Wednesday, January 23, 2019


Just over two weeks ago I told you about a story at this post.  A lady whose aunt bought an ornament at a garage sale 28 years ago, came across the ornament with the name of our son on the back, in her aunt's collection of Christmas ornaments.  She saw this particular one had a name,  a date of birth and other info painted on the back (I removed these in Paint Shop Pro just for this post for privacy purposes).  It was an ornament I had painted about 30 years ago, when I first started painting and taking part in craft shows, and wanted to commemorate our son's birth.  

Her niece came across it recently in her aunt's box of Christmas ornaments, was curious and did a search on line.  She found our son's name and sent him a message, asking if he was the one whose name was on the back of the ornament.  He confirmed that it was, and that his mother had painted it.  This lovely lady popped it in the mail and sent it to him.  It arrived and our son in turn brought it over the other day, and now I have this little family treasure back where it belongs.  I wrote about Gregg's theory of how it was lost at my post (link above)  

I am so thankful to this lady and also to her aunt, and will be writing a thank you letter asap.  

To this lady, if you read my post, I do want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart.  There really are not enough words to tell you how grateful I am for your kindness.  But I do for returning this ornament to our family, and please thank your Aunt for keeping it safe all those years.  It will be hanging up on our tree next Christmas.  I will find a box for its storage, and inside the box will be written the history of its return.  


  1. A Christmas miracle! You painted it beautifully as well.

  2. It's so nice to know there are such beautiful, kind people in this world.

  3. Wonderful, wonderful news. I suspect you shed a happy tear or tow.

    1. It did make me a tad choked up, not only for the return of the ornament but for the kindness shown to us.

  4. This is just so sweet to hear. So thoughtful. You painted it so nice and I love the holly touch on the fur of the hat.
    Happy New Year to You,

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed this Betsy. Thank you also for the compliment on my ornament. Happy New Year!

  5. Replies
    1. Obrigado e gostaria de desejar-lhe uma boa semana também.

  6. A lovely story to start a New Year. I feel really happy that you have your Santa back where he belongs. What a lovely lady to take the time to return him to his Maker!

    1. Happy you enjoyed Valerie. I am very happy I have it back and yes, a lovely lady to send it back to us. I will never be able to thank her enough.

  7. It's an amazing story. Miracles, however, happen. It certainly was joyful and unexpected for you and your son. Greetings.

  8. he really is beautiful as is the story of the return to you... some people would not have bothered.

    1. Thanks Sandra, such kindness, I hope I can pass this along to someone one day. I like to pay forward :)

  9. Hello, what a wonderful story and cute ornament. I am happy the lost ornament was returned. Have a happy day!

  10. I love this story! Amazing. And what a kind person who found it!

  11. This is the joy of social media how wonderful Denise! The ornament is beautiful too.

    1. Thank you Christine. So nice to see a positive side isn't it, after all the negative things we have been hearing lately?

  12. Great story. How many people would be curious enough to look up the info on the back of the ornament.

  13. What a great ending to the should write this up and submit it to local paper, or some magazines. It is worth the read. Could go in one of those books Chicken Soup for the Soul.

  14. Hi Denise,
    Lovely story with a wonderful ending.
    So good to relocate a keep sake that will hopefully be in use at Christmas for many years.
    All the best, John

    1. Thank you John, it makes me very happy at the thought of it being back home. All the best to you too.

  15. WoW!!! what a great story, the world is full of kind people in the shadows!! i am going to go back to read the story of how you were separated!!

    1. Thanks Debbie, yes, there are a lot of kind people around.

  16. Denise, this is so touching it brought tears--happy ones for you and your family! Thank you for sharing it with us. ♥

    1. So sweet of you! You are so very welcome Martha Ellen :)

  17. This is a beautiful story! Lovely to know about how kind people can be (and it sure shows a good use of Facebook). Thank you for the link to Part 1, because I missed it! I would bet anything that Greg’s theory about how it was lost is correct! I remember back then that we often found a missed ornament or two just as we hauled the tree out to curb. ... you did beautiful work and I love that you’ll keep a copy of the story with the ornament!

    1. Hi Sallie, does the heart good doesn't it? Yes, we are in agreement with Gregg's theory. Case in point when we took our tree down this year, another ornament fell to the floor, one I bought of a small swan several years ago. Fortunately we only have an artificial tree now, and it goes in a bag for safe keeping.

  18. What a great story with a wonderful ending. Diane

  19. Thank you Linda, and don't we all just love happy endings? :) This one was very special.

  20. This is such a great story, and I'm so pleased you shared it … so uplifting.
    Miracles can still happen :)

    All the best Jan

    1. So glad you enjoyed it Jan and yes they do. All the best to you too :)

  21. Hello this is Kim Bennett (the niece) and Elaine Hockaday (the keeper of the ornament for 30 years). We wanted to thank you for the lovely note (with the link) and for sharing the story on your blog. In today's world it is very nice to hear of happy endings and kind gestures.

    1. Hi Kim, what a lovely surprise to see you here. I am very happy you visited and once again, there are not enough words to thank you and Elaine for the return of this special little treasure of ours. If you are ever up here Gregg and I, our son and his wife would love to meet you and Elaine for that dinner. I truly hope we meet one day :) Thanks again and again and again :)


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