Sunday, April 21, 2024



Meet Beryl the Bird and Chip the Cat. I'm still trying to figure out what kind of bird Beryl is. She has a smaller, shyer relative behind her. We were at the flower nursery yesterday, reconnoitering more than anything. I spotted Beryl and Chip in a corner, but they didn't make it home. I was trying to think what spot in the garden I could put them in, but I am going in a different direction and couldn't in my mind's eye get them to fit with what I wanted. 

I wasn't really too serious. I enjoy looking at a lot of things like what you see above, but I don't necessarily buy. My dear other half is telling me to go ahead and do what I want to pretty the deck up now the weather is warming up, so when the big old truck pulls into the driveway and they start putting in the renaissance fountain in the back, he's okay with that I told him. And no, that's not happening either. I want to make it a nice, cozy sitting area with a few things around us.

I did not come away empty handed. I made three purchases, two small pots and a fairy sitting on a bear. I have been toying with the idea of putting together a small fairy garden outside, in a planter on the deck I'm thinking. My inner child manifested every time I saw the one at this particular garden we go to. We'll see! I might put an electric fence around it to stop the squirrels and raccoons from tearing it apart. Yes, I am kidding but with a point as we know what luck I have with those little rascals. What do you think? Would this withstand the onslaught?

Maybe I will just stay with my little fairy on the bear for a while. 

I took a lot of photos at the nursery, no surprise there. I made lots of notes of a variety of fauna. I saw native plants and am looking at getting another couple of planters, plus a few additional small pots. We get sunshine out there but not for long and it's more of a shade area. I have to take that into account. It is fun planning something new.

Thanks for visiting and I hope you are all having a great weekend. May the sun shine warmly in your part of the world.


  1. You know how much I love nursery and Garden Center posts, as I post them probably too much. I have several more posts coming up. I would not have been able to resist Chip. But I do love what you bought! Especially the fairy on the bear. I think your fairy garden might survive outside as long as there is nothing tasty nearby. I finally gave in last fall and made fairy gardens! But mine are inside in cloches. And I am making them seasonal as well. I have tiny houses, fairies, foxes, all kinds of things. Dollar Stores have a lot and very cheap.

    1. Hi Ginny, I don’t believe you can ever share too many nursery and garden center posts. I can’t wait to see more. I will be adding on more photos from this trip : ) Good advice on no tasty treats nearby. I would definitely love to see more fairy garden photos of yours. Always enjoy what you have to share, and making them seasonal is a great idea. I will be checking out the local Dollar Store too.

  2. Denise, you bought two lovely pots (I really liked the turquoise color). But the fairy sitting on the bear is also fantastic. Good idea to make a corner with fairies in your garden. Have a beautiful day🌷!

    1. Thank you Katerina, so glad you like my purchases :) Have a beautiful day also :)

  3. You are stronger willed than I am. I find it very difficult to leave a nursery/garden centre without buying a lot.

    1. Thanks Sue but believe me, it took a lot to get out of there with only these purchases :) I will, however, be going back for plants so who knows ;)

  4. I love a good, slow, walk-thru at a much to see! The birds are too cute!
    Have fun decorating that out door space!

  5. I like the fairy on a bear. The spoonbilled peacock duck looks fun but I wouldn't know where to put it in my garden - it would just get lost.
    A fairy garden sounds fun:-) .

  6. I would love to visit that garden many cute things.

    1. I agree Angie, I can definitely get lost in there :)

  7. We used to enjoy looking for things to put in our garden and yard when we had both, now we just enjoy looking at what others put in theirs.

  8. That looks like a very interesting place to visit. I had fun looking at your photos.

  9. Lovely to see the nursery, brings back many memories for me Denise.

  10. I think your idea for a fairy land in a planter is a good idea, and no breakable things in it, for just in case the electric fence fails... ha ha have fun creating cozy

  11. Planning, thinking images, and dreaming a vision are half the fun it seems to me. I do love that fairy on a bear. I haven't really thought about what I'll do on the balcony. It's glassed, so that is a problem. Visiting garden shops is a wonderful past time in itself. Have a great Sunday!

    1. I agree Carol and I look forward to seeing how you decorate your balcony. It definitely is a lot of fun looking around these places. Happy week to you :)

  12. I like your purchases. It is fun to plan and scheme...I mean dream. :) Happy Sunday to you.

    1. So glad Ellen, thank you and yes, so much fun! Happy week Ellen :)

  13. I love garden centers. Even though I'm hopeless at growing anything, I love to browse.

    1. Wonderful places aren’t they? I don’t exactly have a green thumb either :)

  14. That bird and cat are such fun. I would have wanted to take them home with me. I love the idea of a fairy garden and have often thought about doing a small one somewhere outside. That one in the picture is pretty impressive. Love the fairy on the bear.

    1. Thanks Ann, I have been looking at the Fairy Garden at one of our local places. I have been thinking about one for a while. I am not sure how far I will get but at least the fairy and bear are a start :)

  15. Gardening hobby as a whole package reduces cognitive decline in older adults

    1. Good to know roentare, I need all the help I can get ;)

  16. This looks like a super duper fun shopping day.

  17. Your fairy sitting on the bear is darling, Denise. It reminds me of a post you did not too long ago. The pots are so nice and will be lovely on your new deck. A fairy garden has always intrigued me as well, though I've never followed through with this whim. Our garden is full of wishful whims. It's always fun seeing your creativity.

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen, I know the one you are talking about :) yes, we have the wishful whims going on here too :)

  18. Planning a new area in your garden sounds interesting and the garden centre was the place to go to get some ideas. The pots and the fairy riding on the bear are a good start to your plan with the sitting area. I look forward to seeing the result.

    1. Thanks Linda :) sowed the seed and now I have to follow through.

  19. Sometimes it's just nice to window shop in a garden centre and just pick up ideas. But it does require a lot of will power to resist what is on offer :-) Nice pots and good luck with your fairy theme.

    1. Very much so, thanks Beverley :) and thank you!

  20. I'd let that adorable bear-back (;>) rider shine all by herself for a summer and then maybe think about giving her some companions with a garden of their own! I still enjoy window-shopping at plant nurseries and always think that they should charge me an entry fee because I never buy anything any more.

    1. I think you’re right Sallie :) Now that’s willpower. I guess I showed some by not buying anything else ;)

  21. Your fairy sitting on a bear is adorable!

  22. That makes me happy Linda, thank you :)

  23. this place sure is colorful. i like the garden markers, but really, everything looks wonderful!!

    1. Thanks Debbie, I had a lot of fun in this place :)

  24. Oh, I've been wanting to visit the nursery. There's so many interesting flowers and things to look at. I love that fairy sitting on the bear. It would be so delightful to make a fairy garden at your house, Denise. Nel created one at her old house, and the kids loved it. That turquoise pot is very cool.


    1. That must have been fun for the kids Sheri :) Nurseries are wonderful and educational. There's always something there I haven't seen before. I recently learned how to put together a planter to attract hummingbirds. Not sure if I will be too late as I don't know much about their migration pattern, but it sounds a pretty planter that I will enjoy all year round :) Now I'm looking for a big red pot :)

  25. Nurseries like that make wonderful photo subjects, don't they? I'm itching to get to mine, too -- but hesitant to buy anything much this year. I loved each and every photo and it sounds like a terrific excursion!

    1. Thank you so much Jeanie, and they certainly :) At this stage we try not to buy too much, and this is unusual to be looking around for new things, but having a new-ish deck has put a little bit of a push in that direction.


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