Thursday, February 24, 2022


  you wake up, get out of bed, not fully awake, tap-dance your foot around under the bed, searching,  find the slippers one at a time, struggle to put the right slipper on the right foot, the left slipper on the left foot, all this while not looking down obviously, go downstairs into the kitchen, start the coffee to try and wake yourself up, go over to the window to look at the birds, look down at your feet and stare at those feet in disbelief, then you start laughing.  Sweet Other Half joins you. You point in the direction of your feet and he starts laughing too.  It’s good to start the day off with a laugh.  It’s good to laugh at yourself.  The rest of the day went well, and I wore my mismatched slippers all day, just because I could.  Maybe I will start a new trend? Have you worn any mismatched slippers lately?

Voilà!  A recipe for mismatched slippers! 

“A good laugh is sunshine in the house.”
~William Thackeray~


  1. It's cute! A trend among the teens now is mismatched socks!

    1. Thanks Ginny and that's interesting about our teens :)

  2. A great quote and a good laugh. Many years ago when I lived in PNG and was just married I had to rush to the airport and catch a plane to meet Bill on the other side of the island for a weekend together. He was working over there for a few weeks. I grabbed an overnight bag and threw in some clothes and shoes. I grabbed two sling back sandals but that night when we were going to dinner I pulled out my shoes and they didn't match at the front.I had to wear the leather thong sandals that I had travelled in. They were a bit casual for dinner.

    1. I loved this story Diane, thanks for that :) You certainly have had some adventures.

  3. Replies
    1. It certainly does, especially round our house, lol!

  4. LOL, too funny. I only have one pair of slippers so there's no way to mismatch them. Starting the day off with a laugh is a good thing.

    1. Thanks Ann :) I have a pair I usually keep under the bed.

  5. Love the quote, thanks for the laugh. Very cute slippers!
    Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. You are very welcome Eileen and I wish you the same, with many laughs :)

  6. i can see how you could not tell the diffeence because the feel is the same. when in the work force, I had comfy shoes that were in black, navy and brown. same shoes different colors. I spent all day at work in one navy one black and of coures EVERYONE noticed, I also went through a day with a red earring and a blue earring

    1. It is, though I did detect a slight difference in a thicker padding in one sole. Just never cottoned on until I looked at my feet :) I can see that with shoes, hard to tell in low lighting. Now I've seen mismatched earings as a fashion trend :)

  7. That's funny! I only keep one pair next to my bed so I haven't had that issue. I like that you wore them like that all day lol.

  8. We really need to be able to laugh at ourselves.

    1. That we do, something I picked up from my parents :)

  9. Not so much mismatched shoes as mismatched socks. Causes the wife all sorts of embarrassment when we go open houses and the ask to leave shoes outside. Symmetry is overrated!

    1. Ah now, I would have enjoyed seeing you and your sweet wife with your mismatched socks :) And I agree on that last sentence :)))

  10. HAHAH! The blue one is so cute!

  11. The answer to this...slipper socks. I wear slipper socks. Altho ... Don't laugh. But, I have put them on where the non-skid is on the TOP of my feet! Ya, I hear y'laughing. 😄

    1. You betcha Anni, I'm laughing :) Thank you! I have had my own issue with slipper socks and just plain old socks.

  12. Denise, thank you for this today! Laughter is such good medicine. I've surprised myself by wearing my slippers to the grocery store. I'm pretty sure no one really cared but me! Thank you for stopping by today. I always enjoy stopping here!

    1. So glad I gave you a chuckle Martha Ellen. It truly is good medicine. Loved that story about the grocery store. Probably no one noticed and no one would have seen me here, except I had to blab it to the whole wide world, LOL! We had a good laugh about it, just wanted to pass that on hoping someone would too. We need this kind of medicine for sure. I always enjoy visiting your blog, and always enjoy seeing you here. Thanks so much!

  13. hehehehe, i wear mismatched socks all the time, one gets a hole, i pair it with another

    1. Smiling here about the mismatched socks but that also makes good sense :) and you are setting a trend.

  14. Many is the time I have worn mismatched socks.

    1. Another mismatch socks man, what fun! Thanks David :)

  15. Oh reading this did make me laugh :)

    All the best Jan

  16. I really enjoy these kinds of moments when we can laugh heartily at ourselves. Great way to wake up!

    1. It does feel good doesn't it Ellen :) Definitely to your last sentence.

  17. Works for me! I once wore mismatched sandals to work (they were both white, but completely and noticeably different). My high-school age daughter and I wore the same size and in my morning haze I had grabbed one of each off the shoe rack by our entry door. I got lots of laughs from co-workers, but the people I worried about were those who didn't say anything (just probably made notes ....)

    1. Smiling here Sallie, thank you :) sounds like you brightened some of your co-workers day and that's a great thing for sure. The others well, hopefully they eventually got a sense of humor. Fingers crossed you planted a seed.

  18. That's better than rushing to get up, thinking you are late. Only to find that it is still night time. Which I did a while back. I looked at the clock wrong, and thought, OH, I am late with Roger's meds and rushed to the potty. When I came out I was so thankful I looked at the clock again. I think it was 4:00ish.

    1. Smiling at this too Rose, done that when I have forgotten to change the clocks in the spring and fall :)

  19. Couldn't help but just laughing at the morning scene before you truly wake up..that happened to all of us. Thanks for sharing the laugh!

    1. I had a good laugh Angie, thank you :) I guess we've all been there at some point.

  20. I was right there with you as you described the scene. Love your slippers - both kinds. Laughter makes life better

  21. Replies
    1. I have two pairs, one to wash and one to wear :)

  22. I love this! And I've done the same (sometimes even with the lights on!)

    1. Great, I'm glad I am not alone :) Thanks Jeanie!

  23. That's a funny story, Denise. Have a pleasant and peaceful weekend admiring those birds around your neck of the woods. You have so many bird visitors every day! It's been so cold here, but I hope to get more when it starts to warm up.


    1. Glad you found it so Sheri :) We do have quite a few birds visit. I'm looking forward to seeing what comes when it starts getting warmer and a few as a few different species head up north. I know the Grey-slated Junco's will disappear. I always miss them but when that happens, I know Spring is on the way :) Keep warm!

  24. Oh yes, I seem to remember doing that sometime down the line. Thanks Linda :)


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