Monday, July 27, 2020


Pecan-Oatmeal Pancakes

Makes 14 to 16 pancakes

This week's recipe comes from Taste of Home here.

1-1/2 cups quick-cooking oats
1 cup all-purpose flour
2 tablespoons brown sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1-1/2 cups whole milk
2 large eggs, lightly beaten
2 tablespoons butter or margarine, melted
1/2 cup chopped pecans

In a bowl, combine oats, flour, brown sugar, baking powder and salt.

Combine milk, eggs and butter; stir into dry ingredients just until blended.

Fold in pecans.

Using a 1/4 cup measure, pour onto a greased cast-iron skillet or griddle over medium-high heat; turn when bubbles form on top of pancakes.  Cook until second side is golden brown.

Our cast-iron skillet is too heavy for me to handle easily these days, and I don't have a griddle any more. I used a regular frying pan.  

There was no whole milk in the fridge.  I used 2%  instead.

I had blackberries in the fridge but any other favorite fruit would be nice to make it look pretty. Raspberries or strawberries would give a more colorful presentation.  Blueberries is another favorite of mine.  Or bananas and blackberries, which you can see here.  A mixture of all would be delicious.  
I topped/drowned my pancake with Maple Syrup, an old standby and one I have always enjoyed (I need to wake up first before I try pouring out of any bottle. This wasn’t such a catastrophe but I have had others, and all learning experiences). For a change of pace I would like to try Raspberry Syrup and will put that on my grocery list for next time, unless I make my own.

The website said 3 pancakes (1/4 cup of batter for each one) works out to about 402 calories.  One was more than enough for me.  It depends how hungry you are.  There is more nutritional information at that website above.
You can halve the amount of ingredients if you want to make a smaller batch.  However, as I like to use my freezer for quick and easy meals, there were a lot of leftovers to do that.  I used up the rest of the pancake batter, put them on one of my cutting boards in a single layer, popped them in the fridge and flash-froze them.  Once frozen I wrapped them up individually in aluminum foil and stacked them in the freezer. I suppose you could also freeze small portions of the batter and cook the pancakes later if you prefer. 

I used old-fashioned oatmeal.  I read a while ago that you can give these oats a whirl in your blender. Don’t pulverize them, just a couple of bursts and you can use them instead of the quick cooking oats called for in a recipe. 

I hope you like the sound of this.  I really enjoyed my pancake.  It is not for everyone I know.  Hubs prefers the crepe versions I make, which I also enjoy. Actually, they are a cross between a crepe and an American pancake, and like the English pancakes I learned to make from my Mum when she made them once a year on Shrove Tuesday.  

Stay safe and enjoy your day.


  1. I am printing this and making it this week! I am always looking for new pancake recipes.

    1. That's great Ginny, I do hope you like them :)

  2. We are breakfast people and this sounds so good.... I was going to do some research to see about using old fashioned oats and lo and behold you answered my question! I knew I’d read something about that somewhere of those times when you think ‘I should write that down, might need it sometime’ ... and now here it is...the recipe *and* the hint I need! Thanks.

    1. I'm glad I answered your question about the old fashioned oats Sallie, and you are very welcome :)

  3. They sound wonderful. Keep safe and have a good week. Diane

  4. Hello,

    Your pancakes look delicious. Much better than my cold cereal. Thanks for sharing. Take care! Enjoy your day! Wishing you a happy new week!

    1. Hi Eileen, I had Greek Plain Yogurt with fruit on the side for breakfast today. I will be eating cereal tomorrow probably, I usually have my Weetabix :)

  5. I love fruit and I love pancakes and I love syrup but I don't like fruit on pancakes. It looks beautiful and I know lots and lots of people love fruit on their pancakes but I like just pancakes now I do like pecans mixed in the batter or bananas stirred in the batter or blueberries stared in the batter

    1. Hi Sandra, me too and anyway you enjoy eating fruit is a good way to eat fruit :) Love my blueberry pancakes!

  6. Soooo yumnmy! Your photographs of food are a work of art and this one is no exception. My mom made great pancakes … the crustier the better and the more syrup the better. :)

    1. Thank you Penelope, and how kind. I am always trying with my food photos. Crusty pancakes and lots of syrup, yum!

  7. ~Happpppy Sighhhhhhh~

    What more do I need to say?



  8. The pancakes look so delicious, I'll ask hubby to make some today for breakfast. But, we don't have oatmeal so he will use Bisquick instead.

    1. Bisquick is good and Gregg introduced it to me when we first got married :)

  9. These looks good and filling, Denise.

  10. Extremely yummy :)
    Wishing you a good week ahead.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you Jan, and I hope yours is going well also. :)

  11. OMG - these look so yummy, and you did a great job! I'm not a fan of syrup though, and usually add some type of jelly on my pancakes. How did you get yours to turn out so perfect?! Hugs, RO

    1. Hi RO, thank you! I grew up with a sprinkle of sugar and lemon juice on any that I had. Jelly sounds good too :) I just pick the more rounded ones to photograph, lol!

  12. These sounds delicious, and I am not much of a pancake eater...just every now and then. But I think I would enjoy these any time.

    1. I'm with you Rose, don't eat pancakes very often but enjoy when I do. These were fun to make, and to freeze. I have had a couple from out of the freezer since I made them. They make a wonderfully quick snack even without all the fixings, I just pop them in the microwave.

  13. There’s no such thing, Denise, as too much syrup. The pancakes looked delicious๐Ÿ˜‹

    1. Hi Dorothy, now that sounds good :) Thank you!


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