Friday, April 23, 2021


Continuing our walk, I met this young lady and as she could see that I was so taken with her 'back-to-front backpack' that she stopped to have a chat.  There was a compartment - air holes - and inside was her cat lying down very comfortably.  I had never seen one of these before but perhaps if you have a furry-family member, maybe you have.  I found a similar one here on Amazon.  

A great way of taking her cat along and not have to worry about her while she was away.  Not sure it would be a good idea when the weather got hot and humid, but she had so much love for her cat that I doubt she would do that.  Such a nice young lady and one of those pleasant interludes you get on walks occasionally.

We return to our walk by Bull Run, and found the Spring Beauty and Wild Violets, which I mentioned more descriptively here in my post from a previous visit to Green Spring Gardens.  These violets are a darker purple.

Spring Beauty

The following is a Trout Lily.  The name comes from the plant's mottled leaves, which look like the markings on a brook trout.  It is also known as the Dogtooth violet or Adder's tongue.

Some Trout Lily colonies are 200 to 300 years old.

I had such a surprise when I looked at the next picture on my laptop.  I found more Dutchmen's Breeches.  I apparently was so focused on the Bluebells and the Trout Lilies and the Spring Beauty, that I didn't notice those little white flowers in front and on the right hand side of the tree trunk. Rolling eyes to the skies here.

In the next photo you can see hubs pointing across Bull Run, telling me that there are a whole lot more Bluebells on the other side.  Hard to get to though, we don't know a way to get across.  I asked how deep it was and was met with raised eyebrows, oh no, nope, nope, nope!  I was joking, sort of but the grass is always greener on the other side of the hill, or in this case Bull Run.  I was hoping for some stepping stones but had to admit to myself that my hopping-across-the-river-on-the-ever-so-slick-stepping-stone days are done, at least until my next life time.  

And there were plenty of Bluebells on this side of the river.

In the photo below I was staring at what I recently discovered was a Bagworm cocoon.  You can just make it out hanging from a branch at the bottom and between the two tree trunks on the left.

Here's a closer view.  I am used to seeing tent moths in the area, but these are relative new to me and I have only ever noticed them once before on a walk at Chinn Ridge in Manassas.  You can read all about them at this website if interested in such things.  A very destructive little critter!

And talking about critters, I am not sure what this type of ant is.  He was scurrying along near my feet and I didn't see any companions.  I would say he was about half an inch long.  My cell phone impressed me that I could take this photo of the ant.  He was moving fast!

At last we are at the end of our walk.  Hubs had taken a seat on the bridge, grinning and patiently waiting for me as I focused on everything around me.

It is good to be getting out and about again.

Enjoy your weekend and thanks for stopping by. I will be back on Monday.

Stay safe, stay happy and stay healthy.


  1. The first place I saw a large patch of bluebells was along Bull Run! Now I see plenty of them here in the Shenandoah. Nice to see your trout lilies. I don't see them very often.

    1. Hi Linda, probably the same walk :) Would love to see all the wildflowers in the Shenandoah. I remember when I saw a Lady Slipper(?)blooming. One small flower attracted a lot of photographers waiting in line. It was a rare sighting.

  2. This ant sure looks creepy! I think my favorite is the Trout Lily. I have never seen one. and the leaves DO look exactly like a trout under water!! I can see whay it is called Adder's tongue as well. What fascinating things you always find on your walks!

    1. The Trout Lily is pretty isn't it. I never thought about the origin of the name until I saw the explanation. Yes it looks like a trout! :) I was lucky on this walk, enjoyed everything I saw.

  3. What an interesting walk.
    Jazz would not thank us if we attempted to take him along.
    We have bagworms too - but they do not cause any significant damage.
    Thank you (again) for taking us with you.

    1. You are very welcome EC :) and I was wondering about other cats and how they would take to this 'back-pack'. The little cat I saw looked like it was peaceful inside. Interesting about your bagworms.

  4. Gorgeous walk and photos Denise! My daughter has a backpack cat carrier. Obviously different from the one you saw but she can still take her kitty along. :)

    1. Hi Martha, happy you enjoyed it :) I thought there might be other kitty people with these things. It must be so nice to take them along, good for check-ups at the vet too I would imagine.

  5. I am so impressed with the ant photo. wow.. we call them bull ants but not sure what they are. i love all that wooded area, i am very fond of woods and trees and streams. no hopping for me either, as in stones. the flowers are gorgeous and love the adders tongue best, bonny blue bells... I follow a blog, Tiggers Blog, they live in Greece, oved there from UK... Tigger is a cat who goes every where his mama does and does in in a backpack. here is a link, the only pic i could find of the pack. even goes to resturants. that wil show you the pack and this is the blog link

    1. Thanks for the links Sandra :) I will check up on Tigger. Sounds like another fun blog.

  6. Our wood violets are very small. We don't have green grass yet for them to hide amongst.

    1. Do you have snow still Red? I saw a couple of blogs with this cold front moving through. Hope you see that green grass soon :)

  7. Many of those spring wildflowers are dotting the woodlands here too. As you say, it is always wonderful to get out and walk. There is so much to observe and enjoy.

  8. The cat must be used to that. Wonderful shots!

  9. Trying to imagine how that young lady got hers to fit in such a confine space :) Thanks Linda!

  10. That back back, front pack, or whatever is remarkable. I can't see where our cats would be interested in such a thing but to each their own. This year I have seen lots more dogs in baby buggies than ever before.
    I love the blue bells.

    1. It is, I agree. Thanks Yogi! I have seen the dog/baby buggies also. I couldn't have seen our old dog sitting in one of those things, maybe when he got old.

  11. Interesting about the bagworms...I do not know why I had never looked up info on them.

    I love all that you showed...wish Roger were able to get out and go like that.

    1. Hi Rose and thank you :) It's not something I ever thought of until I came across one earlier in the year on a pine tree. At first I thought it was a pine cone and then I got up real close to it and saw it was something else. I am glad you enjoyed this. I hope Roger is doing well?

  12. Hello Denise,
    Yet another beautiful place to visit, the front to back backpack is ingenious, fine for cats, the girl has wonderful colored hair, your ant image is fabulous., you stay safe,

    1. Hello John :) and thank you so much. Glad you enjoyed and you stay safe also!

  13. Thank you for taking us outside with you, Denise. The wildflowers are so beautiful and bluebells is such an apt name. It raises our spirits just to look at your beautiful photos.

    1. Thank you Kay, so happy these raise your spirits :)

  14. Replies
    1. Muito obrigado! Um abraço e um bom final de semana pra vocês também :)

  15. Amazing cat holder. She obviously loves her cat.

  16. my sister uses one of those for her itty, bitty dog, i think they both love it. he walks, and when he tires, she put him in her backpack!!

    your images are so nature inspired!! the wildflowers are so pretty!!

    1. Thank you Debbie. I can see this for a small dog also :) it seems to work for your sister and her little dog, which is really nice.

  17. What fun to find so many Spring beauties on your walk. Happy new week to you!

    1. It was fun, thank you Ellen and a happy new week to you also :)

  18. That cat holder was something I have never seen before, Denise. The flowers were lovely and such a lovely blue color.


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