Sunday, September 22, 2024


 Another wonderful poem from Becky Hemsley. A long poem, but well worth reading through to the end in my humble opinion.

I learned from my mother 

That women are strong

That life can be difficult 

But we go on.  

She taught to be soft

On those finding life hard 

To help protect those

Who’ve already been scarred

To work when I need to

But otherwise play

That night time’s for dreaming

But so is the day

To be gentle with those

Who are tough on themselves 

To share out my love

But save some for myself

To stand up to those

Who would walk over me

To hold up my head

When I’m down and feel weak 

To only apologise

When I am wrong

To know that there’s always

A place I belong

To trust in my future

And treasure my past

To smash it each time

That the ceiling is glass

To find the lessons

In relationships lost 

Because some things in life

Are not worth what they cost

But what she taught most 

About life and of worth 

Was that it is only 

The best I deserve

And maybe your mother

Has taught you the same 

But if she has not 

Well, then I’m here today

To say that you too

Deserve only the best

To live out the life

That exists in your head 

To find your own strength 

And to dream and stand tall 

To trust you might fly

When you think you could fall 

So never stop dreaming

And never give up

 And trust when I say 

You are worthy of love

What I Learned 


Becky Hemsley

from her book What the Wild Replied

Poems from Human Nature

(The flowers come from photos taken throughout the year at various gardens.)


  1. This is a very good poem! I have never seen these Siam Tulips, so beautiful and exotic looking. Never seen a real Cardinal flower, or a Globe Amaranth. But I have seen another kind of Amaranth. The Spiderwort is gorgeous, of course I haven't ever seen one of those either!!

  2. I love the poem! And those blooms are so beautiful.


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