Wednesday, March 27, 2024


I found this interesting fellow on our latest walk. I tried a search to find out more about him but wasn't successful. I could have walked up, knocked on the door and asked but it was very quiet, and I certainly didn't want to be a bother. Besides, I have now named him myself. I have no idea where the name came from, it just popped into my head. I have probably heard it before but who knows where or when, I don't have a clue.  Anyhow, meet Montague!

I found him rather magnificent! I think in my heart I would have enjoyed being a sculptor. I have probably mentioned this before but my Dad was a hobbyist carpenter. He loved putting things together in his spare time. I used to watch him and hand him his tools, while Mum was inside getting dinner ready, with my sister's help. He made Mum a small table once, lots of things over the years but that one stuck in my head. She would ask Dad and he would happily get his tools out. Once he made bunk beds for their caravan up north. It's probably why I love even today to see how things are built out of wood. I watch shows on YouTube, the process of building a log cabin for instance. I have always found that fascinating and admire the skills of every builder. It wouldn't have been too big of a stretch to change my interests to metal sculptures. To see them come together like this would be very rewarding.

So, hello Montague, how are you doing today? He is not one of those fire-breathing dragons, so we are all safe.

Montague and I thank you all for dropping in, and we hope you have a wonderful day.


  1. I love him, he is wonderful! And I think the name suits him. He is in the yard of a private house? How unusual!

    1. Very much so :) I once thought this was a bed and breakfast but there were no signs advertising it as such. Maybe the owner was the sculptor.

  2. Lovely dragon with a fitting name, it's beautiful to see works of art on your walk. I like it very much. Have a nice day!

    1. Thank you Katerina, I agree. Have a nice day also :)

  3. Looks pretty cool! Hallo Montague :-)

  4. Someone had fun making it...a lot of work.

    1. They certainly did :) I would like to know how many hours it took.

  5. Well isn't he an amazing piece of artwork. Hello Montague.

  6. Montague is splendid and his name suits him so well.
    Watching craftsmen at work is amazing. Your dad's hobby would have been a very nice contrast to the rigours of police work.

  7. I am sure that Montague has no idea of his new found fame. He is now known around the world.

  8. Thank you very much
    ... it's wonderful to see "your" dragon...
    he brings a good mood :-))) happiness to the heart.
    Lots of love to you and a hug for you.

    1. You are very welcome, a lovely comment :) Thank you!

  9. What a cool dragon sculpture! I like the name you have given him.
    Take care, have a wonderful day!

    1. Thank you Eileen, so glad :) and I wish you the same.

  10. He is a very handsome dragon and the name of perfect. the artist is gifted for sure. you would love the Castle that is about 50 minutes drive from us. Solomon's Castle.
    copy paste this to scroll through his metal sculptures, he has a dragon too.

    1. Thanks for the link and info. I will check it out soon :)

  11. I love the creativity of artists who can take everyday items and incorporate them into their work. That dragon is so cool!

    1. Me too and this sculpture was so intricate :)

  12. Some sculptures must work for a long time putting all this material together.

    1. It would be really interesting to know how long it took for this one :)

  13. It certainly is and how neat to have a dragon as a mascot. I will let Gregg know you tagged him :)

  14. I like Montague. Some cultures believe that a dragon near the entrance, protects your house.

    1. That's interesting, I wonder if that's the reason this dragon is in their front garden? The symbolism would be very welcome to me, but I don't think I could get that passed by the Home Owners Assocation, lol!.

  15. Love the close-up of his head.
    He looks like a very fine dragon indeed.

    1. Very fine and I liked his head, especially his eyes :)

  16. He IS rather magnificent -- and quite unique. I love how you just happened onto him!

    1. We never know what we are going to come across do we? I was like a kid in a candy store when I saw him. Had to stop and cross the street to get a closer look :)

  17. Montague is so interesting, Denise. These kinds of pieces take a lot of imagination! My daughter would love him as she has quite a collection of dragons. I will show it to her soon. It's nice hearing about your Dad's talents and how you would be by his side during those times.

    1. I'm glad you see that Martha Ellen and that's super that your daughter has a collection of them. Thank you for mentioning my Dad, I have good memories of those days seeing him in his tool shed :)

  18. Somehow the name Montague suits him :)

    All the best Jan

  19.'s like combination between little dragon and unicorn...But sometimes looks like sea horse...
    Have a nice day ^^

    1. I never thought of the unicorn or the sea horse but definitely can now. Thank you Mbul Kecil :) Have a nice day also.

  20. Oh my, I love Montague! Very cute - I find reclaimed metal sculpture interesting. I love some of them and like nearly all of them. Have a great Thursday!

    1. So glad Carol, we seem to think along the same lines :) You have a great Thursday also

  21. Montague is a fine specimen and what a great name you came up with!

    1. He certainly is and I'm glad you enjoyed his name. Thanks Ellen :)

  22. Montague the dragon is a very fine creature.


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