Tuesday, March 5, 2024



This is the Visitor Center as we were heading towards our car, but I took photos of what I found inside before we left. I saw the artwork first. I recognized this one as the Thomas Jefferson Memorial with the blossoms blooming. The Cherry Blossom Festival will be in the spring. In fact, The National Park Service announced that the trees would reach peak bloom from March 23-26.

This lady's website can be found here, where you can see more of her work, including these art pieces, which have a 3-D application on them. This one is called "To Love Freely"...

and this one is called "My Roots Go Down".

It took me a moment or two to realize there were faces in the roots of the tree. I would be very interested to know what is her inspiration for all these works. As I often say, my photos don't give them the justice they deserve. They are much better seen with one's own eyes. I do love all forms of art and I found these very compelling.

Next, meet the very sweet and curious Barry the Box Turtle.

In the next photo you can read that Barry is an Eastern Box Turtle. I hope Barry's time in the terrarium won't be too long. The other inhabitants (the last being the bearded dragon I got quite fond of) have since moved on. The picture below with the information may be seen more clearly if you enlarge it, or you can click on this link which will take you to the Smithsonian's National Zoo website.  It has more information about Barry's kindred.

I expect Barry will get more company as the weather gets warmer and more visitors arrive. But hopefully he will be wandering around in his own natural habitat by then. I will be sure to check on our next visit.

These were the last photos taken on our trip to the garden on 2-10-24. No doubt we will be going back as soon as the weather warms up.

Here's my logo with a little added advice from the turtle. I do this as a gentle reminder to myself. Too many tripping hazards out there, and I am often reminded by my dear other half to slow down. There are times when my brain just goes full steam ahead, with my body saying what the heck are you doing to me, I really can't catch up, and yes I am smiling.


  1. How beautiful MEADOWLARK GARDENS and how well you presented it to us. I loved the artwork you photographed and especially "Love Freely". Your logo is great! I love turtles. Have a nice day.

    1. Thank you Katerina, so glad you enjoyed everything in my post. You have a nice day also :)

  2. Your little logo is adorable! I always like seeing what kind you are using. Her artwork is fabulous. Deep and mystical!

    1. I'm so glad you like my logos Ginny, thank you :) I have a lot of fun making them. She is a wonderful artist isn't she?

  3. Very nice and something different Denise.

    1. I agree, it's different and I do like different :)

  4. I really like the portrait of the turtle there

    1. Thanks Roentare, it was a very cute turtle :)

  5. Wonderful art work. The cherry blossoms are so pretty. I love that second painting. It's so fun. The third is quite interesting. Barry is quite the handsome turtle.

    1. I thought so too Ann :) I think Barry knows he's handsome :)

  6. I love all the art work! Your new logo is cute! Take care, have a great day!

    1. Great and thank you Eileen, you have a great day also :)

  7. Awe !!!
    this is such a lovely posting dear Denise :)))
    thank you so much for introducing the artist lady ,i loved how she found solace in Nature ,this is i can relate deeply
    her art is amazing and beautiful .
    thanks for the turtle story ,finding way back to home is quality of self discovery indeed :)
    best wishes

    1. Thank you baili :) we are kindred spirits, I love to get out in nature, it is so soothing to me. I am so glad you like this lady's artwork, she certainly has a great talent :) You are very welcome! I like your turn of phrase very much regarding Barry.

  8. Whenever we see artwork like that I am in awe of the talent of the artist. Many times I then read it was completed by a 17-year-old and I feel like a complete failure with no talent whatsoever.

    1. There are a lot of talented people out there, young and not so young. I have seen the talent you have on your blog Jim, you are multi-talented and by no means what you describe yourself :)

  9. I like the Visitor Centre because it's well lit and with a special flat access. The exhibition of paintings inside is interesting. The painting "To Love Freely" is my favourite. I hope you can go back for the cherry blossom festival and take photos. It was lovely to be introduced to Barry the box turtle. Take care of yourselves.

    1. It is a very nice visitor center. The one that is your favorite, I like it very much also :) I am not sure when I will go back to the festival, perhaps not this year. It gets incredibly crowded. We could always uber in I guess as I remember not being able to find a parking spot anywhere last time we were there.

  10. we had several like Barry when my sons were young. I would talk them into driving out to the state park and let them go free after a week of living in a box. I want all critters to be free where they belong. I once said that to someone about tigers in a zoo, and she said you have dogs and you keep them in your house and yard and they are not free, you just have a them as pets and they are not free.. hummmm
    I really like the Love Freely and would like it on my wall. the one with the roots is great but not for my walls.

    1. Our son had a Barry too when he was young :) We share the same sentiments but your friend has an interesting point with us having pets. I have always appreciated the fact that zoos do a lot in conservation. They are becoming more responsible about having large enclosures for the animals also, but when all's said and done, I'd love for them to be in their own natural habitat.

  11. Oh boy, I used to laugh off those tripping hazards but I've ended up face planting easily these days and I'll take your advice and slow down and grab onto a rail/bar/or hand whenever I can. Love your logo!

    1. Thanks Ellen, so glad you like the logo. Faceplanting isn't something I would wish on anyone that's for sure. Looks like we're doing our best not to have that happen again :)

  12. How nice to see the eastern box turtle a good friend of my childhood! Yes, I am stepping more carefully myself these days. One spill was all it took Aloha friend

    1. Aren't they lovely? We had one walking through our garden a couple of years back. I've always been quite fond of them. I wish you sure-footed ways and no spills from now on Cloudia )

  13. Many thanks for sharing the artwork from the exhibition.
    I do like your logo.

    All the best Jan

    1. So glad you do, thank you Jan and all the best to you too :)

  14. That is a lovely spot! I love the turtle.

  15. Such lovely art you have featured in this post, Denise! So colorful and meaningful as well. I really enjoyed seeing the roots with the ancestor's (I'm assuming) faces. The box turtle and your reminder at the end is something I must remember as I seem to rush about too much!

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen, and the ancestors shown, I do like how you described that very much :) so glad you enjoyed this lady’s art. Perhaps we will see the turtles as it gets warmer! I must remember also.


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