Wednesday, February 17, 2016

13th day of our vacation - 12-28-15

Monday, December 28, 2015. 

 Another day that we didn't rush out and we went for a shorter drive. We needed to be back early to get ready for our friend's wedding later in the afternoon.  

It was lunchtime and we stopped at a shopping center called the Princeville Center.  The figures above were printed on a sun shade hanging over the windows of a nearby restaurant, one that we didn't go into.  There were several little restaurants and we stopped at one that didn't have any seating inside but there was a central food court.  

We shared a plate lunch (not fancy and served on a Styrofoam plate) of shrimp on the bed of chopped cabbage, two mounds of rice and candied walnuts on the top.  It was very pleasant, with yet more chickens running around our feet, this time with little chickens, not quite babies but still very small and very cute.  No photos, they just kept moving really fast.  There was also a post office where I mailed off a couple of cards and postcards. 

We drove over one of the single lane bridges and the way it works is, as a courtesy you let 5 to 7 cars through and then you are supposed to stop, so that the other side can do the same.  We got a loud blast of a horn once as we followed No. 7, before we realized the rules of these single lane bridges.  Sorry guys, new to the island and of course we saw the sign after the fact.  

1.43 p.m. I saw eight wild pigs in the middle of a field. They are not the kind with tusks but looked like large pigs of a very dark color.  No photos, just for the memory.

It is our friend's wedding today. About a month after we had booked our holiday, Gregg was chatting to his sister and she told him her friend was getting married in Kauai, and that she and her family would be going.  We were delighted as we have also known this friend for many years.  She and my sister-in-law met when they were in kindergarten, and she is very much more like a member of the family.  When Gregg asked her the dates, she told him it was the week after Christmas, when we would actually be in Kauai.  


I am writing this the next day (29th) at 3.42 a.m.  Once again I have not been able to sleep, running everything through my head from yesterday. Our friend's wedding ceremony was incredible and just about one of the most romantic I have attended.  It was held on the beach and performed by the loveliest man, a local minister.  The bride and groom said their vows with the sound of the surf behind them.  She wore a wreath of flowers in her hair and a lei around her neck and was a beautiful bride.  An unexpected guest arrived, a sea turtle was spotted in the surf on its way to the shore.  

After their ceremony she  asked if Gregg and I, along with my sister-and-brother-in-law, would like to have our marriage blessed, which showed the great generosity of spirit our friend has always had.  My sister-and-brother-in-law also celebrated their anniversary the day after our own. The six of us joined hands on that beautiful beach as the minister blessed our marriage.

There were close family members who flew in from the mainland, one of whom was the photographer. The lighting was perfect at that time of the day, not sunset but definitely a golden glow casting that special light. A very moving ceremony that was absolutely perfect.  

Afterwards we walked to the hotel for the wedding reception, and we had a wonderful evening. We also had a truly delicious meal, a beautiful presentation, and the staff couldn't have been nicer.  
The evening finally ended and we said our goodbyes. The next time we see everyone will be on the mainland.  A very special day and one that will always be remembered.  

If you missed any of my daily journals and would like to catch up, I am sharing their links below.


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  1. Hello Denise, another lovely vacation day. Kauai is a beautiful island. I am glad you were there during your friend's wedding. What a beautiful location for a wedding. Wonderful photos. Enjoy your day!

  2. Thank you for the lovely tour and great beach!

  3. What a wonderful place for a wedding.

  4. Idyllic and unforgettable ... place and, of course, the occasion. What a wonderful memory.

  5. what a beautiful wedding! how fun to eat amongst the chickens!

  6. what a beautiful view for a wedding.. i love the rice and shrimp plate. yum and pretty... and the uninvited guest from the surf would be fun. my favorite of the post today are the images of the women on the window shade. i really like that

  7. I love outdoor weddings. My older daughter had one in Kailua and my nephew had his in Kaneohe. Both times, the weather was perfect. Absolutely no rain.

  8. WoW...lot's of really special stuff (and food!!!!!) i love the idea of having your marriage blessed!!!!

  9. Well, that was a lot of wedding celebration in a beautiful location.

  10. Heisann, thanks for your holiday diary, I´m leaving for Cuba in some hours, so no blogging for me the next 1 1/2 week. Have great days ;:OD)

  11. The wedding sounds beautiful...and so happy you got to be there for it.

  12. That sounds wonderful! And the food looks tasty!

  13. We took our boys to Kauai many years ago. It is a magical place. I am not surprised you are enjoying it.

  14. So many events; too many to comment on separately but I love the sound of your marriage being blessed. What a wonderful holiday you are both having.


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