Friday, March 29, 2024


We were looking for a place that I had read about recently. More on that in another post. I am putting the cart before the horse as we visited that and went to the town afterwards. (I have provided links all the way through giving more information.) Today's post is from the town. By the time we got there we were hungry, and we had a late lunch.

We were actually looking for a favorite sandwich shop, but sadly it was out of business. Not too far away was the restaurant we had enjoyed several years ago, now under new management. A yellow easter bunny greeted us.
The Maitre d' asked if we would like to sit on their open patio but it was a bit too chilly for us, even with the overhead heaters provided. There are also tables at the riverside. In the warmer weather that would be lovely. We fully intend to go back and do just that.
We opted for meals on the regular menu.  Our appetizer was corn fritters.
I ordered the grilled flounder stuffed with crabmeat and shrimp, with onion rings and French fries. Gregg had fish tacos which I forgot to take a photo of. No dessert today. Gregg had a coca cola and I had a glass of water, but the waiter mentioned Bailey's Irish Creme Coffee and I was sold. Dessert! It was a very good meal, and we certainly didn't need any more to eat that day!
I found these interesting to look at.
We had a very nice time as it has been a while between restaurant visits. 
Of course, there has to be some kind of plant that I took a photo of. This is Cherry laurel, also known as English laurel, Common laurel, Laurel Cherry and Versailles Laurel. Its botanical name is Prunus laurocerasus. These were in front of one of the private homes we passed by.
We both agreed that we could very happily live in one of these homes.
There are two rows one behind the other. In the above collage, in the photo on the left, the second row can be seen on either side at the end of the narrow road. Those are the homes on the river.
We continued walking. 
There are a lot of reflections but I think you can see what is on display, for the most part.

The word Occoquan is from an Algonquian Doeg word meaning "at the end of the water". The area that is Occoquan today was long occupied by the Indigenous People. Even though the Doeg Tribe split up into several sections across Virginia, they were still one Village of people.
The historic town of Occoquan, Virginia, stands by the river that bears its name in Prince William County, Virginia, 25 minutes south of Washington D.C.

In July 1608, John Smith of Jamestown sailed into the Occoquan River and was welcomed by the Doeg Indians at their settlement, Tauxenent. Just a little bit of history. The links will give you a whole lot more.

We are on the other side of the street now.
The red building used to be an all-year-round Christmas shop called The Christmas Goose. One of the places I would go to when visiting the town. I always enjoyed buying a couple of ornaments, either for gifts or for our tree. Another business was in there, but I couldn’t quite make out what was in the windows.  I will take a closure look next time. At this point we were making a bee-line for our car.
We had walked all the way on one side of the street and down the other. There are many side streets with other shops we didn't explore. It was time to cross over again as we had parked our car in a lot next to the bridge. The building in the following photo has shops on two levels, though we only browsed by the ones on the ground level. We were ready to go home. 
I used to sell my ornaments to one of the shops in my craft show days. That's a story for another day.

I wanted to make a point of saying that there are some parts of the town that have uneven sidewalks. From someone (me) who has a klutzy, oh-look-at-that-while-not-looking-at-where-I-am-going personality, do take care!
One last photo as you probably know by now how I like to take photos on our drive back. This time it is one of the local school buses.

That's all for today. The next one I will share about the place that interested me so much, and discovered it was only a short drive away from Occoquan. I don't want to talk about it until the day of its post. It was something different, nothing too exciting as I want to manage expectations, but interesting. Tomorrow I will be getting my birdfeeder chatter post out, and hopefully on Sunday I will have the next one ready.

Thanks for looking and have a great weekend!


  1. I have never heard of these native people, despite living in Va. for over 50 years! This looks like such a lovely and quaint place! And Madigan's looks yummy. I guess I have never seen any kind of Laurel. The leaves are beautiful. I really love your little ending stamp this time, it perfectly shows this adventure!!

    1. That's part of why I enjoy blogging so much Ginny :) I have learned so much from other bloggers, it's been a fun education :) Thank you for saying you enjoyed my little stamp. It's another from Copilot.

  2. Denise thanks for the ride! Very beautiful photos of this historical place. I loved that you took us window shopping too!!
    The food looks delicious and the plant is not missing from the post!!
    Have a good weekend!

    1. You are very welcome Katerina. Glad you enjoyed! Thank you :)

  3. Nice architecture there with those steeped roofs.
    Lovely area and I've never eater corn fritters.
    Happy Easter to you and your family Denise.

    1. Thanks Margaret! The first time I ate corn fritters was in a little coastal cafe years ago. Don't get to eat them too often and this was the first seafood-y place I found them on the menu. We don't get down to the water that often :) Happy Easter to you all Margaret :)

  4. What a delightful town and post. I am looking forward to your mystery post as well.

    1. Wonderful! Thank you Sue, I put a short version out today (Sunday), and hope to get another post done soon :)

  5. Thanks for the ride along! Looks like a fun place to visit!
    The food looks yummy!

    1. You are very welcome Donna and happy you liked the ride :) I have always enjoyed your food photos and enjoy reciprocating. Sending hugs!

  6. That menu board shows so much of local character

  7. Your meal looks delicious. That looks like a very nice town. Just love the look of all the buildings.

    1. It was Ann, thank you :) It's a pretty town I agree, nice to get there every now and again. The last time was quite a while ago.

  8. the laurel flipped me back to 1953 when my family first saw pine mountain in KY covered in blooming wild laurel.. it was an incredible sight.. this Towne is worthy of a walkabout with out doing anything else, it is a MADsnapper place for sure. its gorgeous and I love every single thing you showed us. even your fish dinner makes me drool.... I was raised on corn fritters, a southern dish. we call them hush puppies

    1. Thank you for sharing that great memory Sandra :) and happy you like the look of Occoquan. Hush puppies are something I enjoy every time we have seafood, though we only get it when we visit the seaside.

  9. Hello Denise,
    What a lovely town, a nice restaurant and food looks delicious. The plant is new to me. Take care, enjoy your day and have a happy Easter weekend.

    1. Happy you enjoyed Eileen. Thank you and you have a Happy Easter Weekend also :)

  10. How lovely to browse in such an attractive town. Thank you for the historical links, too.

    1. You are very welcome Janice :) Thank you, I am happy you enjoyed it.

  11. La comida es suculenta y cuando te pasas de la hora que normalmente se almuerza, se tiende a comer más.Menos mal que se queman calorías, con los recorridos que se hace, de las ciudades que vamos visitando.
    Felices Pascuas.

    1. Sí, gracias a Dios quemamos calorías al caminar. Afortunadamente, la mayor parte del tiempo comemos en casa, nada de fritos. Sonrío porque tratamos de ser buenos y comer alimentos saludables en casa, ¡pero este día fuimos un poco traviesos! Afortunadamente, disfrutamos caminar :) Muchas gracias por tu comentario, lo aprecié mucho.

  12. Looks like the kind of town I could spend a couple of hours poking around. Did they have a used book store by any chance?

    1. Thanks David and we love a good used bookstore. Unfortunately there are none in the town.

  13. Your meal looked delicious, Yum, Yum.
    Beautiful city, I especially loved the architecture of the houses.
    A very Happy Easter 🐣

    1. Thank you Maria, it was very good :) I am glad you enjoyed the architecture of those homes. I thought they were very pretty! We saw them being built several years ago and said at the time how pretty they were. A Very Happy Easter to you also.

  14. What a cute little town, I would love exploring it, uneven sidewalks and all!

    1. It is and I think you and Barb would enjoy it very much, uneven sidewalks and all, lol! You would probably traverse the place a lot better than I did. I don't get called slowpoke for nothing.

  15. Good tour of an interesting and very clean area. there would be lots to look at.

    1. Thanks Red, always a fun place to look around :)

  16. Such a lovely town! The meal looked really delicious.

  17. Such a beautiful town, thank you for your great photos. The wooden houses are beautiful and the shops invite you to look and buy.
    Please post about your jewelry that you made for the fair in the store earlier.
    Making something by hand is always great.
    Glad you had a good meal. That was a perfect day.
    Thank you very much.
    I wish you and your loved ones a happy Easter.

    1. You are very welcome Viola, so glad you enjoyed this town. Unfortunately I didn't make jewelry for the store, they were wooden Christmas ornaments :) You're right, it's very rewarding making things by hand and I do love to look at jewelry when I am out and about. I had a friend who made jewelry and I used to love what she made. I with you and your loved ones A Very Happy Easter also :)

  18. Loved these photos. Now I really do want to visit.
    Interesting menu board of specials. The St. Patrick's Day eggrolls made me smile.

    1. Great, thank you so much Sandra, happy you enjoyed. I know, I noticed the St. Patrick's Day eggrolls too and had the same smile. Also we are a couple of weeks on from the 17th. They must still be making those eggrolls :)

  19. I enjoyed wandering learning and eating with you today! And look how many others feel exactly the same! Thank you Denise bless you both. Aloha

    1. Now that makes me very happy Cloudia, thank you for the sweet comment :) Bless you too my friend, and Aloha!

  20. Your visit to Occoquan looks so inviting, Denise. It's such a charming place and one that has changed quite a bit over the years. How neat that you sold your ornaments nearby. I'm glad you had such a lovely day!

    1. Wonderful Martha Ellen, so glad you enjoyed :) Yes, I have a bit of a connection through that town that lasted a couple of years. I'll have to go into length about it one day. You have a lovely day also!

  21. The yellow easter bunny is cute....
    I enjoy read your day with this awesome lunch

    and the place that called The Christmas Goose sound interesting. Happy Saturday Denise. Greetings..

    1. Greetings and thank you Mbul Kecil, and welcome to my blog :) It is Sunday now as I am writing this a day later. I hope your Saturday was a very happy one, as is your Sunday :)

  22. Your journey through Occoquan is delightful, Denise.
    Learning about its indigenous roots was fascinating.
    Madigan's seems charming, and your meal choice sounds delicious.

    Hugs and blessings

    1. Hello Veronica Lee, I am glad you thought so, and that you enjoyed the history. Hugs and blessings to you also :) and thank you!

  23. I love that you do road trips together. Though Rick has many wonderful qualities, I miss the fact that he's not big on road trips (unless he's on a bike) so I do most of my exploring on my own. It's fun to have a journey partner!

    1. Thank you Jeanie, we have different interests but as far as seeing local sights, we are very similar. We do love road trips and hope to go on one later a little further afield. We are keeping our fingers crossed :)

  24. It is, I think you and Bob would enjoy it :)

  25. Thank you for the walk around town Denise. I enjoyed reading about the history and indigenous people of the area.

    1. You are very welcome Beverley :) So glad you enjoyed.

  26. Hello Denise :=)
    The historic town of Occoquan is charming. I like the architecture of the houses, the shop fronts, and like the look of the restaurant and boutique. Your meal looks delicious and I could easily spend some time exploring this lovely area.
    All the best


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