Wednesday, February 19, 2025


Rooting through my archives I found these old photos of our trip to Norway in 1987. My dear husband had put out to sea for six months and I used the opportunity to visit my family. The first part of our holiday was with my parents in England, and the second half of our time we visited my sister, brother-in-law and niece. They lived in Norway for a few years. Son was eight years' old.  

On one of our daytrips we were out and about with my family. You never knew what you were going to see around the next bend of the road.

We had a longish journey to see the sights and stopped to look at the views. I had turned my back to look in another direction for a few moments. You can see son climbing on all these logs left for pick up. I had my camera in hand when I turned around and this gave me a start, but even as I was walking quickly towards him, I snapped a picture. A moment in time captured. I was heading over to tell him to come down, but he was already getting ready to jump to the ground after his little climbing adventure. My son was a climber, just like his mum I might add. One memory is of me at three years' old climbing to the top of the window-cleaner's ladder to the upstairs window. Mum was paying him she said years later, and turned her back for a moment. I frightened both of them apparently, but still remember that adventure on my ladder. As for son and his climbing all those logs, I suppose I was a bit of a nervous mum myself.

One young kid making friends with another young kid. We were at an outdoor living museum but I can't remember the name of it. Great place for all ages.

He is with a much larger one this time and they were both looking in my direction which I found amusing.

He loved the goats, as did I. There were dozens of them. On the back of one of the photos I had written: When we got out of this enclosure, my brother-in-law read a sign that said, 'Don't run around the goats, don't approach the goats at break-neck speed, don't make loud noises.'  Son was so excited he had done all of these but fortunately was not head-butted once.

This little one was quite at home climbing on the side of the rock wall.

In the following we were at Norway's Folk Museum in Oslo. It is a marvelous place. You can click on the name to see great photos and info. If you are ever visiting Oslo, I can highly recommend it. Years later Gregg and I went there. Son was an adult by this time and long out of the house. But, here you can see him with a young lady who was very nice to him and patiently answered all his questions. She was bilingual and spoke perfect English.

A sign in Norwegian. We were visiting a silver mine, (though I have no recollection of this place). 

Another one of him walking by these lovely boats, a sign on the first one read, 'Drive the Viking Way'. This is a marina in Kristiansand, Norway. 'Kristiansand is a city in southern Norway that's known for its beaches, parks, museums and festivals. It is also a major industrial center and a popular summer destination.' I found all this online. 

Here are two maps the second showing Kristiansand's red location marker in Norway, and the surrounding countries.

Below he is taking care of his cousin with us not too far away, following behind them. We were at one of the many lakes we visited. At the time our son was eight and our niece was 20 months' old. 

Probably my favorite photos from our time there.

I may have put one of these photos on this blog somewhere. 

Enjoy your day and thanks for stopping by.


  1. Those photos are beautiful and precious. Love goats! Thanks for sharing them with us, Denise.

    1. Thank you Angie and you are very welcome :) Goats are a wonderful animal.

  2. Your photo of the boats in the marina is beautiful! And your son looking after his cousin in these photos is really touching. I would not have let my son climb on those logs either. They could roll away at any moment!

    1. Happy you enjoyed Ginny :) they didn't seem very secure, I remember that though I saw something that looked like a cable near their base. I still wouldn't trust them though.

  3. Thanks for the tour. It looks like a lovely place to visit, and it certainly not Kansas! Linda

    1. You are very welcome Linda :) No, it isn't Kansas :)

  4. It’s funny how those split-second moments—where excitement and a bit of parental panic mix—end up becoming cherished memories

  5. How lovely to see these photos and you have good memories. Ladder story is good.
    Thanks for the maps too Denise. It certainly is lovely there.

    1. Thank you Margaret, great memories, even the ladder story makes me smile. I think my mother had to give the window cleaner an extra cup of tea because of me :)

  6. Looks to me that even at a young age he had impeccable taste in young ladies!

    1. She was very pretty wasn't she David? But more importantly, so very nice to a young child :)

  7. what a great find, a dive into the past, and photos bring back memories we did not remember we had. the logs scare me even now... love those goats and would love to see some now

    1. It's always heartwarming to discover our old photos again isn't it Sandra :) yes, scary and very precarious looking and I too would love to see some goats again.

  8. What a great trip! I doubt I'll ever get overseas, but if did, Norway would be near the top of the list!

    1. Thanks Jim, my husband's family on his father's side come from Norway. Our second trip there was to discover his roots, and we went to the area his ancestors came from. It was also a very memorable trip. I would definitely recommend it to anyone, a beautiful country :)

  9. I love these old photos and love going down memory lane because these days that is where the wonder still is.

    1. Hello Val, it's a wonderful journey, this memory lane. Well put and couldn't have said it better myself :)

  10. Looks like a great trip and happy memories. Take care, have a wonderful day!

    1. Thank you Eileen, it was. You take care and have a wonderful day also :)

  11. These are wonderful photos of fabulous memories of your trip.

    1. Thanks Ann, it is why I love taking photos so much. What we take today will be a wonderful memory in the years ahead.

  12. What great photos and memories! Does your son remember the trip very well? I hope he does.
    I think I am glad I was always a bit afraid of heights. I did enough climbing as it was--lol! Both my grandsons will climb on anything and everything! LOL! ;)

    1. Thanks Rita, I am going to have to ask him. He probably remembers these photos, we have yet to have a chat about them.


  13. that's a very good look back at a very enlightening experience.

  14. Replies
    1. It's a great memory, I was fortunate to have family there and having been there for a few years, were great tour guides :)

  15. these are really beautiful pictures of norway, i have never been. you are lucky to still have these pictures, in this format, to enjoy and share here!!

    1. Thanks Debbie :) it's why I started blogging in the first place. I wanted a record of them for our son to read years from now.

  16. Denise what a wonderful flash back. I loved each photo and your words.
    Thought of the song from Sound of Music about a Goat herder...
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. Thank you Cecilia, that was a lovely song and one of my favorite movies :) Sending hugs!

  17. It was fun to see all these photos from 1987 and your trip with your son. Love the photo of him with his sweet!

    1. I am happy you enjoyed them Ellen :) thank you :)

  18. Wonderful memories and photos. The scenery is lovely.

  19. Such lovely memories, so nice to see your photographs.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you Jan, so happy you enjoyed looking at them. All the best to you too :)

  20. Lindas fotos. Me gustaron las fotos de las cabras. Te mando un beso.

    1. Muchas gracias, me alegro mucho que te hayan gustado las fotos. te mando un beso :)


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