Wednesday, September 18, 2024


 a trip back to Glen Burnie Gardens in Winchester, Virginia. We felt like a ride today (9/17/24). There was thick cloud cover and we knew it was going to rain later, with more over the next several days. But we thought we might be lucky if we started out early enough. This is a planter that I am always drawn to. It has two dragon handles on each side as you can see.  More photos next time as I am tuckered out and am off to bed early.

Thanks for looking and as always, I hope your day is a great one.


  1. I love these dragon handles, and you got great details! This deserves it's own post anyway! Looks like maybe Coleus in it? Thanks for the bits and bobs answer! We always used to say odds and ends.

  2. It does look a nice one, deep but not that wide.

  3. I love (and lust after) that dragon plant holder. I am looking forward to seeing more from your excursion.

  4. Oh my, that planter is amazing. I love the dragon handles.

  5. The dragon-handled urn is just wonderful. I'd love to have one like that.

  6. I am quite sure that planter would appeal to most people.

  7. The planter with the dragon handles is cool. We are finally getting some much needed rain here today. Take care, have a great day!

  8. I'm in love with the dragons! How pretty!!

  9. my son would love the dragon planter, he has a small collection of metal dragons he has had for 40 years

  10. The urn is quite unique Denise. It looks to be cast iron. Lovely flowers and ionic columns greeted you. I hope you are all rested now, my friend. It looks like a good day to be cozy indoors.

  11. I'm looking forward to the next post and more photos.

  12. Beautiful planter with unique handles. Very artistic!

  13. I love gardens as much for their planters and the decorations as for the plants.

  14. Denise thank you for sharing that gorgeous planter. It is for sure centerpiece of the gardens
    Hugs Cecilia

  15. Cool dragons. Is that made of iron? Linda in Kansas

  16. I do not think I have heard of this place - Glen Burnie Gardens. We are planning to go to Winchester this weekend (if the weather allows) for some apple picking...but I might scout out where these gardens are!? Thanks for sharing. You always have the loveliest photos!!

  17. Sometimes days with cloud cover are the best for photo opps and looks like you made good use of the weather conditions, Denise.

  18. Lovely to see these photographs.
    Looking forward to seeing more once you've had time to rest and relax.

    All the best Jan

  19. Thanks for bringing us along. Sleep well. Aloha

  20. I would love to visit this place....


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