Saturday, July 25, 2020


My photos this week are from a trip I took to the Norfolk Botanical Gardens in Norfolk, Virginia some time ago.  It is a lovely garden and one I can highly recommend if you ever find yourself in that area. 
We started at the Japanese Garden which was a gift to commemorate the historic trip of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Paul Snyder, the first official delegate to the Sister City association with Moji, Japan.

Further along we came across these lovely lion statues....

and another pond adorned with a carpet of water lilies.

This flower below is called Melampodium.

A nice garden of flowers but I didn't make a note of what they were.

In the next photo you will see my main purpose for going to the garden.  
I had heard about this plant and the explanation next to it read: "Once in a Lifetime: You are witnessing the only flowering of this specimen of the Century Plant (Agave Americana). The Mexican native may wait between 10 to 30 years to flower, depending on climatic conditions. This plant is 15 to 25 years old. After flowering the main plant will die, but small offshoots will continue to grow around the mother plant."  

As these photos are several years old, I am not sure if those offshoots are thriving. I do hope so!

Hopefully we will be able to visit the garden again one day, but as it is some distance away, and with everything else going on, I am not sure when that will be.


  1. Wow, the century plant is amazing! I have never seen one, and am so glad you posted it. I also really love the gorgeous water lilies, so vibrant! And the dragonfly as well makes for a perfectly gorgeous and perfect post.

    1. Thank you Ginny, and for the sweet comments :)

  2. Looks a nice place there to visit.
    A carpet of waterlilies, that does look great.
    Have a nice weekend Denise.

    1. Thank you Margaret, aren't waterlilies beautiful? You have a nice weekend also :)

  3. Glorious - thank you.
    Visiting Botanic Gardens is a treat we very much look forward to - where ever they may be.

    1. You are very welcome EC, so glad you enjoyed. Yes, whenever that may be, hoping for a miracle :)

  4. That Japanese Garden is beautiful. How amazing is the argave that flowers only once in many years and then dies leaving side shoots that carry on growing. I hope you get to visit again one day.

    1. Thank you Linda, the agave is another amazing plant and I can almost imagine it in a primeval forest :)

  5. I hope with all that is going on you can continue to enjoy nature.

    1. Hi Valerie, and thank you. We are not venturing too far these days :)

  6. Hello,Denise

    Beautiful flowers, the first garden scene is lovely. I like the lotus, beautiful blooms. Enjoy your weekend!

    1. Happy you enjoyed the garden Eileen and you enjoy your weekend also :)

  7. It's rare to see the century plant with those big tall blooms and once we went on a hike at Emerson point and there were six of them blooming all at one time and we were just absolutely blown away I have photos somewhere. That's the most of those type lions that I've ever seen in one place. We have a house here that has two and we have some Gardens that have them but there's only two or three

    1. Wow! That would have been absolutely amazing to see that many. I would love to see those photos. A miracle plant post, hint, hint, lol! When we are out in the country we occasionally come across the lions in front of people's homes. I've been admiring these lions ever since the first time I visited the garden over 40 years ago.

  8. How beautiful this whole place is. And lovely that you got to see that rare blooming.

    Love waterlilies. We had them once or twice, on our tiny back yard pond-bird-bath-fountain.

    Those white flowers, me-thinks they are Spider Plants. Or at least, they look like them.

    Things to feast on,


    1. Thank you BBB and thanks for ID'ing the spider plant. I should have put my glasses on, LOL! Your back yard pond sounds very pretty.

  9. That garden is breathtakingly beautiful. Wow! Love your photos.

    1. Very happy you enjoyed my photos Gigi, thank you :)

  10. Hi Denise,
    What a glorious place to visit, some excellent flower images in particular the Water lily with the Dragon Fly resting.
    You both stay safe.

  11. What lovely blooms in the Norfolk Botanical Gardens, Denise, a gross understatement I know. We never visited all the years we lived in Va so I appreciated your photos. That Century Plant is amazing and one day maybe you will learn how it's doing.

    1. Hi Dorothy :) thank you. In full growing season it is a gorgeous place to visit. They also have a wonderful inside and outside butterfly garden.

  12. Such a beautiful garden. Glad you were able to visit years ago!

    1. Thank you Ellen, I feel very blessed to have been able to visit regularly.

  13. How lovely this garden and your photos are, Denise. You are fortunate to have seen the Century plant. How amazing! I would love to visit one day.

    1. Very fortunate, thank you Martha Ellen :) I hope you do visit and if so I look forward to your photos.

  14. Your photos are amazing no doubt do justice to these wonderful gardens.

  15. I love botanical gardens and water lilies. So many beautiful flowers! Thanks for taking me to Norfolk with you.

    1. You are very welcome Carol, so glad you came with me :)

  16. Your flower photos are so beautiful and vibrant. Right now with everything distressing on TV it is a breath of fresh air to come and visit this beautiful garden. Thank you for this virtual trip.

    1. Hello Vagabond :) I am very happy you enjoyed this trip. We need moments away from what surrounds us. Even though I don’t venture far right now, my old photos keep me grounded and I am very happy to share with my blogging friends.

  17. beautiful denise!!! we were so lucky to have been able to visit these places and to have these wonderful pictures and memories!! the flowers are so colorful, so perfect...your images are amazing. i have never been here but would love to go!!

    the once in a lifetime plant is quite the memory and has an interesting life!!

    longwood gardens has opened back up but we are going to wait to visit. maybe in a few months but i would like to wait and see how things go. my yard is not longwood gardens but i have been enjoying it just the same!!! enjoy today and the new week coming, it's going to be very hot here!!!

    1. Hi Debbie, I agree, we are very lucky. Longwood gardens is on my bucket list and I look forward to going there when we get some more normality. In the meantime I have enjoyed your exceptional photos and I look forward to your own garden photos also :) You have a great week too and let us all try and stay as cool as we can in the heatwave.

  18. We had the century plants in our back yard in Tucson.
    The Japanese garden is breathtaking.

    1. Hi Anni, how wonderful to have more than one of these plants in your back yard. I would love that!

  19. Lovely photos, lovely flowers and I sure enjoyed them. I wish we had a botanical garden to go to.

    1. Thank you Rose, we have several around here but haven't been to one in months.

  20. What a great visit that you documented. We love botanical gardens. We have one in Tulsa that is going to be great once it kind of "fills in."

    1. Thank you Yogi. I look forward to your photos from the Tulsa Garden :)


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