Monday, July 15, 2019


This scallop recipe is not from any particular website.  The vegetable rice recipe came from Blue Apron, with an addition of our own.   

We both enjoy scallops but have only cooked them one other time.   When we pass the fish counter we have often said we should try cooking them again.

For this meal it is best to cook the vegetables first and then cook the scallops, because they cook in no time at all.  

When the meal is ready to be served, place the Bok Choy/rice mixture on your plate, put the scallops on top, with a lemon wedge on the side to be squeezed over the scallops before serving.  

For the rice dish we used a packet of Trader Joe’s Frozen Jasmine rice.  It is placed in the microwave and heated for three minutes.  If you have regular rice, follow directions on the box.  

Gregg did a great job of preparing and cooking our meal.  We have a routine where I find the recipe a couple of days before, making sure we will both enjoy.  If one doesn't I move on to the next, but that doesn't happen very often.  As we start our preparations, I sit at the kitchen table and read out the step-by-step instructions.  Also my job is to prepare the garlic if used, and chopping other veggies when asked.  Our cooking together is a fun element to our dining experience. We prepare, we eat and critique; should we add more of this, less of that, etc., and fine tune it to both our tastes.  We decided this dish didn't need any changing.  It was just about perfect.  So, here we go!

Prepare your ingredients.  

After washing all the vegetables, thinly slice 2 green onions, and chop very finely 2 cloves of garlic.

Use 1/2 of a 1 lb. bag of Baby Bok Choy.  Cut the root end off.  Cut in half lengthwise and slice into 1/2 inch pieces crosswise.  

Take the tops off 4 small sweet peppers.  Deseed and dice into small pieces.

Heat a packet of Trader Joe's rice for three minutes in the microwave.  If you use regular rice cook on the stove top following the box directions.  Start cooking earlier so that it is ready by the time you have cooked the vegetables.

Heat 2 teaspoons of avocado or olive oil on medium high until hot.  

Cook sliced onion and garlic for up to 2 minutes, stirring frequently so that the garlic doesn’t burn. 

Add bok choy and sweet peppers.  Cook an additional three minutes stirring frequently.  

When done add mixture to the bowl of cooked rice and mix well.  Cover and keep warm.   

Cook the scallops. 

Heat frypan to medium-hot, add 1 tablespoon butter.  It should melt immediately.  Pan should be hot enough so that the scallops sizzle when placed in pan. 

Scallops should not touch. 

Cook the scallops 2 minutes on one side.  Turn over and cook another two minutes on the other side. Some people suggest a minute-and-a half but we thought 2 minutes worked for us. Cook any longer and they turn a bit rubbery.  

Serve as mentioned above.  

We bought half a pound of scallops which gave us five each. We also have leftover rice and Bok Choy which we will have tomorrow.

It's a great meal for the summer months.  Not only does it cook quickly but you don't have to turn a hot oven on.  Everything is done on top of the stove.

Nothing much to add other than to say it was an excellent meal and we've already put scallops on the grocery list for next time.

Thanks for looking and enjoy your day.


  1. Mmm - looks delicious! Can't wait to try it

    1. Thank you Beverley, glad you liked the look of it :)

  2. Cooking together is great fun isn't it? We eat very different meals (I am vegetarian he is emphatically not), but still assist each other.

    1. It certainly is EC. There are times we don't eat the same things, especially if we are not following a set meal and throwing something together :)

  3. You are lucky, Denise. In my small family it was always me that had to do the cooking. Not even I do it now!

    1. Thanks Valerie, this all only happened when Gregg retired and he suggested we have a recipe he wanted with loads of steps and prep. I said something like, well, I'm feeling a bit tired today and maybe you could help with cutting up a few veggies. And the rest, as they say, us history :)

  4. Replies
    1. Obrigado, tão feliz que você gostou. Eu também gostaria de desejar-lhe uma boa semana também :)


  5. I never ate a scallop. It looks very tasty. I have to try this dish.

    1. Hello Lucyna, I have only been eating them for a few years. It took me a long time to try them :)

  6. Hello, your scallop meal looks delicious. Hubby and I love the scallops. Thanks for sharing. Have a happy day and a great new week!

    1. Thank you Eileen, you're very welcome and have a great week :)

  7. you got a good sear on those scallops

  8. I love scallops but they are a ridiculous price here! Have a good week, Diane

    1. That's too bad Diane, you have a good week too :)

  9. I don't go for seafood, so this I'd pass on.

  10. What a beautiful way to enjoy a meal together, Denise. We love scallops, but I've never prepared them at home.

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen, it is a lot of fun :)

  11. I have cooked scallops before, but it’s been awhile (lol, almost everything has, since we’ve been cruising) ...thanks for the reminder and the recipe for the “go-withs” .... as you say, a perfect summer menu .

    1. Hi Sallie, cruising you change priorities I would think but I envy you for cruising. What a great lifestyle :)

  12. Love scallops, this looks very tasty.

    All the best Jan

    1. Me too, I was surprised how much I enjoyed them, and delighted :) All the best to you too Jan.


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