Tuesday, January 22, 2019


Most of the snow has gone now.  These were taken the first day we had it.
We have been getting a lot of Dark-eyed Juncos.  They always arrive in the winter and leave in the spring.
I am surprised to see a Mourning Dove as they usually disappear in the winter.  This one has been visiting every day for a long time.
The snow had been four or five inches high on the rail, but I watched the little juncos, and other birds, slowly shuffle the snow away with their feet to expose the seed.  It was like they were dancing and it was a sight to behold. 
The Blue Jay arrived too late for the show.
The birds started arriving soon after I put the seed out.  The latest bag I bought contained mostly sunflower seeds, and it gets eaten quickly.
We also had an interesting visitor, one bird I had never seen in our garden before.  I didn't get a photo but the closest I came to identifying it was when I looked at a Black and White Warbler here.  It also looked like a junco and at first I was a little confused, thinking maybe its pigmentation had gone awry. I do wish I had my camera ready but the battery had died and I couldn't find my other one.  Hopefully it will come back again.  Otherwise the memory of it will have to do.
The dove looks like it is resting after a good feast, but with the snow coming down I wished it would get some shelter under the eaves.
Slowly these industrious little birds cleared the rail, and all that was left was this 'igloo' of sorts.  One little junco was burrowing into it, I daresay to find another cache of seed.

By the time they had finished, they had built their own igloo.
And after a while they had fashioned a very nice home for themselves.  Okay, so my imagination flew away with the feathers, but a Rembrandt I am not (the two birds on the left were borrowed from Pixabay).
My little friend here looked up and approved.
The sunflower feeder is silent, the birds finally left.
Squirrels have not been seen and must be staying warm in their nests.  If I was a squirrel I would be there too.
I have to say I did enjoy this snow, but then I didn't have to drive anywhere.  I wished all those who had to be out on the road a safe journey back home to their families.  
In winter
all the singing is in
the tops of the trees.
~Mary Oliver~
There is hardly any of this left now, two days of rain cleared most of it away, and there is more rain on the way.

Thanks for stopping by my friends and safe travels.


  1. Just gorgeous, and very refreshing as we continue to bake. Thank you.

    1. Sorry to hear you're still baking over there EC :(

  2. You have a bird's eye view. What fun! We get the Juncos in winter. Isn't it strange that they would fly toward the snow instead of migrating away from it? I need to research that. Their little igloo is adorable, and you decorated it well for them! Your sunflower feeder is so cute!

    1. It is interesting about those Junco's isn't it Ginny? You'd think they would head down to Florida or somewhere nice and hot. Glad you enjoyed my little igloo. I got the birds off Pixabay but I painted the chimney, the door and window using Paint Shop Pro with their air brushing tool. It was fun to doodle. The sunflower feeder I got from Plough and Hearth last spring. When I went in there a few days ago just to browse, I noticed they still had them for sale.

  3. Ok, so you decided to send snow to me after all! What a surprise it was this morning to see a white world. I really like your pictures, especially the first one. Keep on snapping.

    1. Yes I thought you needed some Valerie and told the weatherman to send some your way :( Not really, and I hope it doesn't hang around for you. Thank you, glad you enjoyed the birdies.

  4. Hi Denise,
    Wonderful st of images with the birds with the feathers fluffed up to keep the cold out.
    Lucky you saw the Black and White Warbler, at l;east you saw it and it looks such a beauty.
    At least your snow is going so hopefully not that long to Spring.
    All the best, John

    1. Hi John, glad you enjoyed. Yes I was very surprised to see the warbler. I hope he comes back. And I am looking forward to Spring :) All the best to you too John.

  5. Replies
    1. Obrigado, espero que tenha uma boa semana também. Sua amiga na Virgínia, Denise :)

  6. Hello, pretty captures of your yard birds. They are all lovely photos. Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day!

  7. I love your photos, birds amid the snow.

  8. I am placing Junco's at the top of my cutest birds ever list. they are adorable. and in the photo at the top, I love how the fat little bird has one leg cocked on the cross piece and the other propped on another. he looks comfy but cold... love the little snow house with the chimney

    1. Hi Sandra, he is a cute one that's for sure. I liked that photo for the same reasons. Glad you enjoyed the snow house. I have you to thank for telling me about Pixabay (got the birds from there) so thank you :)))

  9. The birds look so pretty in the snow. We have quite a different type of "snow bird" here in Florida!

    1. Thanks Lois, after all the snow and cold weather we have had, I can truly understand the need to be a snow bird :)

  10. Such great captures of these sweet birds! Love that first shot! Happy Wednesday to you. We just got 6 inches of snow overnight but it looks like it's melting already.

    1. Thanks Ellen, enjoy your snow while it lasts and stay warm :)

  11. The squirrels must all be visiting me and they keep the birds away. No one is out today, it's still snowing. I would love to have seen your special visitor, I have never seen one of those. The Mourning Doves hang around here a lot, they will sit in the trees until ready to eat. I would like to see a bigger variety of birds come in. I will have to try putting out some oranges or fruit of some kind. Seems like the squirrels get it all though. I love your pictures, the Junco's are so sweet, I love the little birds best of all.

    1. Hi Janice, I saw a couple of squirrels this morning. I am thankful to say that our birds and squirrels seem to live in harmony. I often see them on our deck together, though one is at one end and the other is on the other end. Thanks for visiting :)

  12. Thanks Linda, it's a bit rudimentary but I liked it too :)

  13. We should enjoy our weather, in what ever way, we can. And you certainly have done so.

    Your snow is gone, but ours will remain. But we are used to lots of snow. It would not be winter, without it.

    ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨

  14. What great photos, well done. Enjoyed this post. Have a good day Diane

  15. Denise, I so enjoyed seeing your birds during the snow. They do really appreciate your generosity of the meals you provide. Darling little igloo! And the Mary Oliver quote is sweet. ♥

    1. So glad Martha Ellen. They give me lots of joy, I am happy to feed them, especially in this weather. Thank you :)

  16. I loved seeing these photographs.
    The birds look so cute, they are always lovely to see.

    All the best Jan

    1. Happy you enjoyed Jan, all the best to you too.

  17. Did you put out birdseed! They seem to love your deck!

    1. Yes I did Sandi, I always do in the wintertime.

  18. You got some great photos...always love seeing the little juncos! I hope the unidentified bird comes back when you have your camera. I am curious.

    1. Thank you Rose, me too but I haven't seen him since. Still hopeful :)

  19. gorgeous captures of the beautiful snow. we only got a little and then it melted off. we had the deep freeze and i think it is supposed to be 56 tomorrow!!! your birds are so pretty, they always look better in the snow. i saw one juno this winter and i usually see a lot. i also see mourning doves all winter long!

    i hope your mysterious visitor returns and you are ready with your camera!!!

    1. Hi Debbie, thank you. It's going to be the same temperature here tomorrow. Snow does make a wonderful backdrop. I am waiting for him.

  20. So glad you took somany images when you had snow as it is just so beautiful

    1. I'm happy you liked them Margaret, thank you :)

  21. I've enjoyed seeing all the different birds that come to your garden. It's fascinating to watch how they cope in cold weather. The food you put out for them is welcomed. I've noticed that our garden birds are not only pecking at the few berries that are left, but also the newly forming leaf buds. I like your fun additions done through a photo editing programme. Enjoy your bird observations and photography Denise!

    1. They are resilient aren't they? Thank you, happy you enjoyed my post :)


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