Friday, September 13, 2024


 Happy mail from Ann is a happy day indeed. Thank you so much my friend, I always appreciate seeing them in my mailbox.

I have mentioned this before, but this is my favorite comfy corner where I do all my reading and blogging, sip on a hot or cold drink, and watch the birds outside. The two figurines that are next to Ann's pretty card are gifts from my dear family. It's my happy place of treasures, where I can easily reach up for a book to leaf through, and now I have Ann's card to look at.

Thank you Ann! 
This is such a delightful tradition you started.

And thanks for dropping by everyone.
I hope your day is a great one.


  1. I got this one too. It is so professional and sophisticated. Ann is the best!

    1. Wonderful and she certainly is! Ann brings a lot of cheer to us all doesn’t she :)

  2. Sounds a lovely corner in your house, I think most of us have a favourite place to read and blog. Take care.

    1. Thank you Margaret, and I know you are right about that. You take care too :)

  3. Such a nice way to keep in touch 😀

    1. I totally agree Janice, a card in the mail is a wonderful thing :)

  4. Pretty card and I like your lovely figurines. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. So glad, thank you Eileen :) You take care and enjoy your day too.

  5. You are very welcome. I feel honored that my card is sitting in such a special place.

    1. The honor is mine Ann, thank you again for all the smiles you bring :)

  6. Ann's work is beautiful and fits in perfectly in your special place.

  7. The card looks great next to the figurine and perfect for autumn decor. I don't have a nook, I read on the bed. I would like to have a she shed in the back yard to read in, away from the TV noise

  8. Ann has such a cre8tive eye and fingers...lovely place to sit and ponder and see your card.
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Such a creative design on your card from Ann. Your figurines are lovely Denise. Happy Friday!

  10. I thought the card perfect for fall. And I like those figurines, too. And the books...they all look like something I would enjoy.

  11. You have a lovely place to sit and read and think of friends.

  12. How thoughtful of your blog friend to send you a card. Isn't it nice getting surprises in the mail? And I love that little girl with the house. I have that same line of a girl holding a single rose.



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