Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Thank you so much for the very nice welcome back yesterday.  It is great to be reading your lovely comments. I will be over as soon as I can. I have truly missed visiting.

We planted these red lilies last year. I was very happy to see them blooming again (June 4th). I love their deep red shade, one of my favorite colors.

I was trying to get a little artsy with a sprig of fresh herbs. We were making a Thai-themed dish and needed Thai Basil.  We found it in our local Asian supermarket.  The other supermarkets don’t seem to sell it.

Thai Basil has a more licorice taste and is much stronger than the Italian Basil that we use in spaghetti sauces. (I am not a fan of actual licorice but when put into our dishes, these are not overpowering and add a wonderful flavor. I also like to eat a leaf or two when preparing the meal. I find it a great palate cleanser but maybe that is just me. I will never be a fan of actual licorice.) I forgot to take photos of our meal, but it was a throw-together stir-fry using a mixture of ingredients we had available. 

The leaves were fresh and green.  I had just rinsed them and out came the phone. Definitely an odds and bods day.

There was a fox on the deck yesterday morning (7.30-ish - June 25th).  Gregg discouraged him by tapping on the window. We were expecting a repairman at 8 to replace our air conditioning unit. It stopped working a few days ago. He said the fox was very healthy looking, had a lovely coat and a nice bushy tail.  We have stopped putting birdseed out as used the last of it the other day.  Plenty of food out in nature now. Don’t want to be surprised by Mr. Bear looking around, or the raccoons and foxes, bless all their cotton socks but am worrying about neighborhood pet confrontations, and the obvious, our human population, especially the kiddos.  I do make sure the bird baths are full of water, and will replenish when needed. And as I started my paragraph talking about canines, an important message.

The following are all from Pinterest.

A little humor but I bet the kids would enjoy it.

So true! 

One last photo.  Absolutely loved this!  

Thanks for stopping by and may your day be filled with sunshine  


  1. Wow, this sun room is something else!! Well, now you will just have to get a bird bath camera! The lily is a gorgeous deep color!!! I hardly ever see this color around here. And I learned about Thai Basil! I never heard of it. I hate licorice as well. I used to grow regular basil inside and it did very well and grew huge! Wonder if the Thai is as easy to grow. I especially like the quotes about children and walking pets in the heat.

  2. I am more familiar with Thai basil flavour which was used a lot in Hakka cooking

  3. Your last photograph is wonderful. You couldn't fail to smile and relax and be happy in such a room.
    I love your lily, too - gorgeous, rich colour.

  4. That notice to dog owners was particularly wise.

  5. What a beautiful coloured lily, looks like velvet.
    Gosh foxes, we don't have any on the Island but they do in most areas of Australia.
    Nice herb is that one Denise.
    Take care.

  6. That lily is gorgeous. I just love the color.
    The warning sign about walking your dog in the heat gave me a laugh. It funny but also true.

  7. You can grow Thai Basil in the garden once the danger of frost has passed. We don’t have any this year but our standard Basil is starting to resemble a tree!

  8. my first thought was I want that sunflower room for my SHE shed. but then I thought I would not get much reading or device playing in that room. wow I LOVE IT... I also love your artsy plants pics. beautiful. good idea to stop the food supply.. would love to see the fox though

  9. Lovely post and images Denise! I did not know about the Thai Basil. Your lilies are gorgeous. Take care. have a great day!

  10. That walking dog sign is great! Your red lily looks so lovely, Denise.

  11. Gorgeous flower! I love that sign about walking dogs in the heat. The macaroni au gratin - hilarious! And I want an attic room like that one.

  12. Sure hope you were able to get the ac fixed. Ugh...the worst time for it to go out. We replace ours in the spring and I have been grateful every day since. So blessed by this convenience:) We also stop feeding the birds in the summer. Goodness, but the bird seed can get expensive in the winter! I know the animals are well cared for in these warm months:)

  13. I hope that you had a relaxing and enjoyable blog break Denise and it was nice to find you had returned to blogging as you were definitely missed online.

  14. I have never seen lilies that color, those are beautiful!

  15. Wow. the sunflower room makes me smile. It should be used to help people with depression. Lovely.

  16. Wow! A fox on the deck. We did have a deer hop onto our deck once. That is a bright and light sunflower room!

  17. Stunning red lilies! I’m glad to see you’re back.

  18. Your lilies are beautiful Denise, this deep red color is rare!
    The truth is that I was a little worried about you and I was very happy with your previous post!!
    I hope the Thai dish worked! Have a nice weekend!

  19. What a fun post, Denise. I'm delighted that you are back. I don't think I've ever seen a fox "in person." The lilies are pretty. I adore basil -- all kinds!!

  20. Your red lilies are stunning, Denise. And I love the sunshine room filled with yellow blooms. Thank you for sharing .


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