Friday, July 15, 2022



I have to say, if anyone took a photo of me like this, I wouldn’t be too happy.  It did, however, tickle my funny bone.  Frankly, I can see myself here.  I have been known to fall asleep on the sofa while sitting up and reading.  No warning!  No rereading words, no drifting, just waking up having slunk down almost horizontal, just like this dear lady.

The photo looks like it was taken in the 50s(?), and I found it endearing.  Bless her heart, she must have needed her sleeps.    
I was given my first camera on my 13th birthday.  Mum and Dad’s gift to me. That evening I took a photo of my Dad snoozing on the sofa. It wasn’t done out of mischievousness, but the start of me wanting to capture interesting moments in time.

Do you remember your first camera?  I would love to read about it in the comment section.    

It was my birthday last Friday.  Another year older, 72 years and counting.   And nope, I have never been a party animal...
but I had a wonderful time celebrating with family.  Good company, flowers, gifts, and Thai Food.  

They make me feel special all the time, but that day was sweet! 

To anyone out there who is celebrating today, Happy Birthday!

(The above photo was taken at my nephew's wedding last year, at a photo booth set-up at the reception. The lady told us to get silly and even made a few suggestions.  This is about as silly as we got, and oh how we had fun!  What a great idea to have one of these at a wedding reception.)


  1. Happy Birthday! We are the same age! I think you are right, this pic really looks like it was snapped in the fifties.

  2. Happy Birthday Denise! Thai food sounds delicious. That first photo is funny. The photo booth at your nephew's wedding was a great idea. I wrote short stories about my growing up for my kids to read, and one of them was about the photo booths through the years - if I ever see one, I have to go in and take fun crazy pictures haha. I like this one of all of you wearing glasses. I hope you had a wonderful birthday filled with all the things you love. And that fox at the end is too cute.


    1. Hi Sheri, and thank you, it was fun. That's a wonderful thing to do to write the stories down for your kids to read. It's the main reason I started my blog, to share stories with our son. I didn't realize at the time how many blogging friends I would be making :) I remember my fair share of photo booths :)

  3. Happy Birthday and I love the photo you found. I think I managed to save up and buy myself at camera when I was about 20 something, all my photos prior to that were taken by someone else, so hence I don't have many photos from when I was younger.

    1. Thank you Margaret, so glad :) Lovely to read about your first camera.

  4. A very, very Happy Birthday (belated) to you.
    Not a party animal here. My first camera was a small Kodak I saved my pocket money for. Sadly I could rarely afford to pay to have the films developed.

    1. Thank you Sue, a kindred spirit :) I enjoyed reading about your first camera. And yes, the film could be very expensive to get developed. We only took a bare minimum of photos.

  5. I don't remember my first camera. The film cases in the fridge, I do remember. So many undeveloped film cartridges!!

    Happy belated birthday.

    1. Hi Anni, and thank you :) We would come across a few undeveloped cartridges. My pocket money from mum and dad used to be saved for them. I didn't get much pocket money so it took a while :0

  6. Happy Birthday. I hope you have a wonderful day.
    I can't recall my first camera but I know that I loved it when they came out with digital cameras and it was so easy to take a million pictures and not have to worry about wasting film.

    1. Thank you Ann! We were late to the party and didn't get a digital camera until everyone else had. Didn't look back after that :)

  7. Happy belated birthday, Denise! You and I are the same age, but I am older by a few months. Such a cute photo of you and your family. And that first one is a hoot for sure. The older I get the easier it is for me to fall asleep, but not at night. There's a message there I'm sure. I remember getting my first camera as maybe a twelve year old. Using my babysitting money to develop the pictures made me very stingy with photos!

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen, and glad you enjoyed. I enjoyed reading about your first camera :)

  8. Happy belated Birthday Denise! The family photo is cute. Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend!

    1. Thank you Eileen, glad you enjoyed and I wish you the same :)

  9. Happy 72nd Birthday, I have 5 years on you and Ginny. I am not a party person either. the photo is sad to me, she looks totally exhausted and is on a bench, posslby at a bus top after a hard days work. in the 50's women were work horses and just raising a family wore them down. I never had a camera until the mid 70's when I got a 9,99 instant camera that spit our the little square photos. could not take many because the film was expensive, that was the only one until 1986 when I bought a Minolta with film and again took only 12 photos at a time due to cost of film/develop. 2002 came around a a digital kodak, a cheap one started me on the way to MadSnapping.

    1. Thank you Sandra and very true :) Thank you for telling me about your first camera experiences. The digital age certainly has opened up a lot of photographic adventures now that we don't have to worry about how much those films cost, not to mention that it used to take us weeks to get those photos in return.

  10. Happy belated Birthday to you, Denise! I bought my first camera about 20 years ago, and I still keep it though it's old, but I am sure it's still functioning.

    1. Thank you Angie, I like the fact that you keep your old camera. I still have my Dad's old one that he was given when he was 21 years old by his parents :)

  11. Happy Birthday, Denise! Aloha from Hawaii! What a sweet picture. I got My first camera from my uncle, who was stationed in West Berlin back in the 1950s. The instruction booklet was in German, so I had to figure out how to load the film by trial and error. I took many photos of my siblings and my pet chicken.

    1. Aloha Gigi and thank you :) That's very interesting about your uncle's gift and the directions being in German. Do you have any of those old photos? They would be fun to see.

  12. Happy belated birthday Denise! I have always loved cameras from an early age. I can't remember the exact one.

    1. Thank you Christine :) you and I have both loved our cameras since we were young.

  13. Happy birthday! Glad you had a nice day. I enjoy looking at old photo albums and very pleased that my parents took a lot of photos even though they had to go to Boots the Chemist to get them developed. I still have my father's Box Brownie camera still in its canvas carrier. Later we had a camera that developed photos instantly which was a novelty. I like your humorous group photo with your folks. Wishing you a good weekend.

    1. Thank you Linda, don't often get silly but it was fun :) Lovely to hear about all the old photos and that you have your father's old camera, I have my dad's also :) I remember my trips to Boots! I also remember the instant photos and there are a few of those in my old boxes.

  14. Well Happy birthday. I hope you had a great day. My first camera was an automatic 35 MM . I got it before I went north in 1963. I think it cost 69 dollars,. So it was out in some very cold weather but it took great photos with no fuss of muss. I sold it to an Inuk in 1968.

    1. Thank you Red, wonderful story about your first camera. That was an expensive camera for the day. Glad you had fun with it. I'm sure the person you sold it too had the same :)

  15. Thank you Linda, I appreciate that. It was fun :)

  16. Happy Birthday! I'm glad you were celebrated well. Fun photos. I think my first camera was a Kodak Instamatic camera. Many film cameras later, what a joy it was to get my first digital camera in 2006.

    1. Thank you Ellen :) The very first digital camera I had, there was a small disc that had a converter to slot into my computer so that I could see my photos. Didn’t take long for it to be ‘old fashioned’ and newer versions to be available, like camera cards!

  17. It's a great photo! My first camera was a Brownie and I got it when I was maybe in fourth grade? My parents were both photographers, with the dark room and all and I was encouraged but not forced. It's a passion that never ended!

    Happiest of birthdays to you, albeit belatedly! So glad you had such a grand time!

    1. Thanks Jeanie, I enjoyed reading about your brownie and your parents being photographers also. Never used a dark room, that would have been interesting. I like 'encouraged and not forced'. That's my philosophy passed on by my parents, and I still have the love of photography and always will no doubt :)


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