Thursday, April 21, 2022


It was a beautiful day as you can see by the sky.

We are looking at National Harbor across the Potomac River.
We have had a few storms passing through these last few months.  A branch had broken off this tree...
and landed on the old picnic table.
Another photo of one of the pair of ducks included in yesterday's post...
and also the Osprey tending its nest. Gregg took these photos from a different angle showing the bridge in the background.
and a collage of both our photos.  The Osprey was once known as the fish hawk as they live on fish that it catches by snatching them in a shallow dive from the surface of the water.  Fish is their main diet but they also have been known to eat a wide variety of other prey, including birds, reptiles and crustaceans.  Ospreys are one of the world's most widely distributed bird, and can be found through much of North America, Northern Europe and Asia, and around the coast of Australia.  I found these facts and many more at this website.
There is no trail by this part of the river.  We walked along the grass to a marina which we explored for half-an-hour.
Always fun being around boats, and it's been a while since we did this.
We have known people with them.  In fact, when we lived in the area all those years ago, a friend introduced us to a relative who had invited us all for a weekend ride on his boat.  Our friend steered and I will never forget being stopped by the river police because he was driving too fast.  I was wide-eyed when I saw and heard the sirens of that police boat. 
 He was told by the officer that our speed was causing a wake that affected yachts participating in a race some distance away, was given a warning and not a ticket.  Our friend's reasoning was that he wanted to put distance between us and that race.  His heart was in the right place, and that was the first and only time I have been or will ever be stopped on the Potomac for speeding!  
And on we walked along the river where all these memories came flooding back... 
as they seem to do these days.
Reagan National Airport isn't too far away and the plane was coming in to land.
This large building with the high rise was across the river at the National Harbor.  The last time we were there it had not been built.  It is the MGM National Harbor Casino and Resort.  I read that it has 23 stories, 308-rooms and a 135,000-square-foot casino floor, a 3,000-seat theater, seven restaurants, a spa, plus other retain and event spaces, and let's not forget the 4,800-car parking garage. 
Below you can see the Woodrow Wilson Memorial Bridge.  We have taken that many times on our trips into Maryland. You can read about it here for more information.  In part it read that it was named for the 28th President of the United States, Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924), a native of Staunton, Virginia.  While he was president, Wilson reportedly spent an average of two hours a day riding in his automobile to relax.  President Wilson was an advocate of automobile and highway improvements in the United States.  You can read more at the link I provided.
We were now on our way home.  (There is a marsh wildlife preserve nearby but we decided to leave that for a future walk.)  We passed by Mount Vernon and saw the tavern (Mount Vernon Inn Restaurant) we have visited often over the years.  We have lived in this area for 32 years.  You can see one of those visits if you click here.  There is also another link within that post, from yet another visit when a relative was visiting us.  It is lovely inside and the meals have been excellent.  When you go to the gift shop and to the tavern, you don't have to pay for the ticket that allows you to go into George Washington's home, and also the grounds which has a very pretty garden.  We have been there many times when taking relatives and friends over the years, and I daresay we will be taking others on future visits.  But I do enjoy going to the tavern and gift shop, especially when looking for those birthday and Christmas presents.
And that's it for today's post.  I hope you have enjoyed seeing a little more of our area.

Thanks for visiting and take good care of yourselves.


  1. The first couple photos are my favorite. that sky, the way the clouds are, the beautiful water and boats. It looks like a beautiful painting. We live in Woodrow Wilson's birthplace!

    1. I liked those too Ginny, and that's very interesting about where you live :)

  2. My old stomping grounds! I grew up in the Mount Vernon area (specifically in Tauxemont), and then lived in Alexandria for several decades. National Harbor was not there yet.

    1. Always enjoy reading where blogging buddies grew up. Thanks for sharing that Linda :)

  3. A very beautiful day. I am still chuckling at the thought of being pulled over (complete with sirens) for speeding on the water though...

    1. I can chuckle now Sue, not at the time though. I hadn't been here for that long :)

  4. That must be lovely walking by the river. The new casino building is huge. We have had a lot of scandals about our casinos in Sydney and melbourne. Mostly about money laundering. Nice to have memories brought back.

    1. Thanks Diane, it is lovely and yes that casino is huge :) Interesting about your scandals. I know in Vegas back in the day there were a few. Haven't paid much attention since.

  5. What a lovely area and it does look like a beautiful day.

    1. Thank you Ann, it was a lovely walk all round :)

  6. Lovin' everything you shared. Both in photo and narration. Police? My brother would get 'stopped' because of speeding when we were out on his boat...making too high a wake for OTHER small craft on the reservoir.

    1. That makes me happy Anni, thank you :) I enjoyed hearing about your brother.

  7. Replies
    1. Muito obrigado. Fico feliz que tenha gostado :) Um abraço e continuação de boa semana.

  8. Hello,
    I have walked along the Potomac in different areas, I always wanted to visit the National Harbor. Pretty views of the river and boats. The marsh wildlife preserve sounds interesting. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. Thank you Eileen, I hope you get to see it soon :) I will let you know about the marsh when we go there.

  9. every single photo today is totally AWESOME!!! wow! the sunshine and sky and water and boats, just jump out of the page. I have seen others be pulled over by police boats but never one I was on. of course i have only been on a boat 3 times unless you count when i went on Bob's boat each week end but ONLY while it was tied at the dock.

    1. That's great, thank you Sandra :) I haven't been on too many boats either. That's funny about Bob's boat, but it would still be nice to enjoy even at the dock.

  10. A beautiful walk in fine weather! It is raining here in the Toronto area today.

    1. Thank you Christine, I hope your rain stops soon :)

  11. I'm glad no one was having a picnic at the time. More osprey -- love them!

    1. The thought crossed my mind also Jeanie. I love those osprey too :)

  12. What a beautiful area to enjoy. What a glorious day it was, too. Great catches of the Osprey. Speeding?? :) Glad they didn't haul you all in.

    1. That thought cross my mind, are we going to end up behind bars. Not really but I was very young at the time. Thanks Ellen, it was a great day, and was very happy to come across the osprey :)!

  13. Thanks for taking us along on your walk and for the tidbits of history, too. Your photos are beautiful!

    1. You are very welcome Tammy, I am happy you enjoyed them, and the photos :)

  14. What a gorgeous day exploring and remembering, Denise. I find I do that a lot these days as well. Your post reminded me of our boating days. So much fun for us and our children. Nice photos of the osprey nesting.

    1. It certainly was Martha Ellen, and thank you :) And how lovely you have memories of your own boating days :)

  15. Enjoyed the previous post and this continuation, Denise. You had great weather and it looked like it might even have been not that warm by the fact that there were not so many things in bloom. Still any day outside is a great one. That was a fun story about the speeding on the water.

    1. Happy you enjoyed these posts Dorothy, thank you! The weather was perfect for enjoying such a day. Glad you enjoyed our speedster stories and even gladder no boats were capsized that day :)

  16. Beautiful shots, and a very interesting post. I enjoyed taking that virtual trip with you.
    I never knew there were patrol boats with sirens out on the water. First time I've ever heard of someone being pulled over. Makes sense though.

    1. Thank you GGG :) So glad you enjoyed :) It was the first and last time I have ever encountered them.

  17. There is sure a lot to see and enjoy in your area.

    1. We are lucky to be able to visit many places, Rose. I would miss them if we ever moved :)


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