Monday, May 13, 2024


Our son and daughter-in-law recommended this restaurant to us, having gone for the first time a few days previously. 

I usually prefer to stay home on Mother's Day but Gregg suggested we celebrate early, and I was all for that. We were given such a glowing report and were intrigued.  

The drive out there was very nice and the GPS took us down roads we rarely traveled, if at all, and we passed a few curiosities.  For instance, this perfectly good gate that had no driveway.  On our side was no exit to the road, just a grass trim about five feet wide, and the gate had bushes built up against the other side. We had stopped at a traffic light. I seem to notice oddities, things that are out of the norm. I would like to know the story of why.

There is a great deal of gentrifying going on, but I was happy to see the old strip of shops with the barber in the middle. They have seen better days but I enjoy them.

It has been a few years since we last visited Falls Church. We stayed on back roads instead of using the freeway, and even those were busy. 

Our son told us we should go in the off hours as tables get filled up fast and parking is a premium. We thought to go early but by the time we got there it was noon. As it turned out Gregg couldn't find a parking spot. There were towing signs on either side of this property. These adjacent properties had nearly empty lots.  Gregg dropped me off at the restaurant and found alternate parking in a public parking lot not too far up the road. In the meantime, I kept an eye on tables. 

There was extra dining outside in the front of the building and at the back. However, it was rainy and on the chilly side. There were beams over the sitting area, which at first I thought was a covered ceiling but it was open to the elements and all the seats and tables had puddles of water on them. 

I was curious about the mural on the wall and could find no information. On their website there was the same design.

A second floor up some very steep stairs provided another dining area, so another customer told me after she descended carefully, and I asked (way too steep for me). There were also meeting rooms up there, and Gregg thought accommodations. There was probably an elevator which I would have looked for later if necessary, but…

patience won out and as I kept an eye on where people were in their journey (i.e. are you near the end of your meal and are you about to get up and go, all this while trying not to look too obvious?) Gregg arrived and almost immediately a table became available. We were seated sooner than I expected.

Most everyone was very casually dressed. I felt quite comfortable in a tee shirt, cardi and jeans. The staff were kept hopping and I was impressed with their friendly attitude towards their customers. The gentleman who cleaned our table was very pleasant. You can pick up a menu at the counter and order your food before you sit down. I staked our claim by sitting and Gregg brought the menu over to the table. We looked through the items, made our choices and he went back to the counter to order.  

You are given a number and it wasn't long afterwards that we were served. A young man appeared and cleaned our table. With the amount of people dining we were pleasantly surprised how fast our meals were delivered, and the food was beautifully presented. Their website is here and you will see a short video and photos which will give you more of an idea what the place is like. Menu is at this link.

I had a vegetable bowl

It was excellent!

Gregg had a grilled cheese sandwich which he said was the best one he had ever had. 

Both were a ten out of ten. Gregg had a fresh fruit sparkler made with fresh fruit puree, organic Agave and sparkling water.  I had water plus a latte.  Next time I am going to order the London Fog, which is a hot tea made with Earl Grey, vanilla and honey. Our son recommended that which I had forgotten about until I saw it on the menu later.  I was enjoying my latte, which was very nice. Also, you don’t have to order a meal. You can just have a coffee and a pastry.  

The building where Godfrey's is now located was once an old motel and a Galleria florist shop. It is now a coffee shop, Parisian-style bakery and cafe which opened in September of 2023. We can highly recommend it for anyone who is visiting the area. You can either take-out or dine in. Reading online I learned that Godfrey McKenzie is its head chef and co-owner.  He and his partner run a first-class, smooth running establishment, and we are already looking forward to going back for our next special occasion. Definitely a great place to take company when visiting. I also found an interesting YouTube video here. It gives you a good tour of Godfreys. I do not get anything for this free advertising. If we go somewhere which we find is super nice, I like to let everyone know what an excellent time we had, plus telling a little bit about the place, and sharing the goodies. 

Here are the pastries! Oh my goodness! We finished our meal and we decided to take a dessert home for later. There was a lot to choose from.

Gregg's choice was the Bombe Vanille

Mine was the Tonka Tart

Now prepare for pastry overload!

And I didn't show the cookies available.   

It was a very short walk back to the car. It had been raining but fortunately had stopped by the time we left.

I took a few photos of the flowers and others. The pretty, rain-soaked green leaves are Heavenly bamboo, also known as Sacred bamboo and Chinese sacred bamboo.  Its botanical name is Nandina domestica.

A wall of Bearded iris, also known as Common flag, German iris and Rhizomatous iris. Botanical name Iris Germanica.  This was as close as I could get without trespassing. I only had my cell phone.

Below is Kousa Dogwood, also known as Korean Dogwood and Japanese Dogwood. Its botanical name is Cornus kousa.

We had crossed over at this traffic light, and was waiting for another light to change before we could cross the other road to get to our car. As soon as we sat down it started raining again. I lucked out as I had neither raincoat nor brolly.

And that was my pre-Mother's Day Lunch at Godfreys. We both had a splendid time!

Thanks for looking! I hope you all have a wonderful day!


  1. Wow that certainly looked like a great place to eat. Unfortunately too many others have the same idea. It is awful having to wait for a table and not finding a car park.You were lucky with both and the rain. Love your photos.

    1. Thanks Diane, yes we were very lucky. it was also a fun place and I am glad we were able to get a table. I think next time we will try the middle of the afternoon and have an early dinner :)

  2. I almost feel like I went with you, although my tummy is rumbling now. This place serves regular food, plus high-class elevated food! And very large portions, too. I have copied the grilled cheese recipe, I bet we can make it! Oh those pastries! I think I would have chosen what you and Gregg did! What a lovely gastric adventure!

    1. Thanks Ginny, it was a fun place. We are going to try replicating the grilled cheese and bought a loaf of their sourdough :)

  3. The food does look good and tasty, all of it, makes ones mouth water.
    The garden link, enjoyed that and that same plant yet a much smaller one is the plant we've put in the front garden as a low hedge, beautiful colours are the leaves as they are often changing here.

    1. Oh I would love to see photos of your plant. I might look for one to put in our garden. Thanks Margaret :)

  4. Your choices in particular look delicious. I am glad that you both had such a good time.

  5. How lucky you found a table ;-) your food looks wonderful, I love advocado.
    But what I love the most is little tarts... what a great selection... yes, I would definitely have picked one up for coffee at home. The Tonka Tart looks great. Surely she was a dream...
    Viola sends you many happy greetings and a hug.

    1. Thank you Viola, it was fun and the pastries were delicious! :)

  6. That looks splendid.
    Tonka was unfamiliar to me so I looked it up and was surprised to find the following:
    "Tonka beans have an intense flavor that chefs and food manufacturers have enthusiastically embraced. However, there’s a catch: they contain a chemical called coumarin, which could be lethal in large doses. In the United States, selling tonka beans for consumption has been illegal since 1954, but that hasn’t stopped them from appearing on menus at Michelin-starred restaurants."

    1. So glad you looked that up Janice, fascinating information! I will have to look this up and read more also :)

  7. So glad you had a nice pre mother's day celebration. That place you went to eat looks really nice and obviously popular. Love how they cut that grilled cheese sandwich. Those pastries look amazing. I would have a hard time choosing just one.

  8. Hello,
    The restaurant looks popular, it is a good idea to go at an off time. It looks crowded. The food and treats all look delicious. Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week!

    1. Thank you Eileen :) and I wish you the same.

  9. it is a beautiful resturant and my food choice would be both of your husbands choice unless they have hamburgers and that would be my choice. you had food and fun and flowers, that makes it perfect for Mothers day or the day before.. lovely post

    1. My favorite item when I have gone out for a meal, and it is a rare occasion these days, are these bowls offered on menus. Thanks Sandra, it was fun if a little crowded and noisy :)

  10. It all looks so yummy! I woukdcsure try the restaurant if we were near.

    1. These days we rely on our son and daughter-in-law for recommendations. They hit a home run on this one :) Thanks Rose!

  11. Looks like you had a wonderful day and outing, Denise, and despite the weather and table wait, it all turned out well.

  12. What a lovely day and celebration. It looks like a terrific restaurant with wonderful food and service. I would have ordered the grilled cheese but both look fabulous! That garden doesn't disappoint, does it. Lovely images, all!

    1. Thank you Jeanie, it was everything you describe :)

  13. Oh my Word, Girl!! Everything looks so wonderful! Love the "hearted" sandwich!
    Happy Week!

    1. Thank you Donna, so glad you enjoyed it :) You have a happy week also :)

  14. What a lovely meal! Having looked for a breakfast place one Mother's Day in Ottawa, we do not venture out!

    1. We are paying more attention to the ones our son and daughter-in-law are finding :) They certainly steered us in the right direction on this place :)

  15. I would have ordered your salad, too. It's huge!

  16. Glad you were able to find a seat sooner than expected. Both meals look very good.

  17. Happy belated Mother's Day to you. So smart to go early or late to celebrate! Glad you got a table without too much trouble. Those bakery offerings are really calling out to me. YUM! Loved seeing you! Have a wonderful new week.

    1. Thank you so much Ellen, they are still calling to me, lol! I look forward to reading about your Mother’s Day :)

  18. WOW both your meals looked scrumptious. How fun they cut Gregg's sandwich into a heart shape. Hummus is a favorite of ours. We are having a Chickpea and Chicken Mediterranean salad for supper with a side of couscous for supper
    The deSSerts OMDs.
    The interior is lovely. There are so many establisments here now with the industrial look on the ceiling. Sometimes it makes it hard to hear it is crowded.
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. Thank you Cecelia :) Your salad sounds very yummy! Hugs to you also!


  19. What a place! so many choices. The desserts looked crazy delicious! The drive to the restaurant was part of the experience.

    1. Thank you and well said Susan, the fun is also in the journey :)

  20. What a nice lunch you had for Mother's Day. Look at those desserts! How does one choose from all those fabulous desserts? It was so good seeing a picture of YOU! It's nice to see our blog friends' faces once in awhile. You have a sweet smile, Denise.

    Have a happy May week, my friend.


    1. It was very hard to choose Sheri :) and thank you. I normally prefer to be behind the camera but hubby won’t let me get away with that all the time :) Thank you for the sweet compliment. You also have a happy May week my friend.

  21. What a great place and a fun drive to get there. You kind of did include a recipe as your veggie bowl gave me a great idea for putting together a future meal -- it was a no-recipe recipe if you will! I like the idea of taking dessert home for later!

    1. Happy I gave you the idea by sharing my bowl Sallie :) I have this in mind for ourselves later also.

  22. A great city photowalk. The deserts look so fabulous

    1. Thanks Roentare, it’s not often that I do this :) and yes they do have the most delicious desserts.

  23. There's nothing better than a pastries overload!

    1. I am so glad you said that Pamela :) thank you!

  24. We eat less and less meat and your vegetable plate looks very appealing. I think you could add avocado to shoe leather and it would taste good!

    1. Your last sentence made me smile David. We are always eating avocado at home in one form or another :)

  25. Godfrey's looks like an excellent place to enjoy a meal or a snack and those deserts- oh my goodness they look amazing. Glad you had a good time despite the rain.

    1. The rain was rather nice Beverley, one of those fine, misty type rains :) If I had had that brolly and a raincoat, I do believe I would have enjoyed the short walk back to the car. Yes, we are looking forward to going back sometime.

  26. How very lovely! Both of your photos showed you enjoyed yourselves. It was great seeing those smiles. The food looks fantastic! I always think the good places to eat are full. So glad the rain held off until you reached the car. Lovely photos of the florals and the delicious looking desserts! Your choice would make me a happy camper! Happy belated Mother's Day!

    1. Hello my friend and thank you! We certainly had a lovely time. So happy you enjoyed everything :) A Happy Belated Mother’s Day to you also.

  27. It was a lot of fun and a tea and pastry would be just the thing to do. A lot of people were doing just that. Hard to decide, very much so :) Thank you Linda!


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