Sunday, January 5, 2025


We are supposed to be getting up to ten inches of snow starting tonight, snowing all through the night and all of Monday.  Here are more flowers from my archives. It makes me feel happy sharing them on such a day. I know many of you have had snow already. Hopefully these will bring a little bit of warm to everyone, no matter what your weather is like.

Egyptian starcluster, also known as Star cluster, Egyptian star flower, Star flower and Ruby Glow. Its botanical name is Pentas lanceolata. It has a butterfly. Some kind of fritillary? Perhaps one of you can ID it correctly. Thanking you in advance.

Clivia lily, also known as Natal lily, Bush lily, Fire lily and Clivia. Its botanical name is Clivia miniata.

Lily of the nile, also known as African lily, Blue lily, Common agapanthus and African-lily. Its Botanical name is Agapanthus praecox.

 Natal-Plum, also known as Large num-num, Amatungulu and Carissa. Its botanical name is Carissa macrocarpa.

Tropical Milkweed, also known as Bloodflower, Mexican butterfly weed, Annual milkweed, Scarlet milkweed and Cotton bush. Botanical name is Asclepias curassavica.

King protea, also known as Giant protea, King sugar bush and Honeypot. Botanical name Protea cynaroides.

Gerbera daisy, also known as Barberton daisy, Transvaal daisy, African daisy and Daisy baberton. Botanical name Gerbera jamesonii.

Black-eyed Susan vine, also known as Bright eyes, Winged clockvine, Clock vine, Blackeyed Susan vine and Black-eyed susan. Botanical name Thunbergia alata.

Silver vase plant, also known as Urn plant, Living vase plant, Silver vase and Living vase. Botanic name Aechmea fasciata.

 Chinese hibiscus, also known as Shoeblackplant, Rose mallow, Hawaiian hibiscus, Shoe-flower and Tropical hibiscus. Botanical name Hibiscus rose-sinensis.

Thank you for looking and whatever your plans are today, I hope it is a great one. 


  1. Thank you. I grow a number of those plants and they are (or have been) in bloom. Stay warm, stay safe.

    1. You are very welcome Sue and thank you :) How lovely that you have had them in your garden.

  2. Thank you Denise for posting the many flowers. Happy Sunday and wishing you a happy new year over here in the UK. May it be a good new year for you and your family.

    1. You are very welcome Linda and thank you. I wish you the same :)

  3. All the flowers are beautiful. Sorry about the snow but maybe if it's falling on you it will leave us alone for a while.

    1. Thanks Ann and if it stops you from getting any more snow after what you have had to deal with, I am happy we have it here :)

  4. Such a colorful display of beauty Denise! Stay warm and cozy as we gear up for the winter storm my friend.

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen and you stay warm also :) It promises to be a significant snow fall doesn't it?

  5. The flowers are a cheery sight! Beautiful blooms and photos.
    I am not looking forward to this snow storm. Stay safe and warm.
    Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week ahead.

    1. Thank you Eileen and I wish you the same for all that you have mentioned :)

  6. The snow that started on New Year’s Dat has finally ended. I read too that Lake Erie is being covered by ice. That will stop lake effect snow machine. What I miss most is sunshine.

    1. Hi Linda :) That's good to know and I do hope you get your sunshine soon :)

  7. Lovely! My clivias have been attacked by mealy bugs - yuk!

    1. Thank you Janice :) Yuk is right Janice n those mealy bugs, I hope you get rid of those pesky little blighters!

  8. that last Hisbicus is one we have that might live. we had 5 of those bushes that we planted in 1985. there was only one left, they knocked it down, but left a broken stick and now it has a few leaves. we are waiting. in Florida this one grows like a weed and is more hardy that the other ones. I love all the brilliant colors you showed us today and the Urn is gorgeous

    1. Thank you Sandra, a little bit of colors lifts us up during our cold winter months. A little sign of hope for you there with that one plant, and I hope it takes off for you :)

  9. Colourful flowers for me to look at on this dreary day.
    Hope you don't get all the snow you mentioned, if you do, stay safe and warm.
    I have very little snow but that can change in a heart beat.

    1. So glad! I hope so too, keeping fingers crossed. Hopefully you won't get any :)

  10. Good to see flowers considering all the snow right now in some places.

    1. So glad Christine :) I agree, it's all very sunny outside right now but by all reports that will change tonight .

  11. Oh Denise I'm so sorry to read about all that snow. I bet the grocery stores will be packed today. Y'all be careful if you have to go out after the blizzard.
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. Thank you Cecilia :) I bet they will be too. We will take care and hopefully I won't have to go outside tomorrow. Not sure about my appointment. If it proves to be a big snowfall, it may be cancelled. Sending hugs :)

  12. Beautiful! Nice escape on this freezing day to see all that color! (It's -7 as I am typing.)

    1. Thanks Rita, that's how I felt :) Brrrr on your -7!

  13. Wow, these are so unusual, exotic looking and pretty There are only maybe three that I even know existed. This Urn flower is amazing! And the Gerbera Daisies...I have only seen the blooms spread wide open. I did not recognize them in the stage, like little frilly cups!! Like a whole different plant. The Giant Protea is just a tiny bit creepy.

    1. Took me a few to realize they were Gerera's also Ginny :) I enjoy looking at different flowers. We are lucky to have several gardens around here, or at least a short distant car ride away. We see all kinds of interesting flowers and plants in growing season.

  14. Forgot to say, you know since we live so close, we are getting the same snow. Maybe around 8 P.M.? I hope you are well stocked up with food and flashlights. The news said that there might be ice and power outages. Do you have an alternate heat supply? They keep predicting more and more snow. Took our oldest granddaughter shopping yesterday while she is home from college. I'm sure glad we were able to do that before the snow!

    1. Yes, I thought we maybe . Our snow is said to show around midnight. Originally it was going to be ten p.m. but changes are being made already. Even in a bad snow we haven't had many power outages and hopefully we'll be okay. When the power has gone out it has come back relatively quickly. Fingers crossed! Only have one heat supply. No gas, all electric. How nice you were able to go out with your granddaughter yesterday. Great timing!

  15. I like the information you provide on plants, not that I remember any of it.

    1. Thanks Red :) That's why I try to ID as much as I can, so that I can go back to refresh my memory when I forget.

  16. Beautiful flowers! I will be thinking of you, Denise, and the snowflakes everywhere. I don't think we will see any of it here. 🌞

    1. Thank you Sandi, I am happy to hear you will stay snow-less :)

  17. Your butterfly could be a hackberry, emperor, but I am not an expert.
    I don’t mind the snow, but I hope we don’t get the ice that they are talking about. I have to be able to walk my dog.

    1. Thanks for the ID Linda :) I know a few but still need help with several others, and I couldn't find quite the same pattern when I searched online.

  18. In my area of South Carolina we don't get a lot of snow but we're supposed to get some Friday. It's going to be my son's first time seeing it if it falls. He will be three in June

    1. How wonderful Adam! It will be such a joy to see the first snowfall through your son’s eyes :)

  19. Thinking of you and hoping the snowfall is not too bad where you are. We had a small amount here today but the rain is washing it away now. Thank you for sharing such lovely flowers. Have a wonderful week.

    1. Thank you Beverley :) you are very welcome for the flowers. You have a wonderful week also and I hope you won’t get any more snow.

  20. Ten inches! My! That's more than we've had all winter! I hope they're over-reaching!

    1. It will be interesting to see how much we actually get :)

  21. Replies
    1. I am very happy you think so Jenn, thank you :)

  22. Lindas flores. ten una buena semana.

    1. Muchas gracias. Me alegra mucho que te gusten las flores.

  23. We have the same forecast, and I'm hoping they are wrong because I need to get to the dentist.
    Thanks for sharing these pretty flower pictures. The first and last ones are my favorites.

    1. Oh dear! I hope you are able to keep your dental appointment Sandra :) Unfortunately my appointment for tomorrow has been cancelled. I found out via text a couple of hours ago.

  24. It is snowing outside so your flowers bring a smile to my face.

    1. It is snowing here now Hena :) Thank you for letting me know my photos put a smile on your face. Your comment gave me a smile :)

  25. I've seen some nasty weather reports from your side of the country. Hope all is well at your place.

    1. All is well with us, thank you so much Ellen :) I hope everyone else in these bad weather areas are doing well.

  26. We are supposed to be getting some snow in January too. These flowers are so pretty, vibrant with color. I hope the new year brings much goodness to your life, Denise.


    1. Thank you so much Sheri, I wish you the same and stay warm :)


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