Saturday, March 23, 2024


Another bit of a saga!


Flashback to the previous night...
“Take in the birdseen?” Yes it is a typo!  Mrs. was so tired today. Back to the story! 

But the Froggies3 are safe. Woman with Camera, aka the Mrs., came downstairs to see what was going on. She saw baby turn up, then his mom stopped all her caterwauling. There was silence for the rest of the night, but Woman with Camera didn't get another wink of sleep from then on.  She, however, did remember to take the birdseen, I mean birdseed, in the next night and all the nights after that.

And so it goes on another Saturday morning at the birdfeeder.


  1. I just love the look on the Froggies3 faces! I kinda thought the racoons were somehow behind this! And now you will always remember to bring the seed in at dusk! Still, it made for a perfect Saturday morning post!

    1. Thanks Ginny, that's why I bought the froggies, I loved their faces. Definitely I'll remember :)

  2. You have such a wonderful talent for captions!

  3. Denise you put together a great story after making another great fictional story a joy to read. Thank you! Have a nice weekend.

    1. Thank you Katerina, I am so happy you enjoyed it and you are very welcome. I hope you are having a lovely weekend also :)

  4. You are so clever with your cartoons. I love them. Glad you found who was screaming. WE have a possum problem at the moment. It or maybe they are climbing onto our balconies and eating the pot plants. Luckily my plants haven't been attacked yet but it/they have left their marks behind. I haven't been able to get the stains out of the tiles.

    1. Thank you Diane, I am glad you enjoyed them. Interesting story about your possum. Good to know your plants have survived :) Leaving things behind, have had that also with these raccoons. Fortunately they are cleanable and disappear after a good wash down, and it doesn't happen very often, phew! LOL!

  5. The conversation about the backside of squirrels is funny

    1. Glad you enjoyed roentare, the photo made me laugh and so....

  6. My goodness! What a commotion at the feeder, Denise. I didn't know raccoons screamed. No wonder you are tired. Glad you are remembering to take in the birdseen, my friend! Also happy to hear the squirrels are off the hook for another week.

    1. I'm still a wee bit tired, smiling here. Those screams were a surprise to me also. I have read about our local foxes yowling (never heard them myself) but this is the first time I knew raccoons could. The squirrels thank you as do I dear friend :)

  7. the racoon is giving 2 thumbs up at the end and so do I... the screams when they mate are earsplitting and chilling to here. Have not heard them scream for the kids.

    1. It was a first for me and never heard the other. Always an education when they drop by :) Thanks for joining the squirrels in a two-thumbs up, always appreciated.

  8. I'm sorry you had a disturbed night, but it was worth it (for your readers) for the playscript. :-)

  9. Oh my, what a thing to have wake you up. I would probably have a hard time getting back to sleep after that. There sure was a lot of talk about it at the feeder. Glad to know that the froggies three were safe this time.

    1. It was a heart pounder and when I looked outside, all became clear :) They're a chatty lot aren't they? Ha! Thanks Ann!

  10. Hello,
    I am sorry the raccoon woke you up, I have heard some screaming at night too, I wasn't sure if it was a raccoon or a fox. Cute photos and captions. Take care, have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you Eileen, it was a bit of a surprise to put it mildly :) You take care and have a great weekend also :)

  11. Can't imagine having a raccoon in my yard...

    1. I remember my first sighting when I was in Monterey 30 years ago. It was a great experience and have to say I always enjoy seeing them.

  12. When we lived in Wisconsin, we used to have a trough we put corn in to feed the deer. The raccoons of course showed up and fought like crazy. You would have thought someone was getting murdered they screamed so loud!

  13. Good story to tell about problems in feeder land.

  14. OMG you are so funny! I love this. Thank you.

    1. Great, so glad you though so Jenn, thank you :)

  15. Yep, I too didn't know raccoons scream. Heck, I didn't think they even talked much. The baby raccoon is going to have trouble in life with his mom screaming at him all the time! Linda in Kansas

    1. Now that made me smile Linda :) I'm sure mama raccoon will settle down once she knows her baby can get his own food, lol!

  16. This is so cute, Denise. Have a wonderful week ahead.

  17. That would be something to see a raccoon at the bird feeder! It must be a sight for you when he comes around. Cute post at the bird feeder, Denise.


    1. Thank you Sheri :) I know they can be complete pests and get into all kinds of things, but we haven't really had any problems with them. Little rascals they may be but I have always been very fond of them. At the same time I am aware that problems can arise, so don't really encourage them. I slip up occasionally though and forget to take in the feeder, and that's when see our night guests :) First time I have heard one though.

  18. Hi Linda, so glad and I hope you are feeling better by now :)

  19. Great Saturday post Denise, it made me smile :)
    Hope you are not feeling quite so tired now.

    Enjoy the remainder of Sunday and have a good new week.

    All the best Jan

    1. That’s wonderful Jan, thank you so much. I hope you had a great weekend, and I also wish you a great week :)

  20. I bet the Mrs won't forget to take in that birdseen again -- (I am not sure I will ever be able to type that word correctly again after visiting your Saturday feeder today.)

    1. The Mrs. hasn’t, lol! Maybe I have set a trend on that typo ;)


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