Friday, July 14, 2017


It has been another very hot day but a very enjoyable one.   Bill wanted to visit The White House, and we were there along with a multitude of tourists.  

One of those tourists was kind enough to take the above photo, after we had taken one of him with his family.  Such nice people, from Italy.  They saved me from trying to take a photo with a selfie stick.  Good grief, I could not line that thing up for toffee - a) I forgot my glasses, b) I was dog tired, c) I couldn't see the screen.  I think I will grab an unsuspecting tourist from now on!

See what I mean?  You can commence laughing now.  Even one of the guards with that cute dog came up behind us to see what the heck I was trying to put together.  I don't think I was supposed to notice.  I notice everything but I should have known better.  Trying to attach the phone to the darn thing was a challenge in itself.  Then putting the timer on while not being able to see the screen because of the sun's glare made it impossible, and I was so darned hot!!!  I do not function well in heat.  I am not taking that blessed thing out with me again.  The other guard behind us was giving us a quizzical look, and then I actually saw him smile when I turned around, probably after seeing this delightful spectacle and me rolling my eyes up to the north star.  Thank you nice Italian tourist for coming to the rescue.  He was my hero.

We could have done with one of these segways.  We see these tours all the time around the city.  If I didn't think I would run into a few walls or sail off a curb, OR run the battery down before I got back, I would join one.  The other day I saw a guy on a segway, pulling another one behind him.  I thought, yep, someone in the tour ran the battery down and he's taking this one to the rescue.  I had every sympathy for that person.

We lost Bill for a few minutes among the sea of faces, but we knew he was nearby.  We found him talking to a lady with a sign.  Gregg went over too. I just kept taking photos.

She was very nice and happy to have a photo taken with the guys.

Lots of security around but they said it was okay to take photos.  I kept my selfie-stick tucked well away in my backpack!

A very cute dog on patrol but I did not get too close, just cropped.  I think that sign on his back says do not pet.  Very understandable, he is a working dog after all.  

And how about this cutie?

Now this was a dog riding in comfort.  

Pooches were being well taken care of.
I even saw a water bowl in the carriage within easy reach. All the pooches I saw on this very hot day were being well taken care of.

One last photo of Bill in front of The White House.

It is now half past midnight just about and I am off to bed.  


  1. Those are wonderful, cute photos. We tried to get a tour in the White House last year, but they do it by lottery now and we weren't able to get in. You are certainly really showing Bill everything there is to see. I've never tried using a selfie stick yet. I've always relied on the kindness of strangers.

    1. Thank you Kay, it was a lovely outing. We were sad to see the extra barrier -
      no longer able to go right up to the fence - but with incidents that have arisen, can understand why.

  2. I have never even tried to use a selfie stick (vanity?) and reading your account I am glad.
    It sounds as if, as usual, you all had a wonderful day. Sleep well. And happy weekend.

    1. Thank you EC, and the selfie stick I will use again one day, but for the time being it has been put back into storage :)

  3. This post is the first time I have seen Bill smile this wide and this much! So he must have been really happy. Actually, I have gotten such a laugh over your selfie stick trouble! It is hilarious, and the picture is a good one, but quite funny! It actually looks like you are pointing a cane at someone! I don't have a selfie stick and have never used one. I am sure I would come out much worse then you did! I have never seen so many pampered dogs! The little one is so cute!

    1. Hi Ginnie, he has a lovely smile doesn't he? I always think it is good medicine to laugh at oneself and I've had a few good laughs over the last few days ;) Some of Gregg's photos of me have not made it to the blog. I was happy to see the pampered pooches on a day as hot as that day. The selfie stick is back in the box, lol!

  4. Do not talk to me about selfie sticks.... I almost threw mine in the river! Never again, although there's no need now that I don't do much photographing. The stick was put somewhere but I can't remember where.
    Loved all these photos, Denise.

    1. Oh Valerie, you did make me smile. They can be very frustrating can't they?

  5. Hello, the security looks tight around the White House. I enjoyed the photos, especially the cute selfie shot. Happy Friday, have a great day and weekend!

    1. Thank you Eileen and the security was very tight. Happy weekend to you :)

  6. I would probably kill myself or someone else on one of those segways, but I would sure like to be in a padded room with one and try it.

  7. does bill want me to photoshop you know who in the photo with him???? that beautiful black dog is probably a bomb sniffer, they use labs for that. he sure is not a guard dog.. I like the shot with the sign lady and the police car and all the ones of the officers on duty. wish you had tried to climb the fence waving that selfie stick, I would love to see the three of you on CNN. LOL...

    1. I asked him Sandra and he smiled. Intersting about the black lab. I have seen them at the airports too. Not a snowball's chance in you-know-where was I ever going to go near that fence ;) Sorry, no CNN for us, lol!

  8. Wonderful photos, Denise, and I laughed about the police with the dog coming to see what you were up to! So nice to see all the radiant smiles and beauty. I always leave here with a smile and feeling as though I have taken a lovely tour. Thank you so much for sharing! I hope you have a fantastic weekend.

    1. Thank you Linda, and you are very welcome my friend. I am glad my post gave you a chuckle. May your weekend be equally fantastic :)

  9. The dog in the bag is just adorable!

    It's beautiful architecture- regardless of the current resident.

  10. Fascinating - and great, fun, shots. I'd like to tour Washington someday - and I know Mrs Britain would.

    1. Hi Mike, we would love to give you a tour around the capital.

  11. Another fun filled photo post of your DC adventures, Denise. I really smiled over the one with the selfie stick. We have never tried one of these devices and just hand hold our phone. It does look like somewhat of a challenge.

    1. Hi Dorothy, holding a phone sounds good to me :)

  12. We were lucky to even get a photo of the white house with my zoom lens when we were there last year. Something was going on and security was everywhere and all the nearby parks were closed!!!
    Love the dog travelling in style in the little trailer :-)
    Thanks for the Happy Bastille Day, just off now for more celebrations. Diane

    1. Hi Diane, thank you and you are very welcome. Your trip to The White House sounded intriguing. I am glad nothing was going on when we were there.

  13. That black dog looks like my black dog, Lani, in New York.
    It seems the fence in front of the White House was replaced with a taller one to prevent people from climbing over it.

    1. Lani must have been a beautiful dog Gigi. The fence is very tall and now there is another shorter one several feet in front of the tall fence.

  14. The last photo is my favourite

    1. Thank you Gosia, it is a very enjoyable photo and a lovely memory of our friend.

  15. Just great photo's again Denise.
    You travel and see such a lot and I'm so pleased you share your memories with us in Blogland.

    My good wishes

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you Jan and the same to you. I'm glad you have enjoyed them.

  16. what a wonderul post adn I did have to laugh at you with the selie on the polo. Looked like the barrel of a riffle!! great dog shots but I think they well be some spoiled poochs there. Have a lovely weekend

  17. Hi Denise, why did'nt you get invited in for a cup of tea, not very sociable, great trip for Bill. All the best, John

    1. No, the invite was not forthcoming John ;) All the best to you too :)

  18. You really got to see a variety of things around the White House, Bill is going to have a lot of good memories to carry home.

    As for selfie sticks and Segways I'm afraid that I would hurt myself with either.

    1. Thanks Jimmy, and I think I would just like to use my own two feet. I have trouble walking on those at times :)

  19. The selfie-stick photo is actually very cute! :-) This had to be a trial, it being so hot, and already tired, but I love that you made it there to share with Bill!

    1. Thank you Marie, we were certainly glad to be back in a nice air-conditioned car :)

  20. I hope it was an enjoyable experience Linda :)


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