Sunday, January 17, 2016

Birds and things.....

My photos aren't the sharpest and they are too far away really, but I enjoyed seeing these birds while on holiday.

The Common Myna Bird

The Common Waxbill

The Red-vented Bulbul

You can see other participants by visiting their links.

Anni at Bird D'Pot
Michelle at Nature Notes
Stewart at Wild Bird Wednesday

Thank you to all our hosts.

Both Gregg and I took these photos as we were walking and driving around Oahu a few weeks' ago.

I am linking with 
Judith at Mosaic Monday 
N.C. Sue at (Wordless on Tuesday) at Image-in-ing.

Thank you for hosting Judith and Sue.


  1. gosh i love seeing my old friends!

  2. I've seen that bulbul in photos online and in books and would SO LOVE seeing one in real time! Lucky you.
    Love the tropical birds this week Denise, thanks for sharing!

  3. Hello Denise!:) I would love to see these birds in the wild. Good job! The green and red bird on the shoulder is an unusual and sight, well spotted!

  4. Hello Denise, pretty birds from your Hawaii trip! Love the mosaic! Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  5. did the mynal bird make a lot of noise? my hairdresser back in the 60's had one and wow was it loud.

  6. We have a beef with some cedar wax-wings at the moment as they are eating berries and pooping on our sidewalk from the tree above it. Thanks for sharing your picturs.

  7. Your photos are beautiful, Denise, I can clearly see what you are photographing. Thank you so much for sharing.

  8. Thanks for sharing Denise as otherwise
    I would never see these exotic birds & the beauty of

  9. I certainly would have enjoyed seeing the birds too. Thanks for sharing.

  10. The first and only time I saw a myna bird was when I was a kid, visiting Florida. We walked into a shop and I heard someone calling, and repeating, 'Warm out, ain't it!' I looked around and saw that it was the bird talking to me. :-) Fun memory. Enjoyed your photos.

  11. Pretty birds...isn't it the Myna bird that can be taught to speak ?
    love your mosaic with Bob Marley...:)

  12. I don't think I have seen any of these birds here. Nice photos!

  13. Lovely to look at these different birds Denise

  14. Nice to see some birds that are new to me - except the mynah, but then only in a cage in a pet store.

  15. Wonderful shots of nature's gems and lovely Mosaic of Hawaii ~ a delight!

    Wishing you a Happy Week ~ ^_^

  16. Fun mosaic .. Could be a travel poster for Hawaii! We saw a couple of wild Myna birds here near the Everglades a couple of years ago... apparently they were tame ones who were set free...everything that doesn't need cold weather thrives here.

  17. its clear similar pics would never be perfectly sharp. they show lively and incredibly fast animals :))))

  18. Oh, I so LOVE that mailbox in the mosaic...

  19. Love the collage it shouts happy holidays

  20. The photos are to still memories of your wonderful trip.. I have heard of myna birds, but did not know what any of them looked like...Michelle

  21. It feels so relaxed and warm in your collage!

  22. Fun mosaic! And I like the birds.

  23. Am using phone toview this post . The photos looks sharp enough. Love the collage

  24. Love the red-vented bulbul! Cool captures even if far away!

  25. These are great images! I swear birds are the hardest things ever to photograph.


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