make it even that much better. It's not every day that one can be an angel to a frog. Very clever of you to figure out he dropped down from a tree.

    1. Thank you Ginny, so glad you enjoyed :) Not 100 percent certain he dropped out of the tree but it seemed logical at the time. Funny thing is, on those walks we took, I was always looking for a tree frog, never finding one, and then this one dropped into our lap, so to speak :)

  2. Well I just had to laugh when you wrote that a frog was travelling with you :) love your captions too..

    1. Thank you Margaret, glad it gave you a laugh :) It was quite a surprise.

  3. What a great relief of a hero was the man in blue...aka Gregg!!

  4. Replies
    1. Muito obrigado! Ele é uma criatura adorável :) Um abraço e continuação de bom fim de semana.

  5. Cute post and captions, the frog was hanging on tight. It is a cute frog. have a happy weekend.

    1. Happy you thought so Eileen, he certainly was. Happy weekend to you also :)

  6. Oh my, that poor little frog must have been hanging on for dear life traveling down the road. You and your husband saved the day.

    1. Thank you Anne and yes, I felt very protective to that little frog when I saw him hanging on for dear life. What a story he had to tell his new friends in the wood :) He probably still smells of French fries, LOL!

  7. What an adventure for the frog! Glad that he is safe in the nature now.

  8. What a great story using your many photo.

  9. I have 14 post under cuban tree frog and his name is freddy. this one looks a lot like my freddy but yours is gray and ours is green. yours has more spots. so glad you saw him and stopped and rescued him from death by falling off the moving car. I love this post, each photo is priceless.

    1. I looked up the Cuban tree frog, that's very interesting. I didn't know there was a type going by that name. Happy you enjoyed the photos and captions, thank you :)

  10. So if the cops had seen this and your husband had said, "I'm just putting this frog in the undergrowth", would they have believed him? HA! Good for you, saving the little guy!!

  11. that must have been a big surprise to see that critter hanging on tight. Fun story line you came up with, too. How kind you two are with critters.

    1. Thanks Ellen, so kind of you to say so, and it certainly was a big surprise. My eyes definitely got wider when I saw the little guy, and then we immediately went into rescue mode :)

  12. Hi Linda and thank you for reading it to Bob. His "hmm" made me smile :)

  13. I absolutely adored this darling tale, Denise! What a sweet couple you both are. You and the frog whisperer are a couple of sweeties. Thank you for sharing about Freddie. I'm sure he had a lot to tell his friends that day.

    1. You are very welcome Martha Ellen and thank you for the sweet words. Rescuing Freddie just seemed the natural thing to do. The little guy must have been glad to get down and back into natural surroundings. And what a story for him to tell as you say :)

  14. What a wonderful post.
    Love the photographs and the captions :)

    All the best Jan

    1. So glad you enjoyed our little frog story Jan :) Thank you and all the best to you too :)

  15. Wow! I haven't seen a frog in Hawaii for a long, long time. By the way, we're planning a trip to England next spring. If you have any advice, I'd love it.

    1. Hi Kay, that's interesting about the frog. How wonderful you are going to go to England next spring. I'll get my thinking cap on for you :)

    2. It's going to be a Viking cruise again. It will be stopping in London and Liverpool. We're planning to go three days early though and have booked a tour of Stonehenge the morning after we get there. This is a bad risk, we know... but sigh... we're going to try it anyway. Hopefully, the flight won't have a glitch like this last time. Fingers crossed. We wanted to do the early morning tour and it's not offered all the time.

    3. That all sounds great and I will keep my fingers crossed for you on the Stonehenge trip.

  16. I know it's not a toad, but that story was "toad-ly" cool. His little sucker feet must be sore today. Linda in Kansas

    1. Love it, thanks for the smile Linda :)

    2. Hi DrumMajor, sorry, I couldn't find a blog link to return the visit :(

  17. Replies
    1. Thank you, I thought he was too :) So nice to meet you and welcome to my blog.

  18. Hello, :=) I loved every moment of your story, and all the cute captions. What an adventure for the little Grey Tree Frog. It was lucky for him that you are both nature lovers, and rescued him with care. I hope Freddy likes his new home, and finds a Fredrica to share it with him.:=)

    1. Thank you Breathtaking, so glad you found this enjoyable. I hope he finds Fredrica too :)

  19. What a fun post, Denise, and it featured one of our favorites, a frog. It is amazing that the frog was able to hand on and glad it was safely relocated by Gregg.

    1. Wonderful! Happy you enjoyed :) It was amazing but goes to show how sticky their toes are. Clever little things!

  20. Oh, how adorable! I hope Freddy found some friends in his new home.

    1. There seems to be a lot of these little guys around, so am very hopeful he has settled in. I did read that they are loaners though, and should do more research as now I am very interested in learning more :)

  21. Eeeeeek! That would have really surprised me. I drive through McDonald's once in awhile, and would have never expected that. Your frog photos and quotes are cute. Sometimes I hear a frog croak in the middle of the night, but so far, I've never seen them here in the mountains. Maybe it's too dry for them? That was good of your husband to carry him off to the woods. : )


    1. Thanks Sheri :) We didn't expect it either. It was quite a surprise! Yes, Gregg is very kindhearted to just about everything and everyone.

  22. What a great feel! Good story! You guys are really good to animals and I love your frog story in his own words. Really well done. Very enjoyable

    1. Hi Cloudia, happy you thought so and thank you for the kind words :)

  23. I loved your story and the illustrations! (Do you ever think about making a blog book with your Saturday stories? -- it would be so cute!)

    1. I am happy you loved it Sallie. I should make a blog book and maybe one day I will get myself organized. Thanks so much for the encouragement :)


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