Wednesday, November 28, 2018


Today I am posting six videos from the deck cam.  The racoons have gone to bed for the winter, and no other night creatures come and visit any more.  The birds are enjoying their feed, and I do scatter it on the deck rail to entice them closer to the camera.  At this time of the year the birds tidy up for me, and if not then the rain does a very decent job. And then there's always the broom!

The birds flit in and flit out sometimes.  You will also see a squirrel.  These only last a few seconds.  I have been wondering about making them a little longer if that's possible.  I haven't really investigated that too much.  If they were any longer I think I would have to buy hundreds of batteries.

Also I have no control on what videos you will see at the end.  I wish you didn't have to see any of those but there may be something that might interest you.  I won't be recommending any though, as I am never sure what you will be seeing.  They change from viewing to viewing.

Hopefully what you see here will bring a few seconds of smiles.  


  1. A woodpecker, blue jay, cardinal. Seems Mr. Squirrel drove them all away at the end!! I would much rather have several short videos than one very long one.

    1. Yes, Mr. Squirrel will be getting a life lesson in sharing on December 4th. I have a post coming up :) So glad you enjoyed the short videos Ginny, thank you!

  2. You have a big variety of lovely birds that come to visit but the squirrel stole the show.

  3. wow, you get quite a variety of birds, I keep a pan of water on my deck and I am amazed at all the birds and animals that come to get a drink, I put a rock in the bottom which just peeks above the water so in summer the bees and other insects can climb out.

    1. Hi Linda, I was thinking of getting an extra deck cam just to train it on their water bowl. I like your idea of the rock in the bottom. I will be sure to put one in. Thanks for the great tip.

  4. You have a good mix of birds but then you do put a lot of effort into feeding them.
    It's a while since I had birds in the garden, I think the dreadful winds have blown them away. I don't feed birds anymore because it is difficult for me to get out there but the birds still fly in, say hi, and fly out again.

    1. Hi Valerie, I'm glad the birds still visit your garden. They are always a lovely sight. Hope those winds have died down by now.

  5. Videos muito interessante de que gostei de ver.
    Um abraço e continuação de uma boa semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
    O prazer dos livros

    1. Estou feliz que você tenha gostado dos vídeos do Francisco. Um abraço e uma boa semana para você, sua amiga Denise :)

      (using Google translate :))

  6. Hello, love all the video and birds. You have a nice variety of yard birds. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  7. I agree with Ginny, I like the short ones a lot... that squirrel is adorable. I like all the birds and that camera really takes great videos

    1. Hi Sandra, so glad and he is and he knows it :)

  8. You are still having fun with your deck cam!

    1. I certainly am Christine. I stopped for a while as I don't put it out when it is raining any more, and the weather was a bit iffy. If the forecast is good out it goes.

  9. It was a lovely set of birds anyway Denise.

  10. Lots of company! I wonder what the squirrel thinks of the camera.

  11. I need one of those cams too! Seems like they can pick up close up treasures of what's going on. Hugs..RO

    1. It took me a while to get one but I'm glad for it now. Hugs back to you :)

  12. Fun. We still haven't purchased a critter cam.

  13. I really do want one of those cams! Cheers Diane

  14. Hi Denise,
    Wonderful set of videos from the deck cam, seeing cardinal, blue jay and woodpecker with as usual a squirrel to frighten everything away.
    All the best and well done, John

  15. How wonderful to have a great variety of birds visiting you, Denise! I still haven't bought a camera like this and when I see your's I want one! ♥

    1. It is lovely to see my feathered friends. Always a joy! That's how I started with my deck cam, I kept seeing them on others blogs :)

  16. Hi Linda, they would make great security cameras. Really sweet of Bob to look out for the cat and I'm glad a good home was found. I hope you get some great wildlife shots and that you'll post them on your blog. Have a great week :)


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