Friday, March 4, 2016

TODAY'S FLOWERS # 389 - March 4th, 2016

Today's Flowers opens up on Friday at 12.00 a.m., and closes the following Thursday at 11.00 p.m.   More information about this meme can be found here.

I am still sharing flowers I found while on vacation in December 2015 and January 2016.

Today's Flowers was created by Luiz Santilli, Jr. Thank you Luiz!  I have been its host for quite a while now. 

I am also linking with the following memes as they become available, with my thanks to our hosts.  Please click on their names to visit other participants.

Hetty at Tuinverhalen (Garden Stories)
Nick at Floral Friday Fotos
Aquariann at Flower Friday
Judith at Mosaic Monday


  1. What great colours - so many different way to be a flower.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  2. Heisann... have a nice weekend, Denise ;:OD)

  3. Such a colorful post - i love it, Denise!
    Greetings from Germany ... Frauke

  4. I was wondering at the start because they are all tropicals, no wonder yes you are in Hawaii. We have all of those flowers here too.

  5. Lovin' the hibiscus [gonna plant more of them this year when I find the 'right' colors] ---AND the blue plumbago....the color and the fragrance.

  6. Spectacular colours!

  7. Good morning, Denise. Pretty variety of flowers. I love the hibiscus. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  8. Beautiful - exactly, what I need on this grey day!
    #3 (Plumbago) I have too (in the basement now, it's to cold outside) and my favorite photo is #4, with the raindrops.
    Have a colorful weekend

  9. Very pretty, and love your elephant collage. Happy weekend!

  10. I posted a photo of a hibiscus on my blog today. Ironic.

  11. I always enjoy this post - gorgeous blooms.

    Hope you have a great weekend ahead!

    All the best Jan

  12. It seems like these hybiscus are growing like weed! Colorful post and thanks for joining my favorite weekend flower. Groetjes Hetty

  13. What a sweet baby elephant in your montage. Love to look at your flowers and remember gardens past...thanks.

  14. your photos are so perfect i feel i can reach in and touch the flowers.

  15. My fondness of blue always wins! But all of your captures are superb! Again, I am still blown away by you and others who introduced Seasons on their own blog! Have a happy weekend!

  16. Hawaii has some amazing flowers

  17. Your flowers are beautiful Denise....fabulous colours....interesting mosaic the elephant!

    Happy weekend!

  18. I would love it if you would link up to Garden Tuesday at Sidewalk Shoes sometime!

  19. Beautiful flowers, I love them. :)

  20. What lovely and bright flowers! I was pleased this week to see pink buds on some trees in the neighborhood - spring is almost here.

  21. You have found so many blossoms!! The lovely hibiscus in yellow and red... A mix of superbe colors and textures of petals; delight for soul!
    Best regards in March!

  22. Beautiful flowers!

  23. Pretty petals! The first photo especially has me daydreaming about summer. Thank you so fairy much for hosting.

  24. such beautiful flowers!! i'll have to remember to link up! thank you for playing this week and have a great weekend!

  25. All so lovely . I cant wait for our summer blooms . Thanks for sharing , have a good weekend !

  26. they make me so anxious for spring! I especially love that very first!

  27. Lovely pictures. I can't wait for the spring and summer flowers to open here.

  28. Dear Denise,
    All your beautiful coloured flowers give me a lot of joy in the grey of today :)...and the cute elephant makes me smile brightly!!!
    I hope you and Gregg have a good and wonderful time!!! Enjoy the comming spring and thank you so much for hosting this great meme!!!

    With love and light,
    Katrin :)

  29. You had a beautiful vacation by the looks of these gorgeous blooms!

  30. Denise, I have nothing to contribute -- seems all I ever take photos of is food! Someday I'm going to have to get out of the kitchen and remedy that situation! My favorite one here is the yellow hibiscus.

  31. I love your mosaic! I may try to put one together like that! Enjoy your day. hugs, Diane

  32. What joy and delight flowers bring to our lives! Just beautiful.

  33. It's always nice to see colourful flowers at this time of year.

  34. It's good to see flowers. I really like the blue ones.

  35. Beautiful shots of some wonderful flowers, Denise. I especially like that blue plumbago.
    Many thanks for joining Floral Friday Fotos, your contributions are always appreciated.


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