Saturday, July 16, 2022


When I saw this Blue Jay in such a pose I was worried about its health, but on doing some research I learned that it is commonly called "anting". It is a way they clean their feathers. 

A person was answering someone in a forum when I did a search, and said they more often see this behavior in the Carolina Wren but also have observed it in the Blue Jay population, though not as often (see added note below post).

But, another reason, and one I am inclined to believe in this case is that our Blue Jay is ‘sunning’.  There is a great YouTube video (link below my post) that explains in more detail. 

Later I found my Blue Jay singing one of my favorite operatic pieces.  I didn’t like to say out loud but he was more screechier than Luciano Pavarotti.  You can listen to Luciano’s version at this link.  

Thankfully, a few moment later, Blue Jay flew up into the trees.  It was a relief to know he was okay.

Thank for visiting me today and I hope you get a chance to sing your own favorite song.  Would you like to tell us what it is in the comments, just for fun?

Whatever you are doing today, I hope it is a great one.

Added note: I found a little more information on ‘anting’.  You can read about it here.  There is a YouTube at this link that shows you their behavior.  I am not sure now whether our Blue Jay was anting, as this usually takes place on the ground, where they actually lie on ants.  I have definitely never come across this before.  Now, when we had trees where its branches lay over the deck rail, we did have ants but none since they were cut down.  I am now wondering if the Blue Jay took a bath in the bowl of water I keep out there, and was drying its wings.  The third reason and my favorite explanation, is the one I saw on YouTube, that it was sunning as mentioned earlier.  


  1. Well that is rather a weird pose I must say. Glad all is well.

    1. Thank you Margaret :) I have seen it in a much larger bird when they are drying their wings after swimming, but this was totally new to me in such a smaller bird.

  2. What a relief to know that the bird was fine. Not musical here, so no favourite song. I prefer bird song to ours...

  3. I have never seen such a thing. I would have been concerned too since I've never heard of anting. Quite interesting. Your speech bubble on the photo gave me a good chuckle.

    1. I am happy you had a chuckle with my speech bubble Ann :) Definitely a new thing for me too, this anting.

  4. Hello, It is a strange pose. I have seen them do this on my deck railing. Great photo.
    Have a happy weekend.

  5. The blue jays are characters! Our mimic the red-tailed hawk. It is funny! (ツ) from Jenn Jilks , ON, Canada!

  6. that was my first thought, that he had hurt himself and crash landed. I loved the end of the song on the link, and much rather hear that than the screech of blue jays... this is a super photo. Maybe he just had a fight with Mrs Bluejay... and she won. ha ha

    1. That's what I thought also, except that the wing-drying crossed my mind as I remember an anhinga and other larger birds doing the same thing when I was down your way a few years back :) Like your take, that he had a fight with Mrs. Bluejay and she won, haha!

  7. I have never seen this activity before. Now I will have to look for it.

  8. 😄 sorry I missed the concert!

  9. Replies
    1. Several blogging friends have said the same thing William, I definitely learned something researching the Blue Jay's behavior :)

  10. I'm hoping that was the case Linda :) but it seemed okay from the way he flew out of there.

  11. Interesting on anting. Now that song is stuck in my head.

  12. Anting, I learned something from you!!

  13. I have never heard of that and I would have thought as you originally did! That's fascinating!

  14. I’ll bet he was drawing off. As for songs, I like so many! I I would rather listen to them then to hear myself sing. My voice used to be stronger than it is now.

    1. Mine too Linda but I still sing when I know no one is listening :)

  15. Never heard of anting. Interesting. Lovely birds but have seen them put a cat in the wind and chase humans near their nests.

  16. Interesting info about the Blue Jay. I didn't know this.

    1. Thank you Gigi, I found it interesting too :)

  17. So much to learn about birds!! I love songs and I love singing so I'd never be able to narrow things down to one! We like to talk sometimes in lyrics around here, too.

    1. That's cute, I would love to listen to your conversation :)

  18. And, now I have learned something new, Denise, as I also never knew about this behavior called "anting." I don't recall seeing blue jays doing it when we had feeders at our VA home. Thanks for the info.

    1. You are very welcome Dorothy:) This behavior was totally new to me also, at least with smaller birds. I had seen much larger ones spreading their wings to dry after swimming when on vacation.


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